He is stroking me like this so boldly because in this (dark) night he thinks I am the ox.”
این چنین گستاخ ز آن میخاردم ** کاو درین شب گاو میپنداردم
God is saying, “O blind dupe, did not Túr (Sinai) fall in pieces at My Name?
حق همیگوید که ای مغرور کور ** نه ز نامم پاره پاره گشت طور
For if We had sent down (revealed) a Book to the mountain, it would have been riven asunder, then cut to pieces, and then it would have departed (disappeared).
که لو انزلنا کتابا للجبل ** لانصدع ثم انقطع ثم ارتحل
If Mount Uhud had been acquainted with Me, it would have been shivered to pieces and its heart would have been filled with blood.”510
از من ار کوه احد واقف بدی ** پاره گشتی و دلش پر خون شدی
You have heard this from your father and mother; in consequence you have embraced it thoughtlessly.
از پدر وز مادر این بشنیدهای ** لاجرم غافل در این پیچیدهای
If you become acquainted with this without blind imitation, by (His) grace you will become immaterial, like a voice from Heaven.
گر تو بیتقلید از این واقف شوی ** بینشان از لطف چون هاتف شوی
Hear this (following) story as a deterrent, in order that you may know the banefulness of blind imitation.
بشنو این قصه پی تهدید را ** تا بدانی آفت تقلید را
How the Súfís sold the traveller's beast (to pay) for the (expenses of the) mystic dance.
فروختن صوفیان بهیمهی مسافر را جهت سماع
A Súfí, after journeying, arrived at a monastery (for Súfís); he took his mount and led it to the stable.
صوفیی در خانقاه از ره رسید ** مرکب خود برد و در آخر کشید
With his own hand he gave it a little water and some fodder: (he was) not such a Súfí as the one we told of before.515
آب کش داد و علف از دست خویش ** نه چنان صوفی که ما گفتیم پیش
He took precaution for it against neglect and craziness, (but) when the (Divine) destiny comes to pass, of what avail is precaution?
احتیاطش کرد از سهو و خباط ** چون قضا آید چه سود است احتیاط
The Súfís were destitute and poor: poverty almost comprises an infidelity that brings (the soul) to perdition.
صوفیان در جوع بودند و فقیر ** کاد فقر أن یعی کفرا یبیر
O thou rich man who art full fed, beware of laughing at the unrighteousness of the suffering poor.
ای توانگر که تو سیری هین مخند ** بر کجی آن فقیر دردمند