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  • Thou art higher even than the sky and the stars, though for a good reason thou art (temporarily) in the Stable.
  • تو ز چرخ و اختران هم برتری  ** گرچه بهر مصلحت در آخری 
  • The Master of the Stable is one thing and the ass another: not every one who has entered the Stable is an ass. 2550
  • میر آخر دیگر و خر دیگرست  ** نه هر آنک اندر آخر شد خرست 
  • Why have we fallen in behind the ass? Tell of the Rose-garden and the fresh roses,
  • چه در افتادیم در دنبال خر  ** از گلستان گوی و از گلهای تر 
  • And of the pomegranate and the citron and the apple-bough, and of the wine and the fair youths innumerable,
  • از انار و از ترنج و شاخ سیب  ** وز شراب و شاهدان بی‌حساب 
  • Or of the Sea whose waves are pearls and whose pearls are speaking and seeing,
  • یا از آن دریا که موجش گوهرست  ** گوهرش گوینده و بیناورست 
  • Or of the Birds which pick roses and lay eggs of silver and gold,
  • یا از آن مرغان که گل‌چین می‌کنند  ** بیضه‌ها زرین و سیمین می‌کنند 
  • Or of the Falcons which foster the partridges and fly both with their bellies turned downward and also on their backs. 2555
  • یا از آن بازان که کبکان پرورند  ** هم نگون اشکم هم استان می‌پرند 
  • In the world there are invisible ladders, (leading) step by step up to the summit of heaven.
  • نردبانهاییست پنهان در جهان  ** پایه پایه تا عنان آسمان 
  • There is a different ladder for every class, there is a different heaven for every (traveller's) way.
  • هر گره را نردبانی دیگرست  ** هر روش را آسمانی دیگرست 
  • Every one is ignorant of another's condition (in) the kingdom (which is) wide and without end or beginning.
  • هر یکی از حال دیگر بی‌خبر  ** ملک با پهنا و بی‌پایان و سر 
  • This one is amazed at that one and asks wherefore he is happy, while that one is astounded at this one and asks why he is amazed.
  • این در آن حیران که او از چیست خوش  ** وآن درین خیره که حیرت چیستش 
  • The area of God's earth is spacious: every tree springs up from a certain soil. 2560
  • صحن ارض الله واسع آمده  ** هر درختی از زمینی سر زده 
  • The leaves and boughs on the trees are giving thanks (to God), crying, “Oh, what a fine kingdom! Oh, what a broad expanse!”
  • بر درختان شکر گویان برگ و شاخ  ** که زهی ملک و زهی عرصه‌ی فراخ 
  • The nightingales are (flying) round the knobby blossom, saying, “Give us some of that which thou drinkest.”
  • بلبلان گرد شکوفه‌ی پر گره  ** که از آنچ می‌خوری ما را بده 
  • This discourse hath no end: return to the fox and the lion and the (lion's) sickness and hunger.
  • این سخن پایان ندارد کن رجوع  ** سوی آن روباه و شیر و سقم و جوع 
  • How the fox brought the ass to the lion, and how the ass jumped away from the lion, and how the fox reproached the lion, saying, “The ass was still far off: you were too hasty”; and how the lion made excuses and entreated the fox to go and trick him a second time.
  • بردن روبه خر را پیش شیر و جستن خر از شیر و عتاب کردن روباه با شیر کی هنوز خر دور بود تعجیل کردی و عذر گفتن شیر و لابه کردن روبه را شیر کی برو بار دگرش به فریب 
  • When he (the fox) brought him (the ass) up the hill towards the meadow, in order that the lion might pulverise him with a (sudden) charge,
  • چونک بر کوهش بسوی مرج برد  ** تا کند شیرش به حمله خرد و مرد 
  • He (the ass) was (still) far from the lion, but the lion would not wait for him to come near before attacking. 2565
  • دور بود از شیر و آن شیر از نبرد  ** تا به نزدیک آمدن صبری نکرد 
  • The terrible lion made a spring from an eminence, (though) indeed he had not the strength and power to move (effectively).
  • گنبدی کرد از بلندی شیر هول  ** خود نبودش قوت و امکان حول 
  • The ass saw him from afar and turned and fled to the bottom of the hill, dropping his shoes as he ran.
  • خر ز دورش دید و برگشت و گریز  ** تا به زیر کوه تازان نعل ریز 
  • “O king of us (all),” said the fox to the lion, “why didst not thou restrain thyself in the hour of battle,
  • گفت روبه شیر را ای شاه ما  ** چون نکردی صبر در وقت وغا 
  • In order that that misguided (creature) might come near thee and that thou might’st vanquish him with a small attack?
  • تا به نزدیک تو آید آن غوی  ** تا باندک حمله‌ای غالب شوی 
  • Precipitation and haste is the Devil's wile; patience and calculation is God's grace. 2570
  • مکر شیطانست تعجیل و شتاب  ** لطف رحمانست صبر و احتساب 
  • He (the ass) was far off and saw the attack and fled: thy weakness is made manifest and thy prestige is destroyed.”
  • دور بود و حمله را دید و گریخت  ** ضعف تو ظاهر شد و آب تو ریخت 
  • He (the lion) replied, “I thought my strength was restored: I did not know my feebleness was so great.
  • گفت من پنداشتم بر جاست زور  ** تا بدین حد می‌ندانستم فتور 
  • Moreover, my hunger and need had passed beyond bounds: through starvation my patience and understanding had been lost.
  • نیز جوع و حاجتم از حد گذشت  ** صبر و عقلم از تجوع یاوه گشت