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  • I know nothing to be compared with the acquisition of thanksgiving to Him, in order that thanksgiving to God may bring (in its train) the daily bread and the increase (thereof).”
  • کسب شکرش را نمی‌دانم ندید  ** تا کشد رزق خدا رزق و مزید 
  • Their dispute was prolonged in mutual altercation (till) they became incapable of (further) questioning and answering.
  • بحثشان بسیار شد اندر خطاب  ** مانده گشتند از سال و از جواب 
  • Afterwards he (the fox) said to him, “Mark in the (Divine) kingdom the prohibition, ‘Do not cast yourselves into destruction.’
  • بعد از آن گفتش بدان در مملکه  ** نهی لا تلقوا بایدی تهلکه 
  • In a barren desert covered with stones self-denial is folly: God's world is wide.
  • صبر در صحرای خشک و سنگ‌لاخ  ** احمقی باشد جهان حق فراخ 
  • Move from this place towards the meadow, and browse there on the verdure round about the river— 2430
  • نقل کن زینجا به سوی مرغزار  ** می‌چر آنجا سبزه گرد جویبار 
  • A meadow verdant like Paradise, where the verdure grows up to (as high as) the waist.
  • مرغزاری سبز مانند جنان  ** سبزه رسته اندر آنجا تا میان 
  • Happy the animal that goes thither: amidst the verdure a camel would become invisible.
  • خرم آن حیوان که او آنجا شود  ** اشتر اندر سبزه ناپیدا شود 
  • There, on every side, is a running fountain; there the animals are in comfort and security.”
  • هر طرف در وی یکی چشمه‌ی روان  ** اندرو حیوان مرفه در امان 
  • From asininity he (the ass) did not say to him, “O accursed one, thou art (come) from there: how art thou so wretched?
  • از خری او را نمی‌گفت ای لعین  ** تو از آن‌جایی چرا زاری چنین 
  • Where is thy gaiety and fatness and comeliness? What is (the meaning of) this lean starved body of thine? 2435
  • کو نشاط و فربهی و فر تو  ** چیست این لاغر تن مضطر تو 
  • If thy description of the meadow is not (mere) falsehood and fiction, then why is thine eye not intoxicated (enraptured) by it?
  • شرح روضه گر دروغ و زور نیست  ** پس چرا چشمت ازو مخمور نیست 
  • These greedy looks and this blindness are the result of thy beggarliness, not of (spiritual) sovereignty.
  • این گدا چشمی و این نادیدگی  ** از گدایی تست نه از بگلربگی 
  • Since thou hast come from the fountain, how art thou dry (thirsty)? And if thou art (fragrant like) the gland of the musk-deer, where is the fragrance of musk?
  • چون ز چشمه آمدی چونی تو خشک  ** ور تو ناف آهویی کو بوی مشک 
  • How is there no trace in thee of that which thou sayest and describest, O exalted one?”
  • زانک می‌گویی و شرحش می‌کنی  ** چون نشانی در تو نامد ای سنی 
  • Parable of the camel, explaining that when some one tells of his good fortune and you do not perceive in him any appearance or sign of welfare, there is reason to suspect that he is an imitator therein (of those who have really attained to spiritual felicity).
  • مثل آوردن اشتر در بیان آنک در مخبر دولتی فر و اثر آن چون نبینی جای متهم داشتن باشد کی او مقلدست در آن 
  • A certain man asked a camel, “Hey, whence comest thou, O thou whom fortune attends? 2440
  • آن یکی پرسید اشتر را که هی  ** از کجا می‌آیی ای اقبال پی 
  • He replied, “From the hot-bath in thy street.” Said the other, “Truly, ’tis manifest in (the state of) thy knees!”
  • گفت از حمام گرم کوی تو  ** گفت خود پیداست در زانوی تو 
  • (When) Pharaoh, the obstinate rebel, saw Moses' snake, he begged for a respite and showed meekness.
  • مار موسی دید فرعون عنود  ** مهلتی می‌خواست نرمی می‌نمود 
  • The men of intelligence said, “This man (Pharaoh) ought to have been fiercer, since he is the Lord of the Judgement.
  • زیرکان گفتند بایستی که این  ** تندتر گشتی چو هست او رب دین 
  • Whether the miracle was a dragon or a snake, what has become of the pride and wrath proper to his divinity?
  • معجزه‌گر اژدها گر مار بد  ** نخوت و خشم خدایی‌اش چه شد 
  • If he is the Supreme Lord seated on the throne, what is this blandishment on account of a single worm?” 2445
  • رب اعلی گر ویست اندر جلوس  ** بهر یک کرمی چیست این چاپلوس 
  • So long as your fleshly soul is intoxicated with the dessert and date-wine (of sensuality), know that your spirit has not beheld the cluster belonging to the World Unseen,
  • نفس تو تا مست نقلست و نبید  ** دانک روحت خوشه‌ی غیبی ندید 
  • For the signs of that vision of the Light are (consist in) your withdrawal from the abode of delusion.
  • که علاماتست زان دیدار نور  ** التجافی منک عن دار الغرور 
  • Since the bird is frequenting a briny (piece of) water, it has not seen (found) help (for its thirst) in the sweet water;
  • مرغ چون بر آب شوری می‌تند  ** آب شیرین را ندیدست او مدد 
  • Nay, its faith is (mere) imitation: its spirit has never seen the face of faith.
  • بلک تقلیدست آن ایمان او  ** روی ایمان را ندیده جان او 
  • Hence, because of the accursed Devil, the imitator is in great danger from the road and the brigand; 2450
  • پس خطر باشد مقلد را عظیم  ** از ره و ره‌زن ز شیطان رجیم