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  • My treacherous deeds made a traitor of him who was my trusted friend and servant.
  • او کامین من بد و لالای من  ** خاینش کرد آن خیانتهای من 
  • ’Tis no time to inflict punishment (for the injury) and avenge myself: I prepared the disaster with my own hand.
  • نیست وقت کین‌گزاری و انتقام  ** من به دست خویش کردم کار خام 
  • If I wreak vengeance on the Amír and the woman, that trespass also will come (recoil) on my head, 4005
  • گر کشم کینه بر آن میر و حرم  ** آن تعدی هم بیاید بر سرم 
  • Just as this (other) one has (already) come (upon me) in retribution: I have tried Him (God), I will not try Him again.
  • هم‌چنانک این یک بیامد در جزا  ** آزمودم باز نزمایم ورا 
  • The grief of the lord of Mawsil has broken my neck: I dare not wound this other man as well.
  • درد صاحب موصلم گردن شکست  ** من نیارم این دگر را نیز خست 
  • God hath given us information concerning retribution: He hath said, ‘If ye repeat it (the offence), We shall repeat it (the punishment).’
  • داد حق‌مان از مکافات آگهی  ** گفت ان عدتم به عدنا به 
  • Since in this case it is useless to commit excess (to transgress further), nothing but patience and mercy is praiseworthy.
  • چون فزونی کردن اینجا سود نیست  ** غیر صبر و مرحمت محمود نیست 
  • O our Lord, verily we have done wrong, a fault has occurred: perform an act of mercy, O Thou whose mercifulnesses are mighty! 4010
  • ربنا انا ظلمنا سهو رفت  ** رحمتی کن ای رحیمیهات رفت 
  • I have pardoned (him), do Thou also pardon me—(pardon) the new sin and the old lapses!”
  • عفو کردم تو هم از من عفو کن  ** از گناه نو ز زلات کهن 
  • He said, “Now, O girl, do not relate (to any one) this tale which I have heard from thee.
  • گفت اکنون ای کنیزک وا مگو  ** این سخن را که شنیدم من ز تو 
  • I will unite thee with the Amír: for God's sake, for God's sake, do not breathe a word of this story,
  • با امیرت جفت خواهم کرد من  ** الله الله زین حکایت دم مزن 
  • Lest he become ashamed to face me; for he has done one bad deed and a hundred thousand good.
  • تا نگردد او ز رویم شرمسار  ** کو یکی بد کرد و نیکی صد هزار 
  • (Many) times have I put him to the test: I have entrusted him with (girls) fairer than thou art. 4015
  • بارها من امتحانش کرده‌ام  ** خوب‌تر از تو بدو بسپرده‌ام 
  • I (always) found him perfect in fidelity; (so I know that) this too was a (Divine) judgment resulting from things done by me.”
  • در امانت یافتم او را تمام  ** این قضایی بود هم از کرده‌هام 
  • Then he summoned his Amír to his presence: he extinguished in himself the wrath that meditates a violent revenge.
  • پس به خود خواند آن امیر خویش را  ** کشت در خود خشم قهراندیش را 
  • He made an agreeable excuse to him, saying, “I have become disinclined to this slave-girl,
  • کرد با او یک بهانه‌ی دل‌پذیر  ** که شدستم زین کنیزک من نفیر 
  • Because the mother of my children is terribly agitated by jealousy and envy of the girl.
  • زان سبب کز غیرت و رشک کنیز  ** مادر فرزند دارد صد ازیز 
  • The mother of my children has many claims (on me): she does not deserve (to suffer) such injustice and unkindness. 4020
  • مادر فرزند را بس حقهاست  ** او نه درخورد چنین جور و جفاست 
  • She is nursing envy and jealousy, she is suffering anguish, she is feeling great bitterness on account of this girl.
  • رشک و غیرت می‌برد خون می‌خورد  ** زین کنیزک سخت تلخی می‌برد 
  • Since I wish to give this girl to some person, ’tis most fitting (that I should give her) to thee, O dear friend;
  • چون کسی را داد خواهم این کنیز  ** پس ترا اولیترست این ای عزیز 
  • For thou didst hazard thy life for the sake of (obtaining) her: it would not be fair to give her to any one but thee.”
  • که تو جانبازی نمودی بهر او  ** خوش نباشد دادن آن جز به تو 
  • He gave her in marriage and handed her over to him: he crushed anger and cupidity to atoms.
  • عقد کردش با امیر او را سپرد  ** کرد خشم و حرص را او خرد و مرد 
  • Explaining that the words “We have apportioned” mean that He (God) bestows on one the lust and (physical) strength of asses and on another the intelligence and (spiritual) strength of the prophets and the angels. “To turn the head away from sensual desire is (a mark of) nobility; to abandon sensual desire is (a mark of) the (spiritual) strength that belongs to prophethood.” “The seeds that are not sown in lust—their fruit only appears at the Resurrection.”
  • بیان آنک نحن قسمنا کی یکی را شهوت و قوت خران دهد و یکی را کیاست و قوت انبیا و فرشتگان بخشد سر ز هوا تافتن از سروریست ترک هوا قوت پیغامبریست تخمهایی کی شهوتی نبود بر آن جز قیامتی نبود 
  • If he (the Caliph) was deficient in the masculinity of asses, (yet) he possessed the manliness of the prophets. 4025
  • گر بدش سستی نری خران  ** بود او را مردی پیغامبران 
  • It is (true) manliness and the nature of prophethood to abandon anger and lust and greed.
  • ترک خشم و شهوت و حرص‌آوری  ** هست مردی و رگ پیغامبری 
  • Let the masculinity of the ass be lacking in his nature, (what of that?): God calls him the great Beylerbey.
  • نری خر گو مباش اندر رگش  ** حق همی خواند الغ بگلربگش