Whose particular (individual) reason is male and dominant, (so that) his intellect deprives the female fleshly soul (of power to do mischief).
عقل جزویاش نر و غالب بود ** نفس انثی را خرد سالب بود
The attack of the female, too, is bold in appearance; her defect, as (in the case of) that ass, arises from asininity.2465
حملهی ماده به صورت هم جریست ** آفت او همچو آن خر از خریست
The animal nature prevails in woman, because she has an inclination towards colour and scent.
وصف حیوانی بود بر زن فزون ** زانک سوی رنگ و بو دارد رکون
(When) the ass heard of the colour and scent of the meadow, all arguments (in favour of trust in God) disgusted him.
رنگ و بوی سبزهزار آن خر شنید ** جمله حجتها ز طبع او رمید
The thirsty man wanted rain, and there was no cloud; the fleshly soul was ravenously hungry, and there was no self-restraint.
تشنه محتاج مطر شد وابر نه ** نفس را جوع البقر بد صبر نه
Self-restraint is an iron shield, O father: upon the shield (of self-restraint) God hath written (the words), “Victory will come.”
اسپر آهن بود صبر ای پدر ** حق نبشته بر سپر جاء الظفر
The imitator brings forward a hundred proofs in his exposition, (but) he speaks (gives) them from ratiocination, not from immediate experience.2470
صد دلیل آرد مقلد در بیان ** از قیاسی گوید آن را نه از عیان
He is tinctured with musk, but he is not musk: he has the scent of musk, but he is only dung.
مشکآلودست الا مشک نیست ** بوی مشکستش ولی جز پشک نیست
In order that a piece of dung may become musk, O disciple, one must browse for years in that (spiritual) garden.
تا که پشکی مشک گردد ای مرید ** سالها باید در آن روضه چرید
One must not eat straw and barley, like asses: browse on arghawán, like the musk-deer in Khutan.
که نباید خورد و جو همچون خران ** آهوانه در ختن چر ارغوان
Do not browse on aught but clove, jasmine, or roses: go to the plain of Khutan in company with those (saintly) personages.
جز قرنفل یا سمن یا گل مچر ** رو به صحرای ختن با آن نفر
Accustom your belly to the sweet basil and the rose, that you may gain the wisdom and (spiritual) food of the prophets.2475
معده را خو کن بدان ریحان و گل ** تا بیابی حکمت و قوت رسل
Break your belly of its habit of (eating) this straw and barley: begin to eat the sweet basil and the rose.
خوی معده زین که و جو باز کن ** خوردن ریحان و گل آغاز کن
The corporeal belly leads to the straw-barn; the spiritual belly leads to the sweet basil.
معدهی تن سوی کهدان میکشد ** معدهی دل سوی ریحان میکشد
Whoever feeds on straw and barley becomes a sacrifice (qurbán); whoever feeds on the Light of God becomes the Qur’án.
هر که کاه و جو خورد قربان شود ** هر که نور حق خورد قرآن شود
Beware! Half of you is musk and half is dung. Beware! Do not increase the dung, increase the Chinese musk.
نیم تو مشکست و نیمی پشک هین ** هین میفزا پشک افزا مشک چین
The imitator brings on to his tongue a hundred proofs and explanations, but he has no soul.2480
آن مقلد صد دلیل و صد بیان ** در زبان آرد ندارد هیچ جان
When the speaker has no soul and (spiritual) glory, how should his speech have leaves and fruit?
چونک گوینده ندارد جان و فر ** گفت او را کی بود برگ و ثمر
He boldly directs people in the Way (to salvation), (though) he is more tremulous (infirm) in soul than a blade of straw.
میکند گستاخ مردم را به راه ** او بجان لرزانترست از برگ کاه
Therefore, though his discourse may be splendid, tremor (infirmity) is also latent in his discourse.
پس حدیثش گرچه بس با فر بود ** در حدیثش لرزه هم مضمر بود
The difference between the call of the perfect Shaykh who is united with God and the words of imperfect men whose (spiritual) virtues are acquired and artificial.
فرق میان دعوت شیخ کامل واصل و میان سخن ناقصان فاضل فضل تحصیلی بر بسته
The illumined Shaykh makes (his disciples) cognisant of the Way; moreover, he causes the light (of faith) to accompany his words.
شیخ نورانی ز ره آگه کند ** با سخن هم نور را همره کند
Strive to become intoxicated and illumined, in order that his light may be (like) the rhyme-letter to your discourse.2485
جهد کن تا مست و نورانی شوی ** تا حدیثت را شود نورش روی
Whatever (fruit or vegetable) is boiled in grape-juice, the flavour of grape-juice will be (tasted) in its syrup.
هر چه در دوشاب جوشیده شود ** در عقیده طعم دوشابش بود
(Whether it be syrup) of carrots or apples or quinces or walnuts, you will taste in it the delicious flavour of grape-juice.
از جزر وز سیب و به وز گردگان ** لذت دوشاب یابی تو از آن
When your knowledge is steeped in the light (of faith), then the contumacious folk derive light from your knowledge.
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