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  • Those seekers approached the sandhills: after a short while they saw ’twas even so:
  • سوی کثبان آمدند آن طالبان ** بعد یکساعت بدیدند آنچنان
  • A negro slave was going with a camel, the water-skin filled with water, like one bearing a gift.
  • بنده‌ای می‌شد سیه با اشتری ** راویه پر آب چون هدیه‌بری
  • Then they said to him, “The Pride of mankind, the Best of created beings, invites thee (to come) in this direction.” 3140
  • پس بدو گفتند می‌خواند ترا ** این طرف فخر البشر خیر الوری
  • He said, “I do not know him: who is he?” He (the spokesman) said, “He is that moon-faced sweet-natured one.”
  • گفت من نشناسم او را کیست او ** گفت او آن ماه‌روی قندخو
  • They described to him the diverse qualities which exist (in the Prophet): he said, “Belike he is that poet (wizard)
  • نوعها تعریف کردندش که هست ** گفت مانا او مگر آن شاعرست
  • Who subdued a multitude by magic: I will not come half a span towards him.”
  • که گروهی را زبون کرد او بسحر ** من نیایم جانب او نیم شبر
  • Dragging him along, they brought him thither: he raised an outcry in revilement and heat (of anger).
  • کش‌کشانش آوریدند آن طرف ** او فغان برداشت در تشنیع و تف
  • When they dragged him before that venerable one, he (the Prophet) said, “Drink ye the water and carry it away withal.” 3145
  • چون کشیدندش به پیش آن عزیز ** گفت نوشید آب و بردارید نیز
  • He satisfied the thirst of them all from that water-skin: the camels and every person drank of that water.
  • جمله را زان مشک او سیراب کرد ** اشتران و هر کسی زان آب خورد
  • From his (the negro's) water-skin he filled large and small water-skins: from jealousy of him the clouds in the sky were distraught.
  • راویه پر کرد و مشک از مشک او ** ابر گردون خیره ماند از رشک او
  • Has any one seen (such a wonder as) this, that the burning glow of so many Hells (of thirst) should be cooled by a single water-skin?
  • این کسی دیدست کز یک راویه ** سرد گردد سوز چندان هاویه
  • Has any one seen (such a wonder as) this, that all these water-skins were filled from a single water-skin without trouble?
  • این کسی دیدست کز یک مشک آب ** گشت چندین مشک پر بی اضطراب
  • The water-skin itself was a veil, and (in reality) at his (the Prophet's) command the waves of (Divine) bounty were coming (to them) from the Sea of origin. 3150
  • مشک خود روپوش بود و موج فضل ** می‌رسید از امر او از بحر اصل
  • “Water by boiling is converted into air, and that air by cold is turned into water.”
  • آب از جوشش همی‌گردد هوا ** و آن هوا گردد ز سردی آبها
  • Nay, (it is not so); without cause and beyond these maxims of (natural) philosophy the (Divine) act of bringing into existence produced the water from non-existence.
  • بلک بی علت و بیرون زین حکم ** آب رویانید تکوین از عدم
  • Inasmuch as you have observed (secondary) causes from your childhood, through ignorance you have stuck to the (secondary) cause.
  • تو ز طفلی چون سببها دیده‌ای ** در سبب از جهل بر چفسیده‌ای
  • (Being occupied) with causes you are forgetful of the Causer: hence you are inclining towards these veils.
  • با سببها از مسبب غافلی ** سوی این روپوشها زان مایلی
  • When (all secondary) causes are gone, you will beat your head and cry many a time, “O our Lord! O our Lord!” 3155
  • چون سببها رفت بر سر می‌زنی ** ربنا و ربناها می‌کنی
  • The Lord will say, “Betake thyself to the (secondary) cause! How hast thou remembered My work? Oh, wonderful!”
  • رب می‌گوید برو سوی سبب ** چون ز صنعم یاد کردی ای عجب
  • He (the believer in secondary causes) says, “Henceforth I will behold Thee entirely: I will not look towards the cause and that deception (by which I was led astray).”
  • گفت زین پس من ترا بینم همه ** ننگرم سوی سبب و آن دمدمه
  • He (God) will reply to him, “Thy case is (described in the text), ‘(If) they were sent back (to the world), they would surely return (to what they were forbidden to do),’ O thou who art weak in thy repentance and covenant;
  • گویدش ردوا لعادوا کار تست ** ای تو اندر توبه و میثاق سست
  • But I will not regard that, I will show mercy: My mercy is abounding, I will be intent on mercy.
  • لیک من آن ننگرم رحمت کنم ** رحمتم پرست بر رحمت تنم
  • I will not regard thy bad promise, I from loving kindness will bestow the gift at this (very) moment, since thou art calling unto Me.” 3160
  • ننگرم عهد بدت بدهم عطا ** از کرم این دم چو می‌خوانی مرا
  • The (people of the) caravan were amazed at his (the Prophet's) deed. (They cried), “O Mohammed, O thou that hast the nature of the Sea, what is this?
  • قافله حیران شد اندر کار او ** یا محمد چیست این ای بحر خو
  • Thou hast made a small water-skin a veil (a means of disguise): thou hast drowned (abundantly satisfied the thirst of) both Arabs and Kurds.”
  • کرده‌ای روپوش مشک خرد را ** غرقه کردی هم عرب هم کرد را
  • How he (the Prophet) miraculously filled the slave's water-skin with water from the Unseen World and made the face of that negro slave white by permission of God most High.
  • مشک آن غلام ازغیب پر آب کردن بمعجزه و آن غلام سیاه را سپیدرو کردن باذن الله تعالی