- “My lineage,” he said, “(is derived) from His dust-pit; my original name is ‘the meanest of His slaves.’
- گفت که نسبت مر از خاکدانش ** نام اصلم کمترین بندگانش
- I am the slave-born (slave) of that unique Lord—born of the (womb and) loins of slaves female and male.
- بندهزادهی آن خداوند وحید ** زاده از پشت جواری و عبید
- My original lineage (is derived) from earth and water and clay: God gave unto water and clay a soul and heart.
- نسبت اصلم ز خاک و آب و گل ** آب و گل را داد یزدان جان و دل
- To earth also will return this earthen body of mine; to earth thou likewise wilt return, O terrible one.
- مرجع این جسم خاکم هم به خاک ** مرجع تو هم به خاک ای سهمناک
- Our origin and the origin of all the proud is from a piece of earth, and (there are) a hundred signs thereof; 2315
- اصل ما و اصل جمله سرکشان ** هست از خاکی و آن را صد نشان
- For thy body receives support (sustenance) from the earth, and from earthly nutriment thy neck is wrapped in folds (of flesh).
- که مدد از خاک میگیرد تنت ** از غذایی خاک پیچد گردنت
- When the spirit departs, it (the body) will again become earth in the dreaded and horrible grave.
- چون رود جان میشود او باز خاک ** اندر آن گور مخوف سهمناک
- Both thou and we and all who resemble thee will become earth, and thy power will remain no more.”
- هم تو و هم ما و هم اشباه تو ** خاک گردند و نماند جاه تو
- He (Pharaoh) said, “Thou hast a name other than this lineage: truly that name is more proper for thee—
- گفت غیر این نسب نامیت هست ** مر ترا آن نام خود اولیترست
- ‘Slave of Pharaoh and slave of his slaves,’ (a slave) whose body and soul were first nurtured by him (Pharaoh), 2320
- بندهی فرعون و بندهی بندگانش ** که ازو پرورد اول جسم و جانش
- A hostile, insolent and unrighteous slave, who fled from this country on account of an ill-omened deed.
- بندهی یاغی طاغی ظلوم ** زین وطن بگریخته از فعل شوم
- Thou art a murderer and treacherous and ungrateful: from just these qualities, forsooth, form a judgement (as to the rest).
- خونی و غداری و حقناشناس ** هم برین اوصاف خود میکن قیاس
- (Thou art) in exile, despised and poor and threadbare, since thou didst not acknowledge gratitude and obligation to me.”
- در غریبی خوار و درویش و خلق ** که ندانستی سپاس ما و حق
- He (Moses) said, “Far be it that any other person should be a partner in Lordship with that King.
- گفت حاشا که بود با آن ملیک ** در خداوندی کسی دیگر شریک
- (He is) One: He hath no associate in Kingship; His slaves have no master but Him. 2325
- واحد اندر ملک او را یار نی ** بندگانش را جز او سالار نی
- His creatures have no other owner: does any one claim partnership with Him except one that is doomed to perish?
- نیست خلقش را دگر کس مالکی ** شرکتش دعوی کند جز هالکی
- He hath made the design, He is my Designer; if another lay claim (to it), he is a seeker of iniquity.
- نقش او کردست و نقاش من اوست ** غیر اگر دعوی کند او ظلمجوست
- Thou canst not fashion my eyebrow: how canst thou know my soul?
- تو نتوانی ابروی من ساختن ** چون توانی جان من بشناختن
- Nay, ’tis thou who art the traitor and the insolent one, for thou claimest duality with God.
- بلک آن غدار و آن طاغی توی ** که کنی با حق دعوی دوی
- If I inadvertently killed a ruffian, I killed (him) neither for self's sake nor in sport. 2330
- گر بکشتم من عوانی را به سهو ** نه برای نفس کشتم نه به لهو
- I struck (him) a blow with my fist, and he suddenly fell: one who really had no soul gave up a soul.
- من زدم مشتی و ناگاه اوفتاد ** آنک جانش خود نبد جانی بداد
- I killed a cur: thou the children of him who was sent (by God)—hundreds of thousands of innocent and harmless babes—
- من سگی کشتم تو مرسلزادگان ** صدهزاران طفل بیجرم و زیان
- Hast killed, and their blood is on thy neck: consider what shall come upon thee because of this blood-drinking of thine.
- کشتهای و خونشان در گردنت ** تا چه آید بر تو زین خون خوردنت
- Thou hast killed the progeny of Jacob—those sought after in hope of slaying me.
- کشتهای ذریت یعقوب را ** بر امید قتل من مطلوب را
- In despite of thee God Himself chose me out: that (plot) which thy soul was concocting was overthrown.” 2335
- کوری تو حق مرا خود برگزید ** سرنگون شد آنچ نفست میپزید