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  • Nay, its faith is (mere) imitation: its spirit has never seen the face of faith.
  • بلک تقلیدست آن ایمان او  ** روی ایمان را ندیده جان او 
  • Hence, because of the accursed Devil, the imitator is in great danger from the road and the brigand; 2450
  • پس خطر باشد مقلد را عظیم  ** از ره و ره‌زن ز شیطان رجیم 
  • (But) when he beholds the Light of God, he becomes safe: he is at rest from the agitations of doubt.
  • چون ببیند نور حق آمن شود  ** ز اضطرابات شک او ساکن شود 
  • The sea-foam (scum) is (always) in collision till it comes to the earth (land) which is its origin.
  • تا کف دریا نیاید سوی خاک  ** که اصل او آمد بود در اصطکاک 
  • The foam (scum) is earthly: it is an exile in the water: in exile agitation is inevitable.
  • خاکی است آن کف غریبست اندر آب  ** در غریبی چاره نبود ز اضطراب 
  • When his (the imitator's) eye is opened and he reads those characters (of Reality), the Devil hath no power over him any more.
  • چونک چشمش باز شد و آن نقش خواند  ** دیو را بر وی دگر دستی نماند 
  • Although the ass spoke of (spiritual) mysteries to the fox, he spoke superficially and like an imitator. 2455
  • گرچه با روباه خر اسرار گفت  ** سرسری گفت و مقلدوار گفت 
  • He praised the water, but he had no longing (for it); he tore his face and raiment, but he was no lover.
  • آب را بستود و او تایق نبود  ** رخ درید و جامه او عاشق نبود 
  • The excuse made by the hypocrite was bad, not good, because it was (only) on their lips, not in their hearts.
  • از منافق عذر رد آمد نه خوب  ** زانک در لب بود آن نه در قلوب 
  • He (the hypocrite) has the smell of the apple, but no part of the apple (itself); and in him (even) the smell is only for the purpose of (coming into) contact (with the true believers).
  • بوی سیبش هست جزو سیب نیست  ** بو درو جز از پی آسیب نیست 
  • The charge of a woman in battle does not break the (hostile) ranks; nay, her plight becomes pitiable.
  • حمله‌ی زن در میان کارزار  ** نشکند صف بلک گردد کارزار 
  • Though you see her take the sword (and fight) like a lion amidst the ranks, (yet) her hand trembles. 2460
  • گرچه می‌بینی چو شیر اندر صفش  ** تیغ بگرفته همی‌لرزد کفش 
  • Alas for him whose reason is female, while his wicked fleshly soul is male and ready (to gratify its lust)!
  • وای آنک عقل او ماده بود  ** نفس زشتش نر و آماده بود 
  • Of necessity, his reason is vanquished: his movement is towards naught but perdition.
  • لاجرم مغلوب باشد عقل او  ** جز سوی خسران نباشد نقل او 
  • Oh, blest is that one whose reason is male, while his wicked fleshly soul is female and helpless;
  • ای خنک آن کس که عقلش نر بود  ** نفس زشتش ماده و مضطر بود 
  • Whose particular (individual) reason is male and dominant, (so that) his intellect deprives the female fleshly soul (of power to do mischief).
  • عقل جزوی‌اش نر و غالب بود  ** نفس انثی را خرد سالب بود 
  • The attack of the female, too, is bold in appearance; her defect, as (in the case of) that ass, arises from asininity. 2465
  • حمله‌ی ماده به صورت هم جریست  ** آفت او هم‌چو آن خر از خریست 
  • The animal nature prevails in woman, because she has an inclination towards colour and scent.
  • وصف حیوانی بود بر زن فزون  ** زانک سوی رنگ و بو دارد رکون 
  • (When) the ass heard of the colour and scent of the meadow, all arguments (in favour of trust in God) disgusted him.
  • رنگ و بوی سبزه‌زار آن خر شنید  ** جمله حجتها ز طبع او رمید 
  • The thirsty man wanted rain, and there was no cloud; the fleshly soul was ravenously hungry, and there was no self-restraint.
  • تشنه محتاج مطر شد وابر نه  ** نفس را جوع البقر بد صبر نه 
  • Self-restraint is an iron shield, O father: upon the shield (of self-restraint) God hath written (the words), “Victory will come.”
  • اسپر آهن بود صبر ای پدر  ** حق نبشته بر سپر جاء الظفر 
  • The imitator brings forward a hundred proofs in his exposition, (but) he speaks (gives) them from ratiocination, not from immediate experience. 2470
  • صد دلیل آرد مقلد در بیان  ** از قیاسی گوید آن را نه از عیان 
  • He is tinctured with musk, but he is not musk: he has the scent of musk, but he is only dung.
  • مشک‌آلودست الا مشک نیست  ** بوی مشکستش ولی جز پشک نیست 
  • In order that a piece of dung may become musk, O disciple, one must browse for years in that (spiritual) garden.
  • تا که پشکی مشک گردد ای مرید  ** سالها باید در آن روضه چرید 
  • One must not eat straw and barley, like asses: browse on arghawán, like the musk-deer in Khutan.
  • که نباید خورد و جو هم‌چون خران  ** آهوانه در ختن چر ارغوان