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  • The Messiah (Jesus) brings the dead to life, and the Jew tears his moustache in wrath.
  • آن مسیحا مرده زنده می‏کند ** و آن جهود از خشم سبلت می‏کند
  • Does the dog's bark ever reach the moon's ear, especially that Moon who is the chosen of God?
  • بانگ سگ هرگز رسد در گوش ماه ** خاصه ماهی کاو بود خاص اله‏
  • The king drinks wine on the bank of the stream till dawn, and in listening to the music is unaware of the croaking of the frogs.
  • می‏خورد شه بر لب جو تا سحر ** در سماع از بانگ چغزان بی‏خبر
  • The division of (the money due to) the boy (amongst the creditors) would have been (only a few dángs (for each to pay); (but) the Shaykh's (spiritual) influence stopped that generosity,
  • هم شدی توزیع کودک دانگ چند ** همت شیخ آن سخا را کرد بند
  • So that no one should give the boy anything: the power of the Pírs is even greater than this. 425
  • تا کسی ندهد به کودک هیچ چیز ** قوت پیران از این بیش است نیز
  • (When) it was (time for) afternoon prayers, a servant came with a tray in his hand from one like Hátim,
  • شد نماز دیگر آمد خادمی ** یک طبق بر کف ز پیش حاتمی‏
  • A man of property and condition: he sent it as a present to the Pír (Shaykh), for he knew about him.
  • صاحب مالی و حالی پیش پیر ** هدیه بفرستاد کز وی بد خبیر
  • (There were) four hundred dinars, and in a corner of the tray another half-dinar in a piece of paper.
  • چار صد دینار بر گوشه‏ی طبق ** نیم دینار دگر اندر ورق‏
  • The servant advanced and did honour to the Shaykh, and laid the tray before the peerless Shaykh.
  • خادم آمد شیخ را اکرام کرد ** و آن طبق بنهاد پیش شیخ فرد
  • When he (the Shaykh) uncovered the face of the tray, the people beheld the miracle (manifested) from him. 430
  • چون طبق را از غطا واکرد رو ** خلق دیدند آن کرامت را از او
  • Immediately cries of sorrow and lamentation arose from all —“O head of the Shaykhs and (spiritual) kings, what was (the meaning of) this?
  • آه و افغان از همه برخاست زود ** کای سر شیخان و شاهان این چه بود
  • What secret is this? Once more, what sovereignty is this, O lord of the lords of mystery?
  • این چه سر است این چه سلطانی است باز ** ای خداوند خداوندان راز
  • We knew not. Pardon us. Very deranged were the words that went out from us.
  • ما ندانستیم ما را عفو کن ** بس پراکنده که رفت از ما سخن‏
  • We who blindly brandish staffs cannot help breaking lamps.
  • ما که کورانه عصاها می‏زنیم ** لاجرم قندیلها را بشکنیم‏
  • We, like deaf men, without having heard a single thing spoken (to us), are answering idly from our own surmise. 435
  • ما چو کران ناشنیده یک خطاب ** هرزه گویان از قیاس خود جواب‏
  • We have not taken warning from Moses, who was made shamefaced by disbelief in a Khizr,
  • ما ز موسی پند نگرفتیم کاو ** گشت از انکار خضری زرد رو
  • Notwithstanding (that he had) an eye that sped aloft, and the light of his eye was piercing heaven.
  • با چنان چشمی که بالا می‏شتافت ** نور چشمش آسمان را می‏شکافت‏
  • O Moses (of this age), through foolishness the eye of a mill-mouse has fanatically set itself against thine eye.”
  • کرده با چشمت تعصب موسیا ** از حماقت چشم موش آسیا
  • The Shaykh said, “I forgive all that talk and palaver: it is lawful to you.
  • شیخ فرمود آن همه گفتار و قال ** من بحل کردم شما را آن حلال‏
  • The secret of this (matter) was that I besought God: consequently He showed me the right way, 440
  • سر این آن بود کز حق خواستم ** لاجرم بنمود راه راستم‏
  • And said, ‘Though that dinar is little, yet (the payment of) it is dependent on the boy's outcry.
  • گفت آن دینار اگر چه اندک است ** لیک موقوف غریو کودک است‏
  • Until the halwá-selling boy weeps, the sea of (My) mercy is not aroused’.”
  • تا نگرید کودک حلوا فروش ** بحر رحمت در نمی‏آید به جوش‏
  • O brother, the child (boy) is the child (pupil) of your eye: know surely that (the gaining of) your desire is dependent on (tears of) distress.
  • ای برادر طفل طفل چشم تست ** کام خود موقوف زاری دان درست‏
  • If you wish that that robe of honour (which you desire) should come (to you), then make the child (pupil) of your eye weep over your body.
  • گر همی‏خواهی که آن خلعت رسد ** پس بگریان طفل دیده بر جسد
  • How a certain person frightened an ascetic, saying, “Weep little, lest thou become blind.”
  • ترسانیدن شخصی زاهد را که کم گری تا کور نشوی
  • A comrade in the work (of religion) said to an ascetic, “Weep little, lest thine eye come to harm.” 445
  • زاهدی را گفت یاری در عمل ** کم گری تا چشم را ناید خلل‏