- A gnat will set his outward frame whirling round (in pain and agitation); his inward nature encompasses the Seven Heavens.
- ظاهرش را پشهای آرد به چرخ ** باطنش باشد محیط هفت چرخ
- When he (the Prophet) persisted (in his request), he (Gabriel) displayed a little the awful majesty by which a mountain would be reduced to dust.
- چونک کرد الحاح بنمود اندکی ** هیبتی که که شود زومند کی
- A single royal pinion (of his) covered the east and the west: Mustafá (Mohammed) became senseless from awe.
- شهپری بگرفته شرق و غرب را ** از مهابت گشت بیهش مصطفی
- When Gabriel saw him senseless from fear and dread, he came and drew him into his arms. 3770
- چون ز بیم و ترس بیهوشش بدید ** جبرئیل آمد در آغوشش کشید
- That awe is the portion of aliens, while this fond affection is freely bestowed on friends.
- آن مهابت قسمت بیگانگان ** وین تجمش دوستان را رایگان
- Kings, when seated on the throne, have formidable guardsmen (around them) with swords in their hands,
- هست شاهان را زمان بر نشست ** هول سرهنگان و صارمها به دست
- Staves and lances and scimitars, so that (even) lions would tremble in awe;
- دور باش و نیزه و شمشیرها ** که بلرزند از مهابت شیرها
- The shouts of sergeants with their maces, by the terror of which (men's) souls are enfeebled.
- بانگ چاوشان و آن چوگانها ** که شود سست از نهیبش جانها
- This is for the high and low in the street, to announce to them (the presence of) an emperor. 3775
- این برای خاص وعام رهگذر ** که کندشان از شهنشاهی خبر
- This pomp is for the sake of the vulgar, that those people may not put on the tiara of arrogance;
- از برای عام باشد این شکوه ** تا کلاه کبر ننهند آن گروه
- That it may break their egoism and that the self-conceited carnal soul may not work mischief and evil.
- تا من و ماهای ایشان بشکند ** نفس خودبین فتنه و شر کم کند
- The country is preserved from that by the king's having force and authority to inflict punishment.
- شهر از آن آمن شود کان شهریار ** دارد اندر قهر زخم و گیر و دار
- Therefore those vain desires are extinguished in (men's) souls: awe of the king prevents that disaster.
- پس بمیرد آن هوسها در نفوس ** هیبت شه مانع آید زان نحوس
- Again, when he (the king) comes to the private banquet, how should awe or retaliation be (in place) there? 3780
- باز چون آید به سوی بزم خاص ** کی بود آنجا مهابت یا قصاص
- There clemency on clemency is (shown) and mercies overflowing; you will hear no noise but that of the harp and flute.
- حلم در حلمست و رحمتها به جوش ** نشنوی از غیر چنگ و ناخروش
- In time of war there is the terrible drum and kettle-drum; in the hour of feasting with favourites there is (only) the sound of the harp.
- طبل و کوس هول باشد وقت جنگ ** وقت عشرت با خواص آواز چنگ
- The Board of Audit is for the vulgar, while the fair ones resembling peris are for the cup-companion.
- هست دیوان محاسب عام را ** وان پری رویان حریف جام را
- The coat of mail and the helmet are for the battle, while this silken raiment and music are for the bower.
- آن زره وآن خود مر چالیشراست ** وین حریر و رود مر تعریشراست
- This topic hath no end, O generous one: conclude it, and God best knoweth the right course. 3785
- این سخن پایان ندارد ای جواد ** ختم کن والله اعلم بالرشاد
- The (corporeal) senses in Ahmad (Mohammed), which are mortal, are now laid asleep under the soil of Yathrib (Medina),
- اندر احمد آن حسی کو غاربست ** خفته این دم زیر خاک یثربست
- But that mighty-natured part of him, which is unconquerable, dwells, without having suffered corruption, within the abode of truth (in Paradise).
- وآن عظیم الخلق او کان صفدرست ** بیتغیر مقعد صدق اندرست
- The bodily attributes are exposed to corruption; the everlasting spirit is a shining sun,
- جای تغییرات اوصاف تنست ** روح باقی آفتابی روشنست
- Incorruptible, for it is not of the east; unchangeable, for it is not of the west.
- بی ز تغییری که لا شرقیة ** بی ز تبدیلی که لا غربیة
- How was the sun (ever) dumbfounded by a mote? How was the candle (ever) made senseless by a moth? 3790
- آفتاب از ذره کی مدهوش شد ** شمع از پروانه کی بیهوش شد
- The body of Ahmad was liable to that (corruption): know that this corruption belongs (only) to the body,
- جسم احمد را تعلق بد بدآن ** این تغیر آن تن باشد بدان