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  • The bird is (originally) of wind (air), (but) how does it resemble wind? God gave relationship to the unrelated.
  • مرغ از بادست و کی ماند به باد ** نامناسب را خدا نسبت به داد
  • The relation of these derivatives to the originals is ineffable, although He connected them.
  • نسبت این فرعها با اصلها ** هست بی‌چون ار چه دادش وصلها
  • Since man is born of dust, where is the relation between this son and his father? 2410
  • آدمی چون زاده‌ی خاک هباست ** این پسر را با پدر نسبت کجاست
  • If there is a relation hidden from the understanding, it is ineffable, and how should the understanding follow its track?
  • نسبتی گر هست مخفی از خرد ** هست بی‌چون و خرد کی پی برد
  • If He did not give the wind vision without eye, how was it making a distinction among the people of ‘Ád?
  • باد را بی چشم اگر بینش نداد ** فرق چون می‌کرد اندر قوم عاد
  • How was it knowing the true believer from the enemy? How was it knowing the wine from the gourd-shaped goblet?
  • چون همی دانست مومن از عدو ** چون همی دانست می را از کدو
  • If the fire of Nimrod hath no eye, how is a taking pains (to show respect) towards Abraham (explicable)?
  • آتش نمرود را گر چشم نیست ** با خلیلش چون تجشم کردنیست
  • If the Nile had not possessed that light and sight, wherefore should it have picked out the Egyptians from the Israelites? 2415
  • گر نبودی نیل را آن نور و دید ** از چه قبطی را ز سبطی می‌گزید
  • If mountain and rock had not been endowed with sight, then how should it (the mountain) have become a friend (accompanist) to David?
  • گرنه کوه و سنگ با دیدار شد ** پس چرا داود را او یار شد
  • If this earth had not possessed a spiritual eye, wherefore should it have swallowed Qárún in such a fashion?
  • این زمین را گر نبودی چشم جان ** از چه قارون را فرو خورد آنچنان
  • If the Moaning (Pillar) had not possessed the eye of the heart (oculus cordis), how should it have seen the separation (from it) of that august one (the Prophet)?
  • گر نبودی چشم دل حنانه را ** چون بدیدی هجر آن فرزانه را
  • If the gravel had not been possessed of an eye, how should it have given testimony in the closed fist (of Abú Jahl)?
  • سنگ‌ریزه گر نبودی دیده‌ور ** چون گواهی دادی اندر مشت در
  • O intellect, unfold thy wings and pinions: read the Súra (which begins with the words), (when the earth) shall be caused to quake with a mighty quaking. 2420
  • ای خرد بر کش تو پر و بالها ** سوره بر خوان زلزلت زلزالها
  • At the Resurrection how should this earth give testimonies concerning good and evil without having seen?
  • در قیامت این زمین بر نیک و بد ** کی ز نادیده گواهیها دهد
  • For she will relate her experiences and informations: the earth will reveal her secrets to us.
  • که تحدث حالها و اخبارها ** تظهر الارض لنا اسرارها
  • “This sending of me (as a prophet) to thee, O prince, is a clear evidence that the Sender was aware
  • این فرستادن مرا پیش تو میر ** هست برهانی که بد مرسل خبیر
  • That such a medicine as this is suitable to such a desperate malady, for the purpose of success (in curing it).
  • کین چنین دارو چنین ناسور را ** هست درخور از پی میسور را
  • Heretofore thou hadst seen visions (warning thee) that God would choose me out (to go to thee), 2425
  • واقعاتی دیده بودی پیش ازین ** که خدا خواهد مرا کردن گزین
  • (And that) I, having taken the rod and the Light in my hand, would break thy insolent horn.
  • من عصا و نور بگرفته به دست ** شاخ گستاخ ترا خواهم شکست
  • On this account the Lord of the Judgement was showing unto thee terrible visions of diverse sorts,
  • واقعات سهمگین از بهر این ** گونه گونه می‌نمودت رب دین
  • Suitable to thy evil conscience and thy inordinate disobedience, that thou might’st know that He knows what is proper for thee;
  • در خور سر بد و طغیان تو ** تا بدانی کوست درخوردان تو
  • That thou might’st know that He is wise and omniscient and the healer of irremediable maladies.
  • تا بدانی کو حکیمست و خبیر ** مصلح امراض درمان‌ناپذیر
  • Through false interpretations thou wert made blind and deaf to those (visions), saying, ‘This is caused by heavy slumber’; 2430
  • تو به تاویلات می‌گشتی از آن ** کور و گر کین هست از خواب گران
  • And the physician and the astrologer in flashes (of intelligence) saw the (true) explanation thereof, but concealed it from (motives) of cupidity.
  • وآن طبیب و آن منجم در لمع ** دید تعبیرش بپوشید از طمع
  • He (the physician) said, ‘Far be it from thy empire and kingship that anxiety should enter into thy consciousness.
  • گفت دور از دولت و از شاهیت ** که درآید غصه در آگاهیت