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  • But my (whole) being is full of Laylá: this shell is filled with the qualities of that Pearl.
  • I am afraid, O cupper, lest if you let my blood you suddenly inflict a wound with your lancet upon Laylá.
  • The (man of) reason whose heart is enlightened knows that between Laylá and me there is no difference.”
  • A beloved asked her lover, “Do you love yourself more or me?” He replied, “I am dead to myself and living by thee; I have become non-existent to myself and my own attributes and existent through thee; I have forgotten my own knowledge and have become knowing through thy knowledge; I have lost all thought of my own power and have become powerful through thy power. If I love myself, I must have loved thee, and if I love thee, I must have loved myself.” (Verse): “Whoever possesses the mirror of clairvoyance sees God (even) though he see himself.” (God said to Báyazíd): “Go forth with My attributes to My creatures. Whoso shall see thee shall see Me and whoso shall betake himself unto thee shall betake himself unto Me”; and so on.
  • At the hour of the morning-drink a beloved said to her lover by way of trial, “O such-and-such son of such-and-such, 2020
  • I wonder, do you love me or yourself more? Tell the truth, O man of sorrows.”
  • He replied, “I have become so naughted in thee that I am full of thee from head to foot.
  • Of my existence there is nothing (left) in me but the name: in my being there is naught but thee, O thou whose wishes are gratified.
  • By that means I have become thus naughted, like vinegar, in thee (who art) an ocean of honey.”
  • As the stone that is entirely turned into pure ruby: it is filled with the qualities of the sun. 2025
  • That stony nature does not remain in it: back and front, it is filled with sunniness.
  • Afterwards, if it love itself, that (self-love) is love of the sun, O youth;
  • And if it love the sun with (all) its soul, ’tis undoubtedly love of itself.
  • Whether the pure ruby loves itself or whether it loves the sun,
  • There is really no difference in these two loves: both sides (aspects) are naught but the radiance of the sunrise. 2030
  • Until it (the stone) has become a ruby, it is an enemy to itself, because it is not a single “I”: two “I's” are there;
  • For the stone is dark and blind to the day (-light): the dark is essentially opposed to light.
  • (If) it love itself, it is an infidel, because it offers intense resistance to the supreme Sun.
  • Therefore ’tis not fitting that the stone should say “I,” (for) it is wholly darkness and in (the state of) death.
  • A Pharaoh said “I am God” and was laid low; a Mansúr (Halláj) said “I am God” and was saved. 2035
  • The former “I” is followed by God's curse and the latter “I” by God's mercy, O loving man;
  • For that one (Pharaoh) was a black stone, this one (Halláj) a cornelian; that one was an enemy to the Light, and this one passionately enamoured (of it).
  • This “I,” O presumptuous meddler, was “He” (God) in the inmost consciousness, through oneness with the Light, not through (belief in) the doctrine of incarnation.
  • Strive that thy stony nature may be diminished, so that thy stone may become resplendent with the qualities of the ruby.
  • Show fortitude in (enduring) self-mortification and affliction; continually behold everlasting life in dying to self. 2040
  • (Then) thy stoniness will become less at every moment, the nature of the ruby will be strengthened in thee.