So that he does not see the enemy at his side: the power of God is more than that, (yea), more.
تا نبیند خصم را پهلوی خویش ** قدرت یزدان از آن بیشست بیش
Mustafá was seeing all that happened to him in the night, but the command of the Lord restrained him
مصطفی میدید احوال شبش ** لیک مانع بود فرمان ربش
From opening a way (of escape) before the fault (was committed), so that he (the infidel) should not be cast into a pit (of grief) by the disgrace (which he had incurred).
تا که پیش از خبط بگشاید رهی ** تا نیفتد زان فضیحت در چهی
(Otherwise, Mustafá would have let him out in time), but it was the (Divine) wisdom and the command of Heaven that he should see himself thus (disgraced and confounded).105
لیک حکمت بود و امر آسمان ** تا ببیند خویشتن را او چنان
There be many acts of enmity which are (really) friendship, many acts of destruction which are (really) restoration.
بس عداوتها که آن یاری بود ** بس خرابیها که معماری بود
A meddlesome fellow purposely brought the dirty bed-clothes to the Prophet,
جامه خواب پر حدث را یک فضول ** قاصدا آورد در پیش رسول
Saying, “Look! Thy guest has done such a thing!” He smiled, (he who was sent as) a mercy to all created beings,
که چنین کردست مهمانت ببین ** خندهای زد رحمةللعالمین
And said, “Bring the pail here, that I may wash all (clean) with my own hand.”
که بیار آن مطهره اینجا به پیش ** تا بشویم جمله را با دست خویش
Every one jumped up, saying, “For God's sake (refrain)! Our souls and our bodies are a sacrifice to thee.110
هر کسی میجست کز بهر خدا ** جان ما و جسم ما قربان ترا
We will wash this filth: do thou leave it alone. This kind (of affair) is hand's work, not heart's work.
ما بشوییم این حدث را تو بهل ** کار دستست این نمط نه کار دل
O La-‘amruk, God pronounced unto thee (the word) ‘life’; then He made thee (His) Vicegerent and seated thee on the throne.
ای لعمرک مر ترا حق عمر خواند ** پس خلیفه کرد و بر کرسی نشاند
We live for thy service: as thou (thyself) art performing the service, what then are we?”
ما برای خدمت تو میزییم ** چون تو خدمت میکنی پس ما چهایم
He said, “I know that, but this is an (extraordinary) occasion; I have a deep reason for washing this myself.”
گفت آن دانم و لیک این ساعتیست ** که درین شستن بخویشم حکمتیست
They waited, saying, “This is the Prophet's word,” till it should appear what these mysteries were.115
منتظر بودند کین قول نبیست ** تا پدید آید که این اسرار چیست
(Meanwhile) he was busily washing those filthy things, by God's command exclusively, not from blind conformity and ostentation;
او به جد میشست آن احداث را ** خاص ز امر حق نه تقلید و ریا
For his heart was telling him, “Do thou wash them, for herein is wisdom manifold.”
که دلش میگفت کین را تو بشو ** که درین جا هست حکمت تو بتو
The cause of the guest's return to the house of Mustafá, on whom be peace, at the hour when Mustafá was washing his befouled bed-rug with his own hand; and how he was overcome with shame and rent his garment and made lamentation for himself and for his plight.
سبب رجوع کردن آن مهمان به خانهی مصطفی علیهالسلام در آن ساعت که مصطفی نهالین ملوث او را به دست خود میشست و خجل شدن او و جامه چاک کردن و نوحهی او بر خود و بر سعادت خود
The wretched infidel had an amulet (which he carried) as a keepsake. He observed that it was lost, and became distracted.
کافرک را هیکلی بد یادگار ** یاوه دید آن را و گشت او بیقرار
He said, “The room in which I lodged during the night—I (must have) left the amulet there unawares.”
گفت آن حجره که شب جا داشتم ** هیکل آنجا بیخبر بگذاشتم
Though he was ashamed, greed took away his shame: greed is a dragon, it is no small thing.120
گر چه شرمین بود شرمش حرص برد ** حرص اژدرهاست نه چیزیست خرد
In quest of the amulet he ran hastily into the house of Mustafá and saw him,
از پی هیکل شتاب اندر دوید ** در وثاق مصطفی و آن را بدید
That Hand of God, cheerfully washing the filth by himself— far from him be the evil eye!
کان یدالله آن حدث را هم به خود ** خوش همیشوید که دورش چشم بد
The amulet vanished from his mind, and a great rapture arose in him: he tore his collar,
هیکلش از یاد رفت و شد پدید ** اندرو شوری گریبان را درید
Smiting his face and head with both hands, beating his pate against wall and door,
میزد او دو دست را بر رو و سر ** کله را میکوفت بر دیوار و در
In such a wise that blood poured from his nose and head, and the Prince (Mohammed) took pity on him.125
آنچنان که خون ز بینی و سرش ** شد روان و رحم کرد آن مهترش
He uttered shrieks, the people gathered round him: the infidel was crying, “O people, beware!”
نعرهها زد خلق جمع آمد برو ** گبر گویان ایهاالناس احذروا