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  • The second sort have attained unto (the nature of) asses: they have become pure anger and absolute lust.
  • قسم دیگر با خران ملحق شدند ** خشم محض و شهوت مطلق شدند
  • The qualities of Gabriel were in them and departed: that house was (too) narrow, and those qualities (too) grand. 1510
  • وصف جبریلی دریشان بود رفت ** تنگ بود آن خانه و آن وصف زفت
  • The person who is deprived of (the vital) spirit becomes dead: when his spirit is deprived of those (angelic qualities), he becomes an ass,
  • مرده گردد شخص کو بی‌جان شود ** خر شود چون جان او بی‌آن شود
  • Because the spirit that hath not those (qualities) is vile: this word is true, and the (perfect) Súfí has said (it).
  • زانک جانی کان ندارد هست پست ** این سخن حقست و صوفی گفته است
  • He (the man of animal nature) suffers more anxiety than the beasts, (for) he practises subtle arts in the world.
  • او ز حیوانها فزون‌تر جان کند ** در جهان باریک کاریها کند
  • The cunning and imposture which he knows how to spin— that (cunning) is not produced by any other animal.
  • مکر و تلبیسی که او داند تنید ** آن ز حیوان دیگر ناید پدید
  • To weave gold-embroidered robes, to win pearls from the bottom of the sea, 1515
  • جامه‌های زرکشی را بافتن ** درها از قعر دریا یافتن
  • The fine artifices of geometry or astronomy, and the science of medicine and philosophy—
  • خرده‌کاریهای علم هندسه ** یا نجوم و علم طب و فلسفه
  • Which are connected only with this world and have no way (of mounting) up to the Seventh Heaven—
  • که تعلق با همین دنیاستش ** ره به هفتم آسمان بر نیستش
  • All this is the science of building the (worldly) stable which is the pillar (basis) of the existence of (persons like) the ox and the camel.
  • این همه علم بنای آخرست ** که عماد بود گاو و اشترست
  • For the sake of preserving the animal for a few days, these crazy fools have given to those (arts and sciences) the name of “mysteries.”
  • بهر استبقای حیوان چند روز ** نام آن کردند این گیجان رموز
  • The knowledge of the Way to God and the knowledge of His dwelling place—that only the owner of the heart knows, or (you may say) his heart (itself). 1520
  • علم راه حق و علم منزلش ** صاحب دل داند آن را با دلش
  • He (God), then, created in this composite fashion the goodly animal and made him familiar with knowledge.
  • پس درین ترکیب حیوان لطیف ** آفرید و کرد با دانش الیف
  • That (bestial) class (of men) He named “like the cattle,” for where is the resemblance between waking and sleep?
  • نام کالانعام کرد آن قوم را ** زانک نسبت کو بیقظه نوم را
  • The animal spirit hath naught but sleep (ignorance): the (bestial) class of men possess inverted sense-perceptions.
  • روح حیوانی ندارد غیر نوم ** حسهای منعکس دارند قوم
  • (When) waking comes, the animal sleep is no more, and he (the enlightened man) reads the (former) inversion of his senses from the tablet (of his clairvoyant consciousness)—
  • یقظه آمد نوم حیوانی نماند ** انعکاس حس خود از لوح خواند
  • Like the sense-perceptions of one whom sleep has seized: when he awakes, the inverted quality (of his sense-perceptions whilst he was dreaming) becomes apparent. 1525
  • هم‌چو حس آنک خواب او را ربود ** چون شد او بیدار عکسیت نمود
  • Necessarily, he (the bestial man) is the lowest of the low. Take leave of him: I love not them that sink.
  • لاجرم اسفل بود از سافلین ** ترک او کن لا احب الافلین
  • In exposition of the following Verse: "and as for those in whose hearts is a disease, it (each new Súra of the Qur’án) added unto their uncleanness (wicked unbelief)"; and of His Word: "thereby He letteth many be led astray, and thereby He letteth many be guided aright."
  • در تفسیر این آیت کی و اما الذین فی قلوبهم مرض فزادتهم رجسا و قوله یضل به کثیرا و یهدی به کثیرا
  • (The bestial man is the lowest of the low) because he possessed the capacity for transforming himself and striving (to escape) from lowness, but (afterwards) lost it.
  • زانک استعداد تبدیل و نبرد ** بودش از پستی و آن را فوت کرد
  • Again, since the animal does not possess (that) capacity, its excusability (for remaining) in the bestial state is a thing (most) evident.
  • باز حیوان را چو استعداد نیست ** عذر او اندر بهیمی روشنیست
  • When the capacity, which is the guide (to salvation), is gone from him, every nutriment that he eats is the brain of an ass.
  • زو چو استعداد شد کان رهبرست ** هر غذایی کو خورد مغز خرست
  • If he eats anacardium, it becomes (acts upon him as) opium: his apoplexy and dementia are increased. 1530
  • گر بلادر خورد او افیون شود ** سکته و بی‌عقلیش افزون شود
  • There remains another sort (of men: they are engaged) in warfare: (they are) half animal, half (spiritually) alive and endowed with good guidance.
  • ماند یک قسم دگر اندر جهاد ** نیم حیوان نیم حی با رشاد
  • Day and night in strife and mutual struggle, his (such a one's) last (state) battles with his first.
  • روز و شب در جنگ و اندر کش‌مکش ** کرده چالیش آخرش با اولش
  • The battle of the reason against the flesh is like the contention of Majnún with his she camel: Majnún's inclination is towards the noble woman (Laylá), while the she camel's inclination is (to go) back towards her foal, as Majnún said (in verse): "My she-camel's love is behind me, while my love is in front of me; and verily I and she are discordant."
  • چالیش عقل با نفس هم چون تنازع مجنون با ناقه میل مجنون سوی حره میل ناقه واپس سوی کره چنانک گفت مجنون هوا ناقتی خلفی و قدامی الهوی و انی و ایاها لمختلفان
  • Assuredly they (the reason and the flesh) are like Majnún and his she-camel: that one is pulling forward and this one backward in (mutual) enmity.
  • هم‌چو مجنون‌اند و چون ناقه‌ش یقین ** می‌کشد آن پیش و این واپس به کین