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  • The dead (trees and plants) of the orchard spring up from the root, saying, “Perceive the Giver of life!”
  • How should the eyes of these prisoners (of the world) be always (fixed) on (what lies) beyond, if there were no bringer of the good news (of deliverance)?
  • How should there be a hundred thousand befouled ones seeking water, if there were no water in the river?
  • (If) there is no rest for thy side upon the earth, (yet) know that there is a coverlet and mattress at home. 2045
  • Without (there being) a resting-place there would not be the restless (seeker); without (there being) that which takes away the headache of intoxication, there would not be this headache.
  • He (the objector) said, “Nay, nay, O Messenger of God, do not appoint any but an old Shaykh to be chief of the army.
  • O Messenger of God, (even) if the youth is lion-born (heroic), may none but an old man be head of the army!
  • Thou too hast said, and thy word is (a true) witness, ‘The leader must be old, must be old.’
  • O Messenger of God, look on this army, (in which) there are so many elders and (persons) superior to him.” 2050
  • Do not regard the yellow leaves of this tree, (but) pick its ripe apples.
  • How, in sooth, are its yellow leaves void (of worth)? This is the sign of maturity and perfection.
  • The yellow leaf of the (elder's) beard and his white hair bring tidings of joy on account of his mature intelligence.
  • The newly-arrived green-coloured leaves signify that this fruit is unripe.
  • The provision of leaflessness (spiritual poverty) is the sign of being a gnostic; the yellowness of gold is the (cause of the) money-changer's ruddiness of face (cheerful countenance). 2055
  • If he that (still) is rosy-cheeked has fresh down (on his face), (yet) he has just begun to learn writing in the school of knowledge.
  • The letters of his handwriting are very crooked (misshapen): he is a cripple in respect of intelligence, though his body moves with agility.
  • Although an old man's feet are deprived of rapid movement, his intelligence has gotten two wings and has sped to the zenith.
  • If you wish for an example (of this), look at Ja‘far: God gave him wings instead of hands and feet.
  • Cease from (speaking of) gold (pallor), for this topic is recondite: this heart of mine has become agitated like quicksilver. 2060
  • From within me a hundred sweet-breathing silent ones put their hands on their lips, signifying, “It is enough.”
  • Silence is the sea, and speech is like the river. The sea is seeking thee: do not seek the river.
  • Do not turn thy head away from the indications given by the sea: conclude (the subject)—and God best knoweth the right course.
  • That irreverent (objector) made no pause in the words (which he poured forth) in this fashion from those cold (insipid) lips (of his) in the presence of the Prophet.
  • Words were assisting (did not fail) him, (but) he was ignorant that hearsay (traditional knowledge) is mere babble in the presence of sight (immediate vision). 2065
  • Indeed, these matters of hearsay are (only) a substitute for sight: they are not for him who is present, (but) for him who is absent.