When you eat once of the light you will pour earth over the (material) bread and oven.
چون خوری یکبار از ماکول نور ** خاک ریزی بر سر نان و تنور
Intelligence consists of two intelligences; the former is the acquired one which you learn, like a boy at school,1960
عقل دو عقلست اول مکسبی ** که در آموزی چو در مکتب صبی
From book and teacher and reflexion and (committing to) memory, and from concepts, and from excellent and virgin (hitherto unstudied) sciences.
از کتاب و اوستاد و فکر و ذکر ** از معانی وز علوم خوب و بکر
(By this means) your intelligence becomes superior to (that of) others; but through preserving (retaining in your mind) that (knowledge) you are heavily burdened.
عقل تو افزون شود بر دیگران ** لیک تو باشی ز حفظ آن گران
You, (occupied) in wandering and going about (in search of knowledge), are a preserving (recording) tablet; the preserved tablet is he that has passed beyond this.
لوح حافظ باشی اندر دور و گشت ** لوح محفوظ اوست کو زین در گذشت
The other intelligence is the gift of God: its fountain is in the midst of the soul.
عقل دیگر بخشش یزدان بود ** چشمهی آن در میان جان بود
When the water of (God-given) knowledge gushes from the breast, it does not become fetid or old or yellow (impure);1965
چون ز سینه آب دانش جوش کرد ** نه شود گنده نه دیرینه نه زرد
And if its way of issue (to outside) be stopped, what harm? for it gushes continually from the house (of the heart).
ور ره نبعش بود بسته چه غم ** کو همیجوشد ز خانه دم به دم
The acquired intelligence is like the conduits which run into a house from the streets:
عقل تحصیلی مثال جویها ** کان رود در خانهای از کویها
(If) its (the house’s) water-way is blocked, it is without any supply (of water) Seek the fountain from within yourself!
راه آبش بسته شد شد بینوا ** از درون خویشتن جو چشمه را
Story that some one was consulting another, who said, "Consult some one else, for I am your enemy."
قصهی آنک کسی به کسی مشورت میکرد گفتش مشورت با دیگری کن کی من عدوی توم
A certain person was consulting some one, that he might be delivered from perplexity and from a quandary.
مشورت میکرد شخصی با کسی ** کز تردد وا ردهد وز محبسی
“O man of good name,” he replied, “seek another, not me, and explain to him the matter for consultation.1970
گفت ای خوشنام غیر من بجو ** ماجرای مشورت با او بگو
I am an enemy to you: do not attach yourself to me; one is never successful (never wins success) from the counsel of an enemy.
من عدوم مر ترا با من مپیچ ** نبود از رای عدو پیروز هیچ
Go, seek one who is a friend to you: undoubtedly a friend seeks (what is) good for his friend.
رو کسی جو که ترا او هست دوست ** دوست بهر دوست لاشک خیرجوست
I am an enemy: it is inevitable that from egoism I should go crookedly (play false) and show enmity towards you.
من عدوم چاره نبود کز منی ** کژ روم با تو نمایم دشمنی
Tis not a (just) condition to demand of a wolf (that he should perform) the task of a watchman (shepherd): to demand (anything) from the wrong place is a negation of the demand.
حارسی از گرگ جستن شرط نیست ** جستن از غیر محل ناجستنیست
Without any doubt I am an enemy to you: how should I show you the way? I am a highwayman.1975
من ترا بیهیچ شکی دشمنم ** من ترا کی ره نمایم ره زنم
Whoever is sitting with friends is amidst a flower-garden (though he be) in a bath-furnace.
هر که باشد همنشین دوستان ** هست در گلخن میان بوستان
Whoever in the world sits with an enemy, he is in a bath-furnace (though he be) in a flower-garden.
هر که با دشمن نشیند در زمن ** هست او در بوستان در گولخن
Vex not your friend by egoism, lest your friend become your adversary and enemy.
دوست را مازار از ما و منت ** تا نگردد دوست خصم و دشمنت
Do good unto the people for your God's sake or for the peace of your own soul,
خیر کن با خلق بهر ایزدت ** یا برای راحت جان خودت
That you may always see (them) friendly in your sight, and that ugly ideas arising from hatred may not come into your heart.1980
تا هماره دوست بینی در نظر ** در دلت ناید ز کین ناخوش صور
Since you have behaved with enmity (towards me), abstain (from consulting me): consult a friend who arouses (your) affection.”