- (One who shall say), “I will not look at the two worlds until I see to whom these two assembly-places (really) belong.
- من نخواهم در دو عالم بنگریست ** تا نبینم این دو مجلس آن کیست
- If I eat bread without the view of God's attributes, it will stick in my throat.”
- بیتماشای صفتهای خدا ** گر خورم نان در گلو ماند مرا
- How should a morsel digest without the sight of Him, without the view of His roses and rose-garden? 3080
- چون گوارد لقمه بیدیدار او ** بیتماشای گل و گلزار او
- Save in hope of God, who but an ox or ass would for one moment partake of this food and drink?
- جز بر امید خدا زین آب خور ** کی خورد یک لحظه الا گاو و خر
- (Who but) he that was like the cattle, nay, more lost?—though (indeed) that stinkard is full of cunning.
- آن که کالانعام بد بل هم اضل ** گر چه پر مکر است آن گنده بغل
- His cunning went headlong (to ruin), and he went headlong: he passed a little while, and his day set.
- مکر او سر زیر و او سر زیر شد ** روزگاری برد و روزش دیر شد
- His brain became dull, his mind doting: his life is gone—and like (the letter) alif he hath nothing.
- فکرگاهش کند شد عقلش خرف ** عمر شد چیزی ندارد چون الف
- (As for) his saying, “I am thinking about it”—that too is only (part) of the deceit of the fleshly soul; 3085
- آن چه میگوید در این اندیشهام ** آن هم از دستان آن نفس است هم
- And (as for) his saying, “He (God) is forgiving and merciful” —that is naught but a trick of the villainous flesh.
- و انچه میگوید غفور است و رحیم ** نیست آن جز حیلهی نفس لئیم
- O thou that art dead with anxiety because thy hands are empty of bread, what is this fear, since He is forgiving and merciful?
- ای ز غم مرده که دست از نان تهی است ** چون غفور است و رحیم این ترس چیست
- How an old man complained of his ailments to a doctor, and how the doctor answered him.
- شکایت گفتن پیر مردی به طبیب از رنجوریها و جواب گفتن طبیب او را
- An old man said to a doctor, “I am in torment because of my brain.”
- گفت پیری مر طبیبی را که من ** در زحیرم از دماغ خویشتن
- The doctor replied, “That weakness of brain is from age.” Said the old man, “There are spots of darkness on my eyes.”
- گفت از پیری است آن ضعف دماغ ** گفت بر چشمم ز ظلمت هست داغ
- “It is from age, O ancient Shaykh,” said the doctor. “Awful pain comes in my back,” said he. 3090
- گفت از پیری است ای شیخ قدیم ** گفت پشتم درد میآید عظیم
- “It is from age, O emaciated Shaykh” said the doctor. “Whatever I eat,” said he, “is not digested.”
- گفت از پیری است ای شیخ نزار ** گفت هر چه میخورم نبود گوار
- The doctor replied, “Weakness of stomach also is (the result) of age.” Said he, “When I breathe, respiration is hard for me.”
- گفت ضعف معده هم از پیری است ** گفت وقت دم مرا دم گیری است
- “Yes,” he said, “it is asthma*; when old age arrives, two hundred diseases come on.”
- گفت آری انقطاع دم بود ** چون رسد پیری دو صد علت شود
- “O fool,” he exclaimed, “you have stuck at this: this is all that you have learned of medicine.
- گفت ای احمق بر این بر دوختی ** از طبیبی تو همین آموختی
- O crack-brained man, your intellect has not given you this knowledge, that God hath appointed a remedy for every pain. 3095
- ای مدمغ عقلت این دانش نداد ** که خدا هر رنج را درمان نهاد
- You, stupid ass, from poorness of ability have remained (fallen) on the ground for want of a sufficient foothold.”
- تو خر احمق ز اندک مایگی ** بر زمین ماندی ز کوتهپایگی
- Then the doctor said to him, “O sexagenarian, this anger and this choler are also from old age.
- پس طبیبش گفت ای عمر تو شصت ** این غضب وین خشم هم از پیری است
- Since all the functions and parts (of your body) are atrophied, your self-control and patience have become weak.”
- چون همه اوصاف و اجزا شد نحیف ** خویشتنداری و صبرت شد ضعیف
- He (an old man) cannot endure two words, he cries out thereat; he cannot retain one draught, he vomits (it)—
- بر نتابد دو سخن زو هی کند ** تاب یک جرعه ندارد قی کند
- Except, to be sure, the Ancient (Pír) that is drunken with God, and in whose inward being there is “a goodly life.” 3100
- جز مگر پیری که از حق است مست ** در درون او حیات طیبه است
- Outwardly he is old, but within he is young. What thing, verily, is he? He is the saint and the prophet.
- از برون پیر است و در باطن صبی ** خود چه چیز است آن ولی و آن نبی
- If they are not manifest to the good and the evil (alike), what is this envy which the worthless bear against them?
- گر نه پیدایند پیش نیک و بد ** چیست با ایشان خسان را این حسد