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  • When you eat once of the light you will pour earth over the (material) bread and oven.
  • چون خوری یکبار از ماکول نور ** خاک ریزی بر سر نان و تنور
  • Intelligence consists of two intelligences; the former is the acquired one which you learn, like a boy at school, 1960
  • عقل دو عقلست اول مکسبی ** که در آموزی چو در مکتب صبی
  • From book and teacher and reflexion and (committing to) memory, and from concepts, and from excellent and virgin (hitherto unstudied) sciences.
  • از کتاب و اوستاد و فکر و ذکر ** از معانی وز علوم خوب و بکر
  • (By this means) your intelligence becomes superior to (that of) others; but through preserving (retaining in your mind) that (knowledge) you are heavily burdened.
  • عقل تو افزون شود بر دیگران ** لیک تو باشی ز حفظ آن گران
  • You, (occupied) in wandering and going about (in search of knowledge), are a preserving (recording) tablet; the preserved tablet is he that has passed beyond this.
  • لوح حافظ باشی اندر دور و گشت ** لوح محفوظ اوست کو زین در گذشت
  • The other intelligence is the gift of God: its fountain is in the midst of the soul.
  • عقل دیگر بخشش یزدان بود ** چشمه‌ی آن در میان جان بود
  • When the water of (God-given) knowledge gushes from the breast, it does not become fetid or old or yellow (impure); 1965
  • چون ز سینه آب دانش جوش کرد ** نه شود گنده نه دیرینه نه زرد
  • And if its way of issue (to outside) be stopped, what harm? for it gushes continually from the house (of the heart).
  • ور ره نبعش بود بسته چه غم ** کو همی‌جوشد ز خانه دم به دم
  • The acquired intelligence is like the conduits which run into a house from the streets:
  • عقل تحصیلی مثال جویها ** کان رود در خانه‌ای از کویها
  • (If) its (the house’s) water-way is blocked, it is without any supply (of water) Seek the fountain from within yourself!
  • راه آبش بسته شد شد بی‌نوا ** از درون خویشتن جو چشمه را
  • Story that some one was consulting another, who said, "Consult some one else, for I am your enemy."
  • قصه‌ی آنک کسی به کسی مشورت می‌کرد گفتش مشورت با دیگری کن کی من عدوی توم
  • A certain person was consulting some one, that he might be delivered from perplexity and from a quandary.
  • مشورت می‌کرد شخصی با کسی ** کز تردد وا ردهد وز محبسی
  • “O man of good name,” he replied, “seek another, not me, and explain to him the matter for consultation. 1970
  • گفت ای خوش‌نام غیر من بجو ** ماجرای مشورت با او بگو
  • I am an enemy to you: do not attach yourself to me; one is never successful (never wins success) from the counsel of an enemy.
  • من عدوم مر ترا با من مپیچ ** نبود از رای عدو پیروز هیچ
  • Go, seek one who is a friend to you: undoubtedly a friend seeks (what is) good for his friend.
  • رو کسی جو که ترا او هست دوست ** دوست بهر دوست لاشک خیرجوست
  • I am an enemy: it is inevitable that from egoism I should go crookedly (play false) and show enmity towards you.
  • من عدوم چاره نبود کز منی ** کژ روم با تو نمایم دشمنی
  • Tis not a (just) condition to demand of a wolf (that he should perform) the task of a watchman (shepherd): to demand (anything) from the wrong place is a negation of the demand.
  • حارسی از گرگ جستن شرط نیست ** جستن از غیر محل ناجستنیست
  • Without any doubt I am an enemy to you: how should I show you the way? I am a highwayman. 1975
  • من ترا بی‌هیچ شکی دشمنم ** من ترا کی ره نمایم ره زنم
  • Whoever is sitting with friends is amidst a flower-garden (though he be) in a bath-furnace.
  • هر که باشد همنشین دوستان ** هست در گلخن میان بوستان
  • Whoever in the world sits with an enemy, he is in a bath-furnace (though he be) in a flower-garden.
  • هر که با دشمن نشیند در زمن ** هست او در بوستان در گولخن
  • Vex not your friend by egoism, lest your friend become your adversary and enemy.
  • دوست را مازار از ما و منت ** تا نگردد دوست خصم و دشمنت
  • Do good unto the people for your God's sake or for the peace of your own soul,
  • خیر کن با خلق بهر ایزدت ** یا برای راحت جان خودت
  • That you may always see (them) friendly in your sight, and that ugly ideas arising from hatred may not come into your heart. 1980
  • تا هماره دوست بینی در نظر ** در دلت ناید ز کین ناخوش صور
  • Since you have behaved with enmity (towards me), abstain (from consulting me): consult a friend who arouses (your) affection.”
  • چونک کردی دشمنی پرهیز کن ** مشورت با یار مهرانگیز کن
  • He replied, “I know you, O Bu ’l-Hasan, to be one who has long deemed me an enemy;
  • گفت می‌دانم ترا ای بوالحسن ** که توی دیرینه دشمن‌دار من
  • But you are a reasonable and spiritual man: your reason will not allow you to go crookedly (play false).”
  • لیک مرد عاقلی و معنوی ** عقل تو نگذاردت که کژ روی