Greed craves all and loses all: do not serve greed, O ignoble son of the ignoble.
حرص جوید کل بر آید او ز کل ** حرص مپرست ای فجل ابن الفجل
The maid, whilst she went (on her errand), was saying (to herself), “Ah, mistress, thou hast sent away the expert.
آن کنیزک میشد و میگفت آه ** کردی ای خاتون تو استا را به راه
Thou wilt set to work without the expert and wilt foolishly hazard thy life.
کار بیاستاد خواهی ساختن ** جاهلانه جان بخواهی باختن
O thou who hast stolen from me an imperfect knowledge, thou wert ashamed to ask about the trap.”1405
ای ز من دزدیده علمی ناتمام ** ننگ آمد که بپرسی حال دام
(If) the bird had picked the grain from its stack, the (trap-) cord would not have fallen on its neck (and made it captive).
هم بچیدی دانه مرغ از خرمنش ** هم نیفتادی رسن در گردنش
Eat less of the grain, do not patch (the body) so much (with food): after having recited eat ye, recite (also) do not exceed,
دانه کمتر خور مکن چندین رفو ** چون کلوا خواندی بخوان لا تسرفوا
So that you may eat the grain and (yet) not fall into the trap. Knowledge and contentment effect this. And (now) farewell.
تا خوری دانه نیفتی تو به دام ** این کند علم و قناعت والسلام
The wise man gets happiness from the present life, not sorrow, (while) the ignorant are left in disappointment and regret.
نعمت از دنیا خورد عاقل نه غم ** جاهلان محروم مانده در ندم
When the trap-cord (of sensuality) falls on their throats, it becomes unlawful (forbidden) to them all to eat the grain.1410
چون در افتد در گلوشان حبل دام ** دانه خوردن گشت بر جمله حرام
How should the bird in the trap eat (enjoy) the grain? The grain in the trap is like poison (to him), if he feed (on it).
مرغ اندر دام دانه کی خورد ** دانه چون زهرست در دام ار چرد
(Only) the heedless bird will eat grain from the trap, as these common folk do in the trap of the present world.
مرغ غافل میخورد دانه ز دام ** همچو اندر دام دنیا این عوام
Again, the knowing and prudent birds have debarred themselves from the grain;
باز مرغان خبیر هوشمند ** کردهاند از دانه خود را خشکبند
For the grain in the trap is poisonous food: blind is the bird that desires the grain in the trap.
که اندرون دام دانه زهرباست ** کور آن مرغی که در فخ دانه خواست
The Owner of the trap cut off the heads of the foolish ones, and conducted the clever ones to the (exalted) assembly-places;1415
صاحب دام ابلهان را سر برید ** وآن ظریفان را به مجلسها کشید
For in the former (only) the flesh is serviceable, but in the clever ones (their) song and warble soft and low.
که از آنها گوشت میآید به کار ** وز ظریفان بانگ و نالهی زیر و زار
Deinde venit ancilla perque rimam januae heram videt sub asino mortuam. [Then, the maidservant arrived. Through a crack in the door, she saw the lady dead under the ass.]
پس کنیزک آمد از اشکاف در ** دید خاتون را به مرده زیر خر
“O hera stulta,” inquit, “hoc (facinus ineptum) quid fuit, etsi ea quae perita est technam tibi ostenderat? [She said, “O foolish lady, what was this (foolish deed), even if your teacher showed you a plan (of the method)?]
گفت ای خاتون احمق این چه بود ** گر ترا استاد خود نقشی نمود
Technae quod patebat vidisti, tibi ignotum quod latebat: imperita tabernam aperuisti. [You saw its outward (form); its secret (was) hidden from you. Not having become a master (of the craft), you opened the shop.]
ظاهرش دیدی سرش از تو نهان ** اوستا ناگشته بگشادی دکان
Veretrum tanquam mel vel cibum ex dactylis et butyro comparatum vidisti: cur illam cucurbitam non vidisti, O avida? [You saw the penis, like honey or like dates (cooked with flour and butter): why did you not see the gourd, O greedy one?]1420
کیر دیدی همچو شهد و چون خبیص ** آن کدو را چون ندیدی ای حریص
Vel cur, cum asini amore obruta esses, cucurbita visu tuo sejuncta manebat? [Or (why), when you were immersed in love for the ass, did the gourd remain hidden from your sight?]
یا چون مستغرق شدی در عشق خر ** آن کدو پنهان بماندت از نظر
Docta ab ea quae perita est vidisti technae speciem externam: peritiam ipsa valde gaudens assumpsisti.” [You saw the external (form) of the craft from the master, (and then) you assumed expertise very joyfully. ]
ظاهر صنعت بدیدی زوستاد ** اوستادی برگرفتی شاد شاد
Oh, there is many a stupid ignorant hypocrite who has seen nothing of the Way of the (holy) men except the woollen mantle (súf).
ای بسا زراق گول بیوقوف ** از ره مردان ندیده غیر صوف
Oh, there are many impudent fellows who, with little practice (in the religious life), have learned from the (spiritual) kings nothing but talk and brag.
ای بسا شوخان ز اندک احتراف ** از شهان ناموخته جز گفت و لاف
Every one (of them), staff (rod) in hand, says, “I am Moses,” and breathes upon the foolish folk, saying, “I am Jesus.”1425
هر یکی در کف عصا که موسیام ** میدمد بر ابلهان که عیسیام
Alas the Day when the touchstone will demand from thee the sincerity of the sincere!
آه از آن روزی که صدق صادقان ** باز خواهد از تو سنگ امتحان