- The secret of this (matter) was that I besought God: consequently He showed me the right way, 440
- سر این آن بود کز حق خواستم ** لاجرم بنمود راه راستم
- And said, ‘Though that dinar is little, yet (the payment of) it is dependent on the boy's outcry.
- گفت آن دینار اگر چه اندک است ** لیک موقوف غریو کودک است
- Until the halwá-selling boy weeps, the sea of (My) mercy is not aroused’.”
- تا نگرید کودک حلوا فروش ** بحر رحمت در نمیآید به جوش
- O brother, the child (boy) is the child (pupil) of your eye: know surely that (the gaining of) your desire is dependent on (tears of) distress.
- ای برادر طفل طفل چشم تست ** کام خود موقوف زاری دان درست
- If you wish that that robe of honour (which you desire) should come (to you), then make the child (pupil) of your eye weep over your body.
- گر همیخواهی که آن خلعت رسد ** پس بگریان طفل دیده بر جسد
- How a certain person frightened an ascetic, saying, “Weep little, lest thou become blind.”
- ترسانیدن شخصی زاهد را که کم گری تا کور نشوی
- A comrade in the work (of religion) said to an ascetic, “Weep little, lest thine eye come to harm.” 445
- زاهدی را گفت یاری در عمل ** کم گری تا چشم را ناید خلل
- The ascetic said, “The case is not outside of (admits only) two (alternatives): the eye will see, or it will not see, that (Divine) Beauty.
- گفت زاهد از دو بیرون نیست حال ** چشم بیند یا نبیند آن جمال
- If it see the Light of God, what is there to grieve about? How little are two eyes (to him that is) in union with God!
- گر ببیند نور حق خود چه غم است ** در وصال حق دو دیده چه کم است
- And if it shall not see God, let it go! Let such a miserable eye become blind!”
- ور نخواهد دید حق را گو برو ** این چنین چشم شقی گو کور شو
- Do not grieve for your eye when that Jesus is yours; do not go to the left (but to the right), that he may give you two right (sound) eyes.
- غم مخور از دیده کان عیسی تراست ** چپ مرو تا بخشدت دو چشم راست
- The Jesus of your spirit is present with you: beg aid from him, for he is a goodly aider; 450
- عیسی روح تو با تو حاضر است ** نصرت از وی خواه کاو خوش ناصر است
- But do not every moment lay on the heart of (that) Jesus the unprofitable work of (providing for) a body full of bones,
- لیک بیگار تن پر استخوان ** بر دل عیسی منه تو هر زمان
- Like the fool whom we mentioned in the story for the sake of the righteous.
- همچو آن ابله که اندر داستان ** ذکر او کردیم بهر راستان
- Seek not you from your Jesus the life of the body, ask not from your Moses the wish of a Pharaoh.
- زندگی تن مجو از عیسیات ** کام فرعونی مخواه از موسیات
- Burden not your heart with thoughts of livelihood; livelihood will not fail: be (constant in attendance) at the (Divine) Court.
- بر دل خود کم نه اندیشهی معاش ** عیش کم ناید تو بر درگاه باش
- This body is a tent for the spirit, or like an ark for Noah. 455
- این بدن خرگاه آمد روح را ** یا مثال کشتیی مر نوح را
- When the Turcoman is there, he will find a tent, especially when he is one held in honour at the Court (of God).
- ترک چون باشد بیابد خرگهی ** خاصه چون باشد عزیز درگهی
- Conclusion of the story of the coming to life of the bones at the prayer of Jesus, on whom be peace!
- تمامی قصهی زنده شدن استخوانها به دعای عیسی علیه السلام
- Jesus pronounced the Name of God over the bones on account of the young man’s entreaty.
- خواند عیسی نام حق بر استخوان ** از برای التماس آن جوان
- For the sake of that foolish man the decree of God gave life to the form which those bones had possessed.
- حکم یزدان از پی آن خام مرد ** صورت آن استخوان را زنده کرد
- A black lion sprang forth, smote once with its paw, and destroyed his (bodily) image.
- از میان بر جست یک شیر سیاه ** پنجهای زد کرد نقشش را تباه
- It tore up his skull: his brain was scattered on the spot-the brain (kernel) of a nut, for in him was no brain. 460
- کلهاش بر کند مغزش ریخت زود ** مغز جوزی کاندر او مغزی نبود
- If he had had a brain, his being broken to pieces would have been no injury at all except to his body.
- گر و را مغزی بدی اشکستنش ** خود نبودی نقص الا بر تنش
- Jesus said (to the lion), “How did you maul him so quickly?” The lion said, “Because thou wert troubled by him.”
- گفت عیسی چون شتابش کوفتی ** گفت ز آن رو که تو زو آشوفتی
- Jesus asked, “How did not you drink the man’s blood?” “In the (Divine) dispensation ‘twas not granted to me to drink (it),” replied the lion.
- گفت عیسی چون نخوردی خون مرد ** گفت در قسمت نبودم رزق خورد
- Oh, many a one that like that raging lion has departed from the world without having eaten his prey!
- ای بسا کس همچو آن شیر ژیان ** صید خود ناخورده رفته از جهان