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  • I am crying “lá hawl,” not on account of my own words, nay, but on account of the false suggestions of the person accustomed to think (evil), 765
  • می‌کنم لا حول نه از گفت خویش ** بلک از وسواس آن اندیشه کیش
  • Who is conceiving in his heart a vain fancy about my words, (a fancy arising) from the false suggestions and incredulities of (evil) thought.
  • کو خیالی می‌کند در گفت من ** در دل از وسواس و انکارات ظن
  • I am crying “lá hawl,” that is, “there is no help,” because in your heart there is a contradiction of me.
  • می‌کنم لا حول یعنی چاره نیست ** چون ترا در دل بضدم گفتنیست
  • Since my words have stuck in your throat, I am silent: do you speak your own (words).
  • چونک گفت من گرفتت در گلو ** من خمش کردم تو آن خود بگو
  • A sweet flute-player was playing the flute subito e podice ejus erupit ventus. [A sweet flute-player was playing the flute: suddenly, some wind escaped from his ass.]
  • آن یکی نایی خوش نی می‌زدست ** ناگهان از مقعدش بادی بجست
  • Fistulam in podice posuit, saying, “If you play better than I, take it (the flute) and play!” [He placed the flute on his anus, saying, “If you play better than I, take it (the flute) and play!”] 770
  • نای را بر کون نهاد او که ز من ** گر تو بهتر می‌زنی بستان بزن
  • O Musalmán, (whilst you are still engaged) in the quest, good manners are indeed nothing but forbearance with every one that is unmannerly.
  • ای مسلمان خود ادب اندر طلب ** نیست الا حمل از هر بی‌ادب
  • When you see any one complaining of such and such a person's ill-nature and bad temper,
  • هر که را بینی شکایت می‌کند ** که فلان کس راست طبع و خوی بد
  • Know that the complainant is bad-tempered, forasmuch as he speaks ill of that bad-tempered person,
  • این شکایت‌گر بدان که بدخو است ** که مر آن بدخوی را او بدگو است
  • Because he (alone) is good-tempered who is quietly forbearing towards the bad-tempered and ill-natured.
  • زانک خوش‌خو آن بود کو در خمول ** باشد از بدخو و بدطبعان حمول
  • But in (the case of) the Shaykh, the complaint is (made) by the command of God; it is not (made) in consequence of anger and contentiousness and vain desire. 775
  • لیک در شیخ آن گله ز آمر خداست ** نه پی خشم و ممارات و هواست
  • It is not a complaint, it is spiritual correction, like the complaints made by the prophets.
  • آن شکایت نیست هست اصلاح جان ** چون شکایت کردن پیغامبران
  • Know that the intolerance of the prophets is by command (of God); otherwise, their clemency is exceedingly tolerant of evil.
  • ناحمولی انبیا از امر دان ** ورنه حمالست بد را حلمشان
  • They mortified their (carnal) nature in toleration of evil; if there be intolerance (on their part), it is Divine.
  • طبع را کشتند در حمل بدی ** ناحمولی گر بود هست ایزدی
  • O Solomon (of the age), amidst the crows and falcons be thou (a manifestation of) the clemency of God: sort with (adapt thyself to) all the birds.
  • ای سلیمان در میان زاغ و باز ** حلم حق شو با همه مرغان بساز
  • Oh, two hundred (like) Bilqís are abased before thy clemency, for (thou sayest in the words of the Prophet), “(O God), guide my people, verily they know not.” 780
  • ای دو صد بلقیس حلمت را زبون ** که اهد قومی انهم لا یعلمون
  • How Solomon, on whom be peace, sent a threatening message to Bilqís, saying, "Do not think to persist in polytheism and do not make delay."
  • تهدید فرستادن سلیمان علیه‌السلام پیش بلقیس کی اصرار میندیش بر شرک و تاخیر مکن
  • “Hark, Bilqís, come! Else, it will be bad (for thee): thy army will become thine enemy and will revolt.
  • هین بیا بلقیس ورنه بد شود ** لشکرت خصمت شود مرتد شود
  • Thy chamberlain will destroy thy door: thy soul with (all) its soul will act as an enemy towards thee.”
  • پرده‌دار تو درت را بر کند ** جان تو با تو به جان خصمی کند
  • All the atoms of earth and heaven are God’s army, (as you will find out) on putting it to the test.
  • جمله ذرات زمین و آسمان ** لشکر حق‌اند گاه امتحان
  • You have seen what the wind did to the people of ‘Ád, you have seen what the water did at the Deluge;
  • باد را دیدی که با عادان چه کرد ** آب را دیدی که در طوفان چه کرد
  • How that vengeful Sea dashed on Pharaoh, and how this Earth behaved to Qárún (Korah); 785
  • آنچ بر فرعون زد آن بحر کین ** وآنچ با قارون نمودست این زمین
  • And what those bábíl (swifts) did to the Elephant, and how the gnat devoured the skull of Nimrod;
  • وآنچ آن بابیل با آن پیل کرد ** وآنچ پشه کله‌ی نمرود خورد
  • And how a David hurled with his hand a stone (which) became six hundred pieces and shattered an army.
  • وآنک سنگ انداخت داودی بدست ** گشت شصد پاره و لشکر شکست
  • Stones rained upon the enemies of Lot, so that they were submerged in the black water.
  • سنگ می‌بارید بر اعدای لوط ** تا که در آب سیه خوردند غوط
  • If I relate the help given rationally to the prophets by the inanimate things of the world,
  • گر بگویم از جمادات جهان ** عاقلانه یاری پیغامبران