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  • So that, from my eating withered and fresh leaves, this bodily colour of mine had turned green.” 2760
  • تا ز برگ خشک و تازه خوردنم  ** سبز گشته بود این رنگ تنم 
  • So long as thou art in the veil of the Father of mankind (Adam), do not look slightingly on the lovers (of God).
  • تا تو باشی در حجاب بوالبشر  ** سرسری در عاشقان کمتر نگر 
  • The acute men who have split hairs (in profound investigation) and with (all) their soul have (studied and) apprehended the science of astronomy,
  • زیرکان که مویها بشکافتند  ** علم هیات را به جان دریافتند 
  • And the sciences of sorcery and magic and (natural) philosophy, and, though they do not know (these sciences) with real knowledge,
  • علم نارنجات و سحر و فلسفه  ** گرچه نشناسند حق المعرفه 
  • Yet have endeavoured (to know them) as far as they possibly can, and have surpassed all their rivals—
  • لیک کوشیدند تا امکان خود  ** بر گذشتند از همه اقران خود 
  • Love was jealous and withdrew from them: such a (manifest) Sun became invisible to them. 2765
  • عشق غیرت کرد و زیشان در کشید  ** شد چنین خورشید زیشان ناپدید 
  • (I marvel), how did such a Sun withdraw its face from the light of an eye that observed a star in the daytime?
  • نور چشمی کو به روز استاره دید  ** آفتابی چون ازو رو در کشید 
  • Abandon this (revilement); hark, accept my counsel: regard the lovers (of God) with the eye of love.
  • زین گذر کن پند من بپذیر هین  ** عاشقان را تو به چشم عشق بین 
  • (Their) time is precious and their souls are on the watch (for the Beloved): at that moment they cannot excuse themselves to thee.
  • وقت نازک باشد و جان در رصد  ** با تو نتوان گفت آن دم عذر خود 
  • Apprehend (their real state), do not be dependent on their words, do not wound the breasts (hearts) of the lovers.
  • فهم کن موقوف آن گفتن مباش  ** سینه‌های عاشقان را کم خراش 
  • Hast not thou formed a bad opinion of this enthusiasm (of theirs)? (Thou hast done so from prudence): do not abandon prudence, always act with caution; 2770
  • نه گمانی برده‌ای تو زین نشاط  ** حزم را مگذار می‌کن احتیاط 
  • (But) it (prudence) is either necessary or allowable or absurd: take this middle course in prudence, O interferer.
  • واجبست و جایزست و مستحیل  ** این وسط را گیر در حزم ای دخیل 
  • How the admonition of the Shaykh and the reflexion of (the impression produced by) his sincerity moved the Amír to weep; and how after (having shown) that irreverence he gave up (to him the contents of) his treasury; and how the Shaykh preserved himself (from temptation) and refused to accept (the gift) and said, “I cannot take any action in the absence of an intimation (from God).”
  • گریان شدن امیر از نصیحت شیخ و عکس صدق او و ایثار کردن مخزن بعد از آن گستاخی و استعصام شیخ و قبول ناکردن و گفتن کی من بی‌اشارت نیارم تصرفی کردن 
  • He (the Shaykh) said this and began to weep with ecstatic cries, the tears rolling hither and thither down his cheeks.
  • این بگفت و گریه در شد های های  ** اشک غلطان بر رخ او جای جای 
  • His sincerity touched the Amír's heart: Love is ever cooking a wondrous potful.
  • صدق او هم بر ضمیر میر زد  ** عشق هر دم طرفه دیگی می‌پزد 
  • The sincerity of the lover affects (even) an inanimate thing: what wonder if it make an impression on the mind of one possessed of knowledge?
  • صدق عاشق بر جمادی می‌تند  ** چه عجب گر بر دل دانا زند 
  • The sincerity of Moses made an impression on the rod and the mountain; nay, on the majestic sea. 2775
  • صدق موسی بر عصا و کوه زد  ** بلک بر دریای پر اشکوه زد 
  • The sincerity of Ahmad (Mohammed) made an impression on the beauty of the moon; nay, it stopped the course of the shining sun.
  • صدق احمد بر جمال ماه زد  ** بلک بر خورشید رخشان راه زد 
  • With face turned to face in lamentation, both the Amír and the Dervish had fallen to weeping.
  • رو برو آورده هر دو در نفیر  ** گشته گریان هم امیر و هم فقیر 
  • After they had wept much for a while, the Amír said to him, “Arise, O worthy man,
  • ساعتی بسیار چون بگریستند  ** گفت میر او را که خیز ای ارجمند 
  • And choose from the Treasury whatever thou wilt, albeit thou deservest a hundred such (treasuries).
  • هر چه خواهی از خزانه برگزین  ** گرچه استحقاق داری صد چنین 
  • The (treasure-) house is thine: choose anything thou desirest, (though) in truth the two worlds are little (in thy estimation).” 2780
  • خانه آن تست هر چت میل هست  ** بر گزین خود هر دو عالم اندکست 
  • He replied, “I have not been given permission (by God) to pick out anything with my own hand.
  • گفت دستوری ندادندم چنین  ** که کنم من این دخیلانه دخول 
  • I cannot of my own accord commit such an intemperance as to intrude in this way like an interloper."
  • من ز خود نتوانم این کردن فضول ** که کنم من این دخیلانه دخول
  • He made this excuse and took his leave: what prevented (him from complying) was (the fact) that the (Amír's) munificence was not sincere.
  • این بهانه کرد و مهره در ربود  ** مانع آن بدکان عطا صادق نبود 
  • Was it not (the case) that it (the munificence) was sincere and unmixed with rancour and wrath? (Yes; but) every (kind of) sincerity did not come into the Shaykh's consideration.
  • نه که صادق بود و پاک از غل و خشم  ** شیخ را هر صدق می‌نامد به چشم