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  • To the end that both these attributes may be displayed, and the former be hope-inspiring and the latter deterrent.’
  • The woman, too, had committed this wickedness many times: it passed lightly (over her) and seemed light to her.
  • The feeble intelligence (which she had) was unaware that the pitcher does not for ever come (back) whole from the brook.
  • That (Divine) destiny brought her to such straits as sudden death does (in the case of) the (religious) hypocrite,
  • (When there is) neither way (of escape) nor comrade (to help) nor (hope of) quarter, (and when) the Angel (of Death) has put out his hand to (seize) the soul. 175
  • (Such is the state of the hypocrite), even as this woman in that chamber of iniquity was paralysed, she and her companion, by the tribulation.
  • The Súfí said to himself, ‘O ye two miscreants, I will take vengeance on you, but with patience.
  • (I will not act in haste) but at this moment I will feign ignorance, that every ear may not hear this bell.’
  • He (God) who manifests the right takes vengeance on you secretly, little by little, like the malady of phthisis.
  • The man suffering from phthisis dwindles incessantly like ice, but at every moment he thinks he is better. 180
  • (He is) like the hyena which they (the hunters) are catching, and which is duped by their saying, ‘Where is this hyena?’
  • That woman had no secret room; she had no subterranean cellar or passage, no way to the top (of the house),
  • No oven where he (her lover) might be concealed, nor any sack that might be a screen for him.
  • ’Twas like the broad plain of Resurrection Day—no hollow or hillock or place of refuge.
  • God hath described this distressful place, (which is) for the scene of the (Last) Congregation, (in the words) thou wilt not see therein any unevenness. 185
  • How the wife, for the sake of imposition, hid the beloved one under her chádar and offered a false excuse, "for verily, great is the cunning of you (women)."
  • She quickly threw her chádar upon him: she made the man a woman and opened the door.
  • Beneath the chádar the man was exposed to view and clearly seen—very conspicuous, like a camel on a staircase.
  • She said, ‘’Tis a lady, one of the notables of the town: she has her share of wealth and fortune.
  • I bolted the door, lest any stranger should come in suddenly unawares.’
  • The Súfí said, ‘Oh, what service is there (to be done) for her, that I may perform it without (expecting) any thanks or favour (in return)?’ 190
  • She (the wife) said, ‘Her desire is kinship and alliance (with us): she is an excellent lady, God knows who she is.
  • She wished to see our daughter privily; (but) as it happens, the girl is at school;
  • (So) then she said, Whether she (the daughter) be flour or bran, with (all my) soul and heart I will make her (my son's) bride.
  • She has a son, who is not in the town: he is handsome and clever, an active lad and one that earns a living.’
  • The Súfí said, ‘We are poor and wretched and inferior (in station); this lady's family are rich and respected. 195