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  • Postquam ille feminarum cultor bracas exuit et inter crura mulieris recubavit, [When that adorer of women threw off (his) trousers and sat between the woman’s legs,] 3880
  • چون برون انداخت شلوار و نشست  ** در میان پای زن آن زن‌پرست 
  • Quo tempore penis ejus ad sedem suam recte ibat, tumultus ingens et clamor militum exortus est. [When (his) penis went straight toward (her) seat (buttocks), a commotion and outcry arose from the army.]
  • چون ذکر سوی مقر می‌رفت راست  ** رستخیز و غلغل از لشکر بخاست 
  • Exsiliit et nudo podice in aciem (currebat), grasping a (flashing) scimitar in his hand. [He jumped up (and ran) naked of buttocks to the (army) ranks, grasping a fiery (flashing) scimitar in his hand.]
  • برجهید و کون‌برهنه سوی صف  ** ذوالفقاری هم‌چو آتش او به کف 
  • He saw that a fierce black lion from the jungle had suddenly rushed upon the centre of the army;
  • دید شیر نر سیه از نیستان  ** بر زده بر قلب لشکر ناگهان 
  • (That) the Arab horses were demoniacally excited, (that) every stable and tent was in confusion;
  • تازیان چون دیو در جوش آمده  ** هر طویله و خیمه اندر هم زده 
  • (And that) the fierce lion from the covert was bounding twenty ells into the air, like billows of the sea. 3885
  • شیر نر گنبذ همی‌کرد از لغز  ** در هوا چون موج دریا بیست گز 
  • The captain was manful and intrepid: he advanced, like a furious lion, to meet the lion.
  • پهلوان مردانه بود و بی‌حذر  ** پیش شیر آمد چو شیر مست نر 
  • He smote (it) with his sword and clove its head; (then) at once he hastened (back) to the tent of the beauty.
  • زد به شمشیر و سرش را بر شکافت  ** زود سوی خیمه‌ی مه‌رو شتافت 
  • Ubi sese puellae formosissimae ostendit, penis ejus itidem erectus erat. [When he showed himself to the hourí (lovely woman), his (organ of) manhood was erect in the same manner (as before).]
  • چونک خود را او بدان حوری نمود  ** مردی او هم‌چنین بر پای بود 
  • Pugna congressus erat cum tali leone: penis ejus erectus manebat nec languore jacuerat. [He joined in battle with such a lion: (yet) his manhood remained erect and did not rest (go limp).]
  • با چنان شیری به چالش گشت جفت  ** مردی او مانده بر پای و نخفت 
  • Illa diva, facie venusta lunae simili praedita, virilitatis ejus admiratione obstupuit. [That moon-faced idol, sweet of countenance, was amazed at his manhood.] 3890
  • آن بت شیرین‌لقای ماه‌رو  ** در عجب در ماند از مردی او 
  • Protinus cum eo magna cupidine coivit: illae duae animae statim unitae evaserunt. [She joined with him (eagerly) in that moment with lust: those two souls immediately became united.]
  • جفت شد با او به شهوت آن زمان  ** متحد گشتند حالی آن دو جان 
  • Through the union of these two souls with one another, there will come to them from the Unseen World another soul.
  • ز اتصال این دو جان با همدگر  ** می‌رسد از غیبشان جانی دگر 
  • It will appear by the road of birth, if there be naught to waylay (prevent) its conception.
  • رو نماید از طریق زادنی  ** گر نباشد از علوقش ره‌زنی 
  • Wherever two persons unite in a love or hate, a third will certainly be born;
  • هر کجا دو کس به مهری یا به کین  ** جمع آید ثالثی زاید یقین 
  • But those forms are born in the Unseen World: when you go thither, you will see them in (clear) view. 3895
  • لیک اندر غیب زاید آن صور  ** چون روی آن سو ببینی در نظر 
  • That progeny is born of your associations: beware, do not rejoice too soon in any associate.
  • آن نتایج از قرانات تو زاد  ** هین مگرد از هر قرینی زود شاد 
  • Remain in expectation of the appointed time (of meeting): recognise the truth of the (Divine) promise that the offspring shall join (their parents);
  • منتظر می‌باش آن میقات را  ** صدق دان الحاق ذریات را 
  • For they are born of action and causes: each one hath form and speech and dwelling-place.
  • کز عمل زاییده‌اند و از علل  ** هر یکی را صورت و نطق و طلل 
  • Their cry is coming (to you) from those delightful bowers— “O thou who hast forgotten us, hark, come with all speed!”
  • بانگشان درمی‌رسد زان خوش حجال  ** کای ز ما غافل هلا زوتر تعال 
  • The soul (spiritual result) of (every) man and woman is waiting (for them) in the Unseen: why are you delaying? Step forward at once (on the way). 3900
  • منتظر در غیب جان مرد و زن  ** مول مولت چیست زوتر گام زن 
  • He (the captain) lost his way and, (beguiled) by that false dawn, fell like a gnat into the pot of buttermilk.
  • راه گم کرد او از آن صبح دروغ  ** چون مگس افتاد اندر دیگ دوغ 
  • How that military chief repented of the sin which he had committed and adjured the girl not to tell the Caliph anything of what had happened.
  • پشیمان شدن آن سرلشکر از آن خیانت کی کرد و سوگند دادن او آن کنیزک را کی به خلیفه باز نگوید از آنچ رفت 
  • He was absorbed in that (love-affair) for a while, (but) afterwards he repented of that grievous crime,
  • چند روزی هم بر آن بد بعد از آن  ** شد پشیمان او از آن جرم گران 
  • And adjured her, saying, “O thou whose face is like the sun, do not give the Caliph any hint of what has passed.”
  • داد سوگندش کای خورشیدرو  ** با خلیفه زینچ شد رمزی مگو 
  • When the Caliph saw her he became distraught (with love), and then too his secret was exposed to all.
  • چون ندید او را خلیفه مست گشت  ** پس ز بام افتاد او را نیز طشت