- Although I feel no certainty as regards the Faith and Religion (of Islam), yet I believe mightily in his Faith. 3360
- گرچه در ایمان و دین ناموقنم ** لیک در ایمان او بس مؤمنم
- I hold the faith that that (Faith of his) is higher than all (others): ’tis very beautiful, resplendent, and glorious.
- دارم ایمان که آن ز جمله برترست ** بس لطیف و با فروغ و با فرست
- Inwardly I am a believer in his Faith, though a seal is set firmly on my mouth.
- مؤمن ایمان اویم در نهان ** گرچه مهرم هست محکم بر دهان
- Again, if indeed the Faith (which thou wouldst have me embrace) is your Faith, I have no inclination or desire for it.
- باز ایمان خود گر ایمان شماست ** نه بدان میلستم و نه مشتهاست
- He that feels a hundred inclinations to believe—that (inclination) languishes as soon as he sees you (Moslems),
- آنک صد میلش سوی ایمان بود ** چون شما را دید آن فاتر شود
- Because he sees a (mere) name and no meaning in it, like calling the desert mafáza (a safe place). 3365
- زانک نامی بیند و معنیش نی ** چون بیابان را مفازه گفتنی
- When he looks upon your Faith, his love is chilled (and shrinks) from professing it.”
- عشق او ز آورد ایمان بفسرد ** چون به ایمان شما او بنگرد
- Story of the harsh-voiced muezzin who called (the Moslems) to prayer in the land of the infidels and to whom a certain infidel offered presents.
- حکایت آن مذن زشت آواز کی در کافرستان بانگ نماز داد و مرد کافری او را هدیه داد
- A certain muezzin had a very harsh voice: he called (the Moslems to prayer) in the land of the infidels.
- یک مذن داشت بس آواز بد ** در میان کافرستان بانگ زد
- They said to him several times, “Do not give the call to prayer, for (otherwise) fighting and acts of hostility (against us) will be prolonged.”
- چند گفتندش مگو بانگ نماز ** که شود جنگ و عداوتها دراز
- He defied (them), and then without showing (any) caution he gave the call to prayer in the land of the infidels.
- او ستیزه کرد و پس بیاحتراز ** گفت در کافرستان بانگ نماز
- The (Moslem) folk were in fear of a general insurrection; however, an infidel came up (to them) with a robe. 3370
- خلق خایف شد ز فتنهی عامهای ** خود بیامد کافری با جامهای
- He brought (with him) candles and halwá and such a (fine) robe as gifts, and approached in a friendly manner,
- شمع و حلوا با چنان جامهی لطیف ** هدیه آورد و بیامد چون الیف
- Asking again and again, “Tell me, where is this muezzin, whose call and cry increases my pleasure?”
- پرس پرسان کین مذن کو کجاست ** که صلا و بانگ او راحتفزاست
- “Eh, what pleasure was there from such a harsh voice?” He replied, “His voice penetrated into the church.
- هین چه راحت بود زان آواز زشت ** گفت که آوازش فتاد اندر کنشت
- I have a comely daughter of very high estate: she was desiring (to marry) a true believer.
- دختری دارم لطیف و بس سنی ** آرزو میبود او را مؤمنی
- Never would this passion go out of her head, (though) so many infidels were exhorting her. 3375
- هیچ این سودا نمیرفت از سرش ** پندها میداد چندین کافرش
- Love of the Faith had grown up in her heart: this grief was like a censer and I like the aloes-wood (burning in it).
- در دل او مهر ایمان رسته بود ** همچو مجمر بود این غم من چو عود
- I was in torment and anguish and continually on the rack lest her passion should lead her (to embrace Islam).
- در عذاب و درد و اشکنجه بدم ** که بجنبد سلسلهی او دم به دم
- I knew no remedy for it until this muezzin chanted the adhán (call to prayer).
- هیچ چاره میندانستم در آن ** تا فرو خواند این مذن آن اذان
- (Then) my daughter said, ‘What is this detestable noise? It grates on my ear.
- گفت دختر چیست این مکروه بانگ ** که بگوشم آمد این دو چار دانگ
- Never in all my life have I heard such a harsh voice in this Christian convent and church.’ 3380
- من همه عمر این چنین آواز زشت ** هیچ نشنیدم درین دیر و کنشت
- Her sister said to her, ‘This chant, namely the adhán, gives (the Moslems) notice (of prayer-time) and is the watchword of the Faithful.’
- خوهرش گفتا که این بانگ اذان ** هست اعلام و شعار مومنان
- She would not believe it, and asked some one else: that person too said, ‘Yes, (it is true), O father.’
- باورش نامد بپرسید از دگر ** آن دگر هم گفت آری ای پدر
- When she became sure (of this), her face turned pale and her heart grew cold (averse) to Islam.
- چون یقین گشتش رخ او زرد شد ** از مسلمانی دل او سرد شد
- I was delivered from anxiety and torment: last night I slept sound in a peaceful sleep.
- باز رستم من ز تشویش و عذاب ** دوش خوش خفتم در آن بیخوف خواب