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  • The goodly life is to nourish the spirit in nearness (to God); the crow's life is for the sake of eating dung.
  • عمر خوش در قرب جان پروردنست  ** عمر زاغ از بهر سرگین خوردنست 
  • (The crow says), “Give me more life that I may be ever eating dung: give me this always, for I am very evil-natured.”
  • عمر بیشم ده که تا گه می‌خورم  ** دایم اینم ده که بس بدگوهرم 
  • Were it not that that foul-mouthed one is a dung-eater, he would say, “Deliver me from the nature of the crow!”
  • گرنه گه خوارست آن گنده‌دهان  ** گویدی کز خوی زاغم وا رهان 
  • Prayer.
  • مناجات 
  • O Thou who hast transmuted one clod of earth into gold, and another clod into the Father of mankind, 780
  • ای مبدل کرده خاکی را به زر  ** خاک دیگر را بکرده بوالبشر 
  • Thy work is the transmutation of essences and (the showing of) munificence; my work is mistake and forgetfulness and error.
  • کار تو تبدیل اعیان و عطا  ** کار من سهوست و نسیان و خطا 
  • Transmute mistake and forgetfulness into knowledge: I am all choler, make me patience and forbearance.
  • سهو و نسیان را مبدل کن به علم  ** من همه خلمم مرا کن صبر و حلم 
  • O Thou who makest nitrous earth to be bread, and O Thou who makest dead bread to be life,
  • ای که خاک شوره را تو نان کنی  ** وی که نان مرده را تو جان کنی 
  • O Thou who makest the distracted soul to be a Guide, and O Thou who makest the wayless wanderer to be a Prophet,
  • ای که جان خیره را رهبر کنی  ** وی که بی‌ره را تو پیغمبر کنی 
  • Thou makest a piece of earth to be heaven, Thou givest increase in the earth from the stars. 785
  • می‌کنی جزو زمین را آسمان  ** می‌فزایی در زمین از اختران 
  • Whosoever makes the Water of Life to consist of (the pleasures of) this world, death comes to him sooner than to the others.
  • هر که سازد زین جهان آب حیات  ** زوترش از دیگران آید ممات 
  • The eye of the heart (the inward eye) that contemplated the (spiritual) firmament perceived that here (in the sensible world) is a continual alchemy.
  • دیده‌ی دل کو به گردون بنگریست  ** دید که اینجا هر دمی میناگریست 
  • The harmonious cohesion of the patched garment, (which is) the body, without being stitched (together), is (owing to) the transmutation of essences and (to) an all-embracing elixir.
  • قلب اعیانست و اکسیری محیط  ** ایتلاف خرقه‌ی تن بی‌مخیط 
  • From the day when thou camest into existence, thou wert fire or air or earth.
  • تو از آن روزی که در هست آمدی  ** آتشی یا بادی یا خاکی بدی 
  • If thou hadst remained in that condition, how should this (present) height have been reached by thee? 790
  • گر بر آن حالت ترا بودی بقا  ** کی رسیدی مر ترا این ارتقا 
  • The Transmuter did not leave thee in thy first (state of) existence: He established a better (state of) existence in the place of that (former one);
  • از مبدل هستی اول نماند  ** هستی بهتر به جای آن نشاند 
  • And so on till (He gave thee) a hundred thousand states of existence, one after the other, the second (always) better than the beginning.
  • هم‌چنین تا صد هزاران هستها  ** بعد یکدیگر دوم به ز ابتدا 
  • Regard (all change as derived) from the Transmuter, leave (ignore) the intermediaries, for by (regarding) the intermediaries thou wilt be come far from their Origin.
  • از مبدل بین وسایط را بمان  ** کز وسایط دور گردی ز اصل آن 
  • Wherever the intermediaries increase, union (with the Origin) is removed: (in proportion as) the intermediaries are less, the delight of (attaining to) union is greater.
  • واسطه هر جا فزون شد وصل جست  ** واسطه کم ذوق وصل افزونترست 
  • By knowing the intermediaries thy bewilderment (in God) is diminished: thy bewilderment gives thee admission to the (Divine) Presence. 795
  • از سبب‌دانی شود کم حیرتت  ** حیرت تو ره دهد در حضرتت 
  • Thou hast gained these (successive) lives from (successive) deaths: why hast thou averted thy face from dying in Him?
  • این بقاها از فناها یافتی  ** از فنااش رو چرا برتافتی 
  • What loss was thine (what loss didst thou suffer) from those deaths, that thou hast clung (so tenaciously) to (this earthly) life, O rat?
  • زان فناها چه زیان بودت که تا  ** بر بقا چفسیده‌ای ای نافقا 
  • Since thy second (life) is better than thy first, therefore seek to die (to the world), and worship the Transmuter.
  • چون دوم از اولینت بهترست  ** پس فنا جو و مبدل را پرست 
  • O contumacious man, thou hast experienced a hundred thousand resurrections at every moment from the beginning of thy existence until now:
  • صد هزاران حشر دیدی ای عنود  ** تاکنون هر لحظه از بدو وجود 
  • From inanimateness (thou didst move) unconsciously towards (vegetal) growth, and from (vegetal) growth towards (animal) life and tribulation; 800
  • از جماد بی‌خبر سوی نما  ** وز نما سوی حیات و ابتلا 
  • Again, towards reason and goodly discernments; again, towards (what lies) outside of these five (senses) and six (directions).
  • باز سوی عقل و تمییزات خوش  ** باز سوی خارج این پنج و شش