He (the druggist) placed the clay, because of its being ready (to his hand), in one scale of the balance instead of the (proper) weight;
اندر آن کفهی ترازو ز اعتداد ** او به جای سنگ آن گل را نهاد
Then, for the other scale, he was breaking with his hand the equivalent amount of sugar.635
پس برای کفهی دیگر به دست ** هم به قدر آن شکر را میشکست
Since he had no pick-axe, he took a long time and made the customer sit waiting.
چون نبودش تیشهای او دیر ماند ** مشتری را منتظر آنجا نشاند
(Whilst) his face was (turned) towards that (sugar), the clay-eater, unable to restrain himself, began covertly to steal the clay from him,
رویش آن سو بود گلخور ناشکفت ** گل ازو پوشیده دزدیدن گرفت
Terribly frightened lest his (the druggist's) eye should fall upon him of a sudden for the purpose of testing (his honesty).
ترس ترسان که نباید ناگهان ** چشم او بر من فتد از امتحان
The druggist saw it, but made himself busy, saying, “Come, steal more, O pale-faced one!
دید عطار آن و خود مشغول کرد ** که فزونتر دزد هین ای رویزرد
If you will be a thief and take some of my clay, go on (doing so), for you are eating out of your own side.640
گر بدزدی وز گل من میبری ** رو که هم از پهلوی خود میخوری
You are afraid of me, but (only) because you are a (stupid) ass: I am afraid you will eat less (too little).
تو همی ترسی ز من لیک از خری ** من همیترسم که تو کمتر خوری
Though I am occupied, I am not such a fool (as to suffer) that you should get too much of my sugar-cane.
گرچه مشغولم چنان احمق نیم ** که شکر افزون کشی تو از نیم
When you see (find) by experience the (amount of) sugar (which you have bought), then you will know who was foolish and careless.”
چون ببینی مر شکر را ز آزمود ** پس بدانی احمق و غافل کی بود
The bird looks pleased at the bait; still, the bait, (though) at a distance (from it), is waylaying it.
مرغ زان دانه نظر خوش میکند ** دانه هم از دور راهش میزند
If you are deriving some pleasure from the eye's cupidity, are not you eating roast-meat from your own side?645
کز زنای چشم حظی میبری ** نه کباب از پهلوی خود میخوری
This looking from a distance is like arrows and poison: your fond passion is increased (thereby) and your self-restraint diminished.
این نظر از دور چون تیرست و سم ** عشقت افزون میشود صبر تو کم
Worldly riches are a trap for the weak birds; the kingdom of the next world is a trap for the noble birds,
مال دنیا دام مرغان ضعیف ** ملک عقبی دام مرغان شریف
To the end that by means of this kingdom, which is a deep trap, the great birds may be ensnared.
تا بدین ملکی که او دامست ژرف ** در شکار آرند مرغان شگرف
“I, Solomon, do not desire your kingdom; nay, but I will deliver you from every destruction;
من سلیمان مینخواهم ملکتان ** بلک من برهانم از هر هلکتان
For at this time ye are indeed slaves to the kingdom; the owner of the kingdom is he that escaped from destruction.”650
کین زمان هستید خود مملوک ملک ** مالک ملک آنک بجهید او ز هلک
Preposterously, O prisoner of this world, thou hast named thyself prince of this world.
بازگونه ای اسیر این جهان ** نام خود کردی امیر این جهان
O thou slave of this world, thou whose spirit is imprisoned, how long wilt thou call thyself lord of the world?
ای تو بندهی این جهان محبوس جان ** چند گویی خویش را خواجهی جهان
How Solomon, on whom be peace, showed affection and kindness to the envoys and removed (feelings of) resentment and injury from their hearts and explained to them the reason for declining the gift.
دلداری کردن و نواختن سلیمان علیهالسلام مر آن رسولان را و دفع وحشت و آزار از دل ایشان و عذر قبول ناکردن هدیه شرح کردن با ایشان
“O envoys, I will send you as envoys (to Bilqís): my refusal (of the gift) is better for you than acceptance.
ای رسولان میفرستمتان رسول ** رد من بهتر شما را از قبول
Relate to Bilqís what marvellous things ye have seen concerning the desert of gold,
پیش بلقیس آنچ دیدیت از عجب ** باز گویید از بیابان ذهب
That she may know we do not covet gold: we have gotten gold from the gold-Creator,655
تا بداند که به زر طامع نهایم ** ما زر از زرآفرین آوردهایم
At whose will the whole earth’s soil from end to end would become gold and precious pearls.”
آنک گر خواهد همه خاک زمین ** سر به سر زر گردد و در ثمین
On that account, O thou who choosest gold, God will make this earth silvern on the Day of Resurrection.
حق برای آن کند ای زرگزین ** روز محشر این زمین را نقره گین
“We have no need of gold, for we are very skilful: we make earthly beings entirely golden.
فارغیم از زر که ما بس پر فنیم ** خاکیان را سر به سر زرین کنیم