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  • He said, “This time, if I make a scandal, come on at once and dash knives into me. 2105
  • گفت این بار ار کنم من مشغله ** کاردها بر من زنید آن دم هله
  • God transcends the body, and I am with the body: ye must kill me when I say a thing like this.”
  • حق منزه از تن و من با تنم ** چون چنین گویم بباید کشتنم
  • When that (spiritual) freeman gave the injunction, each disciple made ready a knife.
  • چون وصیت کرد آن آزادمرد ** هر مریدی کاردی آماده کرد
  • Again he (Báyazíd) became intoxicated by that potent flagon: those injunctions vanished from his mind.
  • مست گشت او باز از آن سغراق زفت ** آن وصیتهاش از خاطر برفت
  • The Dessert came: his reason became distraught. The Dawn came: his candle became helpless.
  • نقل آمد عقل او آواره شد ** صبح آمد شمع او بیچاره شد
  • Reason is like the prefect: when the sultan arrives, the helpless prefect creeps into a corner. 2110
  • عقل چون شحنه‌ست چون سلطان رسید ** شحنه‌ی بیچاره در کنجی خزید
  • Reason is the shadow of God: God is the sun: what power hath the shadow to resist His sun?
  • عقل سایه‌ی حق بود حق آفتاب ** سایه را با آفتاب او چه تاب
  • When a genie prevails over (gains possession of) a man, the attributes of humanity disappear from the man.
  • چون پری غالب شود بر آدمی ** گم شود از مرد وصف مردمی
  • Whatsoever he says, that genie will (really) have said it: the one who belongs to this side will have spoken from (the control of) the one who belongs to yonder side.
  • هر چه گوید آن پری گفته بود ** زین سری زان آن سری گفته بود
  • Since a genie hath this influence and rule, how (much more powerful) indeed must be the Creator of that genie!
  • چون پری را این دم و قانون بود ** کردگار آن پری خود چون بود
  • His (the possessed man's) “he” (personality) is gone: he has in sooth become the genie: the Turk, without (receiving) Divine inspiration, has become a speaker of Arabic. 2115
  • اوی او رفته پری خود او شده ** ترک بی‌الهام تازی‌گو شده
  • When he comes to himself, he does not know a word (of Arabic). Inasmuch as a genie hath this essence and quality,
  • چون به خود آید نداند یک لغت ** چون پری را هست این ذات و صفت
  • Then how, pray, should the Lord of genie and man have inferiority to the genie?
  • پس خداوند پری و آدمی ** از پری کی باشدش آخر کمی
  • If a pot-valiant fellow has drunk the blood of a fierce lion, you will say that the wine did it, not he;
  • شیرگیر ار خون نره شیر خورد ** تو بگویی او نکرد آن باده کرد
  • And if he fashion words of old (pure) gold, you will say that the wine has spoken those words.
  • ور سخن پردازد از زر کهن ** تو بگویی باده گفتست آن سخن
  • A wine hath this (power to excite) disturbance and commotion: hath not the Light of God that virtue and potency 2120
  • باده‌ای را می‌بود این شر و شور ** نور حق را نیست آن فرهنگ و زور
  • To make you entirely empty of self, (so that) you should be laid low and He should make the Word lofty (within you)?
  • که ترا از تو به کل خالی کند ** تو شوی پست او سخن عالی کند
  • Though the Qur’án is (dictated) from the lips of the Prophet —if any one says God did not speak it, he is an infidel.
  • گر چه قرآن از لب پیغامبرست ** هر که گوید حق نگفت او کافرست
  • When the humá of selflessness took wing (and soared), Báyazíd began (to repeat) those words.
  • چون همای بی‌خودی پرواز کرد ** آن سخن را بایزید آغاز کرد
  • The flood of bewilderment swept away his reason: he spoke more strongly than he had spoken at first,
  • عقل را سیل تحیر در ربود ** زان قوی‌تر گفت که اول گفته بود
  • (Saying), “Within my mantle there is naught but God: how long wilt thou seek on the earth and in heaven?” 2125
  • نیست اندر جبه‌ام الا خدا ** چند جویی بر زمین و بر سما
  • All the disciples became frenzied and dashed their knives at his holy body.
  • آن مریدان جمله دیوانه شدند ** کاردها در جسم پاکش می‌زدند
  • Like the heretics of Girdakúh, every one was ruthlessly stabbing his spiritual Director.
  • هر یکی چون ملحدان گرده کوه ** کارد می‌زد پیر خود را بی ستوه
  • Every one who plunged a dagger into the Shaykh was reversely making a gash in his own body.
  • هر که اندر شیخ تیغی می‌خلید ** بازگونه از تن خود می‌درید
  • There was no mark (of a wound) on the body of that possessor of the (mystic) sciences, while those disciples were wounded and drowned in blood.
  • یک اثر نه بر تن آن ذوفنون ** وان مریدان خسته و غرقاب خون