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  • And He hath (also) created qualities (which are only) accidental, so that a hated person becomes acceptable. 2910
  • و آفرید او وصفهای عارضی ** که کسی مبغوض می‌گردد رضی
  • If you bid a stone become gold, ’tis futile; (but) if you bid copper become gold, the way (of transmuting it) exists.
  • سنگ را گویی که زر شو بیهده‌ست ** مس را گویی که زر شو راه هست
  • If you bid sand become clay, it is incapable (of doing so); (but) if you bid earth become clay, that is possible.
  • ریگ را گویی که گل شو عاجزست ** خاک را گویی که گل شو جایزست
  • He hath given (ordained to us) maladies for which there is no remedy, such as lameness, flatness of the nose, and blindness;
  • رنجها دادست کان را چاره نیست ** آن بمثل لنگی و فطس و عمیست
  • He hath given maladies for which there is a remedy, such as facial paralysis and headache.
  • رنجها دادست کان را چاره هست ** آن بمثل لقوه و درد سرست
  • These medicines He hath made for the sake of (restoring) harmony: these maladies and medicines are not in vain. 2915
  • این دواها ساخت بهر ایتلاف ** نیست این درد و دواها از گزاف
  • Nay, most maladies have a cure: when you seek in earnest, it will come to hand.”
  • بلک اغلب رنجها را چاره هست ** چون بجد جویی بیاید آن بدست
  • How the infidels repeated the Necessitarian arguments.
  • مکرر کردن کافران حجتهای جبریانه را
  • The people said, “O company (of prophets), this malady of ours is not one of those that admit of cure.
  • قوم گفتند ای گروه این رنج ما ** نیست زان رنجی که بپذیرد دوا
  • For years ye uttered spells and admonitions of this kind, and by them our bondage was made sorer every moment.
  • سالها گفتید زین افسون و پند ** سخت‌تر می‌گشت زان هر لحظه بند
  • If this disease were susceptible of cure, some particle of it would at last have been removed.
  • گر دوا را این مرض قابل بدی ** آخر از وی ذره‌ای زایل شدی
  • When hepatitis occurs, water does not enter the liver: if he (the patient) should drink up the (whole) sea, it (the water) would go somewhere else; 2920
  • سده چون شد آب ناید در جگر ** گر خورد دریا رود جایی دگر
  • Consequently the hands and feet become swollen: that water-drinking does not defeat the thirst.”
  • لاجرم آماس گیرد دست و پا ** تشنگی را نشکند آن استقا
  • How the prophets, on whom be peace, answered them again.
  • باز جواب انبیا علیهم السلام ایشان را
  • The prophets said, “Despair is wicked: the grace and the mercies of the Creator are infinite.
  • انبیا گفتند نومیدی بدست ** فضل و رحمتهای باری بی‌حدست
  • ’Tis not proper to despair of such a Benefactor: cling to the saddle-strap of this Mercy.
  • از چنین محسن نشاید ناامید ** دست در فتراک این رحمت زنید
  • Oh, many a plight became hard in the beginning, (but) afterwards it was relieved, and the hardship passed away.
  • ای بسا کارا که اول صعب گشت ** بعد از آن بگشاده شد سختی گذشت
  • After despair there are many hopes; after darkness there are many suns. 2925
  • بعد نومیدی بسی اومیدهاست ** از پس ظلمت بسی خورشیدهاست
  • I grant indeed that ye have become stony and have put locks upon your ears and hearts;
  • خود گرفتم که شما سنگین شدیت ** قفلها بر گوش و بر دل بر زدیت
  • (But) we have naught to do with any acceptance (on your part): our business is to resign ourselves (to God) and fulfil His command.
  • هیچ ما را با قبولی کار نیست ** کار ما تسلیم و فرمان کردنیست
  • He hath commanded us (to perform) this service: we have not this office of proclaimer (prophetship) from ourselves.
  • او بفرمودستمان این بندگی ** نیست ما را از خود این گویندگی
  • We possess life (only) for the purpose of (executing) the command of God: if He bid us (sow) in a tract of sand, we sow.
  • جان برای امر او داریم ما ** گر به ریگی گوید او کاریم ما
  • The prophet's soul hath no friend except God: he hath naught to do with the acceptance or rejection of (his message by) the people. 2930
  • غیر حق جان نبی را یار نیست ** با قبول و رد خلقش کار نیست
  • The reward for delivering His messages comes from Him (God): we have become hateful and wear the aspect of enemies (to the people) for the Beloved's sake.
  • مزد تبلیغ رسالاتش ازوست ** زشت و دشمن‌رو شدیم از بهر دوست
  • At this (Divine) Portal we are not weary, so that we should halt everywhere because of the distance of the way.
  • ما برین درگه ملولان نیستیم ** تا ز بعد راه هر جا بیستیم
  • Oppressed in heart and weary is that one (alone) who is in prison through being parted from the Friend.
  • دل فرو بسته و ملول آنکس بود ** کز فراق یار در محبس بود
  • The Heart-ravisher and Desired One is present with us: amidst the largesse of His mercy our souls are giving thanks.
  • دلبر و مطلوب با ما حاضرست ** در نثار رحمتش جان شاکرست