- When I beheld thee I beheld myself: blessings on that mirror goodly in its ways!
- چون ترا دیدم بدیدم خویش را ** آفرین آن آینهی خوش کیش را
- When I beheld thee, the absurd became actual for me: my spirit was submerged in the Glory.
- چون ترا دیدم محالم حال شد ** جان من مستغرق اجلال شد
- When I beheld thee, O Spirit of the world, verily love for this (earthly) sun fell from mine eye. 1085
- چون ترا دیدم خود ای روح البلاد ** مهر این خورشید از چشمم فتاد
- By thee mine eye was endowed with lofty aspiration: it looks not on the (earthly) garden save with contempt.
- گشت عالیهمت از نو چشم من ** جز به خواری نگردد اندر چمن
- I sought light: verily I beheld the Light of light. I sought the houri: verily (in thee) I beheld an object of envy to the houri.
- نور جستم خود بدیدم نور نور ** حور جستم خود بدیدم رشک حور
- I sought a Joseph comely and with limbs (white as) silver: in thee I beheld an assembly of Josephs.
- یوسفی جستم لطیف و سیم تن ** یوسفستانی بدیدم در تو من
- I was (engaged) in searching after Paradise: from every part of thee a Paradise appeared (to me).
- در پی جنت بدم در جست و جو ** جنتی بنمود از هر جزو تو
- In relation to me this is praise and eulogy; in relation to thee this is vituperation and satire, 1090
- هست این نسبت به من مدح و ثنا ** هست این نسبت به تو قدح و هجا
- Like the praise given to God by the simple shepherd in the presence of Moses the Kalím—
- همچو مدح مرد چوپان سلیم ** مر خدا را پیش موسی کلیم
- ‘I will seek out Thy lice, I will give Thee milk, I will stitch Thy shoon and lay them before Thee.’
- که بجویم اشپشت شیرت دهم ** چارقت دوم من و پیشت نهم
- God accepted his vituperation as an expression of praise: if thou also have mercy, ’twill be no marvel.
- قدح او را حق به مدحی برگرفت ** گر تو هم رحمت کنی نبود شگفت
- Have mercy upon the failure of (our) minds (to comprehend thee), O thou who art beyond (all) understandings and conceptions.”
- رحم فرما بر قصور فهمها ** ای ورای عقلها و وهمها
- O lovers, new fortune has arrived from the old World that makes (all things) new, 1095
- ایها العشاق اقبالی جدید ** از جهان کهنهی نوگر رسید
- From the World that is seeking a remedy for them that have no remedy: hundreds of thousands of wonders of the (present) world are (contained) in it.
- زان جهان کو چارهی بیچارهجوست ** صد هزاران نادره دنیا دروست
- Rejoice, O people, since the relief has come; be glad, O people: the distress is removed.
- ابشروا یا قوم اذ جاء الفرج ** افرحوا یا قوم قد زال الحرج
- A Sun went into the hut of the new-moon, making urgent demands and saying, “Refresh us, O Bilál!
- آفتابی رفت در کازهی هلال ** در تقاضا که ارحنا یا بلال
- From fear of the foe thou wert wont to speak under thy breath: (now), to his confusion, go up into the minaret and speak (aloud).”
- زیر لب میگفتی از بیم عدو ** کوری او بر مناره رو بگو
- The announcer of glad news is shouting in the ear of every sorrowful one, “Arise, O unlucky man, and take the road to fortune. 1100
- میدمد در گوش هر غمگین بشیر ** خیز ای مدبر ره اقبال گیر
- O thou that art in this prison and amidst this stench and these lice, beware lest any one hear! Thou hast escaped (from prison): be silent!”
- ای درین حبس و درین گند و شپش ** هین که تا کس نشنود رستی خمش
- How shouldst thou keep silence now, O my beloved, when a drummer has appeared from the root of every hair (in thy body)?
- چون کنی خامش کنون ای یار من ** کز بن هر مو بر آمد طبلزن
- The jealous foe has become so deaf (that) he says, “Where is the sound of all these drums?”
- آنچنان کر شد عدو رشکخو ** گوید این چندین دهل را بانگ کو
- The fresh sweet basil is touching his face, (but) in his blindness he says, “What is this annoyance?”
- میزند بر روش ریحان که طریست ** او ز کوری گوید این آسیب چیست
- The houri is nipping his hand and drawing (him towards her): the blind man is distraught and says, “Wherefore is he (some one) hurting me? 1105
- میشکنجد حور دستش میکشد ** کور حیران کز چه دردم میکند
- What is this (painful sense of) having my hand and body pulled hither and thither? I am asleep, let me sleep awhile.”
- این کشاکش چیست بر دست و تنم ** خفتهام بگذار تا خوابی کنم
- He whom thou seekest in thy slumbers, this is He! Open thine eye, (thou wilt see) ’tis that auspicious Moon.
- آنک در خوابش همیجویی ویست ** چشم بگشا کان مه نیکو پیست