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  • Its spell made dung seem honey to you: what, forsooth, will it make honey seem at the time of contest?
  • بر تو سرگین را فسونش شهد کرد  ** شهد را خود چون کند وقت نبرد 
  • Lust arises from eating and drinking: diminish your food, or marry and (so) flee from wickedness.
  • شهوت از خوردن بود کم کن ز خور  ** یا نکاحی کن گریزان شو ز شر 
  • When you have eaten and drunk (too much), it leads to things forbidden: there must necessarily be some outgoing of income.
  • چون بخوردی می‌کشد سوی حرم  ** دخل را خرجی بباید لاجرم 
  • Marriage, then, is like (the exorcism), “There is neither power nor (strength except in God),” lest the Devil cast you into temptation. 1375
  • پس نکاح آمد چو لاحول و لا  ** تا که دیوت نفکند اندر بلا 
  • Since you are fond of eating and drinking, ask a woman (in marriage) at once; else the cat comes and carries off the fat sheep's tail.
  • چون حریص خوردنی زن خواه زود  ** ورنه آمد گربه و دنبه ربود 
  • Quickly put a heavy load on the shying ass before he puts (you) down.
  • بار سنگی بر خری که می‌جهد  ** زود بر نه پیش از آن کو بر نهد 
  • (If) you do not know the effect of fire, hold aloof (from it): do not approach the fire with such (little) knowledge (as you have).
  • فعل آتش را نمی‌دانی تو برد  ** گرد آتش با چنین دانش مگرد 
  • If you have no knowledge of the cooking-pot and the fire, neither the pot nor the soup will be spared by the flames.
  • علم دیگ و آتش ار نبود ترا  ** از شرر نه دیگ ماند نه ابا 
  • Water must be there and skill too, in order that the (contents of the) pot may be safely cooked in boiling. 1380
  • آب حاضر باید و فرهنگ نیز  ** تا پزد آب دیگ سالم در ازیز 
  • If you are ignorant of the science of the ironsmith, your beard and hair will be burned when you pass by that place (the forge).
  • چون ندانی دانش آهنگری  ** ریش و مو سوزد چو آنجا بگذری 
  • Femina januam clausit asinumque animo gaudente attraxit: necessario poenam gustavit. [The woman shut the (stable) door and drew the ass (to her) joyfully; necessarily, she tasted the penalty (for her shameful behavior).]
  • در فرو بست آن زن و خر را کشید  ** شادمانه لاجرم کیفر چشید 
  • In medium stabulum eum trahendo duxit: sub asino decubuit supina [Pulling, she brought it into the middle of the stable: she lay down on (her) back under the male ass]
  • در میان خانه آوردش کشان  ** خفت اندر زیر آن نر خر ستان 
  • In eadem sella quam viderat ab ancilla (adhibitam), ut ista meretrix quoque voto potiretur. [On the same chair that she saw (used) by the maidservant in order to attain her desire; that whore (did) also.]
  • هم بر آن کرسی که دید او از کنیز  ** تا رسد در کام خود آن قحبه نیز 
  • Pedem sustulit, asinus (veretrum) in eam trusit: asini veretro ignis in ea accensus est. [She raised (her) feet and the ass thrust (its penis) into her; a fire (of lust) was kindled in her by the ass’s penis.] 1385
  • پا بر آورد و خر اندر ویی سپوخت  ** آتشی از کیر خر در وی فروخت 
  • Cum asinus eruditus esset, in hera infixit (veretrum) usque ad testiculos: simul hera periit. [The ass had been trained; it pressed (its penis) into the lady up to (its) testicles: the lady died at once.]
  • خر مدب گشته در خاتون فشرد  ** تا بخایه در زمان خاتون بمرد 
  • Jecur ejus veretri verbere discissum, viscera inter se dirupta. [(Her) liver was torn by the blow of the ass’s penis; (her) intestines were torn away from each other. ]
  • بر درید از زخم کیر خر جگر  ** روده‌ها بسکسته شد از همدگر 
  • Extemplo femina, nulla voce facta, animam reddidit: hinc cecidit sella, illinc femina. [She did not utter (anything): the woman gave up (her) soul at once. The chair fell to one side, the woman to (the other) side.]
  • دم نزد در حال آن زن جان بداد  ** کرسی از یک‌سو زن از یک‌سو فتاد 
  • Area stabuli sanguine plena, femina inverso capite prostrata: periit, animamque ejus abripuit Fati calamitas. [The floor of the stable became filled with blood, the woman (lay) prostrate: she died and the calamities (of Fate) took (her) life. ]
  • صحن خانه پر ز خون شد زن نگون  ** مرد او و برد جان ریب المنون 
  • Ecce mors nefanda cum centum opprobriis, O pater: num vidisti (quemquam) de veretro asini martyrem? [An abominable death with a hundred disgraces, O father: have you (ever) seen a martyr (slain) by an ass’s penis?] 1390
  • مرگ بد با صد فضیحت ای پدر  ** تو شهیدی دیده‌ای از کیر خر 
  • Hear from the Qur’án (what is) the torment of disgrace: do not sacrifice your life in such a shameful cause.
  • تو عذاب الخزی بشنو از نبی  ** در چنین ننگی مکن جان را فدی 
  • Know that the male ass is this bestial soul: to be under it is more shameful than that (woman's behaviour).
  • دانک این نفس بهیمی نر خرست  ** زیر او بودن از آن ننگین‌ترست 
  • If you die in egoism in the way of (for the sake of) the fleshly soul, know for certain that you are like that woman.
  • در ره نفس ار بمیری در منی  ** تو حقیقت دان که مثل آن زنی 
  • He (God) will give our fleshly soul the form of an ass, because He makes the (outward) forms to be in accordance with the (inward) nature.
  • نفس ما را صورت خر بدهد او  ** زانک صورتها کند بر وفق خو 
  • This is the manifestation of the secret at the Resurrection: by God, by God, flee from the ass-like body! 1395
  • این بود اظهار سر در رستخیز  ** الله الله از تن چون خر گریز 
  • God terrified (threatened) the unbelievers with the Fire: the unbelievers said, “Better the Fire than shame.”
  • کافران را بیم کرد ایزد ز نار  ** کافران گفتند نار اولی ز عار