Love hath five hundred wings, and every wing (extends) from above the empyrean to beneath the earth.
عشق را پانصد پرست و هر پری ** از فراز عرش تا تحتالثری
The timorous ascetic runs on foot; the lovers (of God) fly more quickly than the lightning and the wind.
زاهد با ترس میتازد به پا ** عاشقان پرانتر از برق و هوا
How should those fearful ones overtake Love?—for Love's passion makes the (lofty) heaven its carpet—
کی رسند این خایفان در گرد عشق ** که آسمان را فرش سازد درد عشق
Unless perchance the favours of the (Divine) Light come and say, “Become free from the world and from this wayfaring;
جز مگر آید عنایتهای ضو ** کز جهان و زین روش آزاد شو
Escape from thine own qush and dush, for (only) the royal falcon has found the way to the King.”2195
از قش خود وز دش خود باز ره ** که سوی شه یافت آن شهباز ره
This “qush and dush” is necessity and free-will: the pull of the Beloved (who draws you to Himself) transcends these twain.
این قش و دش هست جبر و اختیار ** از ورای این دو آمد جذب یار
When the wife arrived home, she opened the door: the sound of the door fell on their ears.
چون رسید آن زن به خانه در گشاد ** بانگ در در گوش ایشان در فتاد
The maid jumped up in consternation and disorder; the man jumped up and began to say his prayers.
آن کنیزک جست آشفته ز ساز ** مرد بر جست و در آمد در نماز
The wife saw that the maid was dishevelled and confused and excited and witless and unmanageable.
زن کنیزک را پژولیده بدید ** درهم و آشفته و دنگ و مرید
She saw her husband standing up (and engaged) in the ritual prayer: the wife was made suspicious by (all) that agitation.2200
شوی خود را دید قایم در نماز ** در گمان افتاد زن زان اهتزاز
Periculi nulla ratione habita, mariti laciniam sustulit: testiculos et penem videt semine inquinatos. [She raised (her) husband’s skirt without risk; she saw (his) testicles and penis soiled with sperm.]
شوی را برداشت دامن بیخطر ** دید آلودهی منی خصیه و ذکر
Seminis quod reliquum erat e pene stillabat: femur genuque inquinata et spurca evaserant. [Remnants of sperm were dripping from (his) penis; his thighs and knees had become soiled and filthy.]
از ذکر باقی نطفه میچکید ** ران و زانو گشت آلوده و پلید
Caput ejus colapho percussit et “O vilissime,” inquit, “num hujusmodi sunt testiculi viri preces sollennes rite facientis? [She slapped at his head and said, “O despicable (one), are these the testicles of a man of prayer?]
بر سرش زد سیلی و گفت ای مهین ** خصیهی مرد نمازی باشد این
Num iste penis cum Dei commemoratione precibusque sollennibus conveniens est? Num femur tale et inguen sordibus plenum. [Is this (soiled) penis worthy of commemoration (of God) and ritual prayer, or these thighs and groin full of filth?]
لایق ذکر و نمازست این ذکر ** وین چنین ران و زهار پر قذر
Deal equitably (answer fairly): is a scroll (a register of actions) full of injustice and wickedness and unbelief and enmity fit (to be placed) in the right hand?2205
نامهی پر ظلم و فسق و کفر و کین ** لایقست انصاف ده اندر یمین
If you ask an infidel, “By whom were this heaven and these creatures and this world created?”
گر بپرسی گبر را کین آسمان ** آفریدهی کیست وین خلق و جهان
He will reply that they were created by the Lord to whose Lordship the Creation bears witness.
گوید او کین آفریدهی آن خداست ** که آفرینش بر خداییاش گواست
Do his unbelief and great wickedness and wrong-doing fit (properly agree with) such a confession by him?
کفر و فسق و استم بسیار او ** هست لایق با چنین اقرار او
Do those infamous deeds and that vicious conduct go fitly with such a true confession?
هست لایق با چنین اقرار راست ** آن فضیحتها و آن کردار کاست
His actions have given the lie to his words, so that he has become fit for (deserving of) the awful torment.2210
فعل او کرده دروغ آن قول را ** تا شد او لایق عذاب هول را
On the Day of Resurrection every hidden thing will be made manifest: every sinner will be ignominiously exposed by himself.
روز محشر هر نهان پیدا شود ** هم ز خود هر مجرمی رسوا شود
His hands and feet will give evidence and declare his iniquity in the presence of Him whose help is sought.
دست و پا بدهد گواهی با بیان ** بر فساد او به پیش مستعان
His hand will say, “I have stolen such and such”; his lip will say, “I have asked such and such questions”;
دست گوید من چنین دزدیدهام ** لب بگوید من چنین پرسیدهام
His foot will say, “I have gone to (enjoy) things desired”; his pudendum will say, “I have committed fornication.” [His foot will say, “I have gone to (enjoy) things desired”; his private parts will say, “I have committed fornication.”]
پای گوید من شدستم تا منی ** فرج گوید من بکردستم زنی
His eye will say, “I have cast amorous glances at things forbidden”; his ear will say, “I have gathered evil words.”2215