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  • If a churl show sympathy towards you, (yet) in the end he will inflict blows upon you because of his churlishness.
  • جاهل ار با تو نماید هم‌دلی  ** عاقبت زحمت زند از جاهلی 
  • Ille duo instrumenta habet et androgynus est: amborum effectus sine dubio apparet. [He has two organs and is a hermaphrodite: the operation of both is obvious, without doubt.] 1425
  • او دو آلت دارد و خنثی بود  ** فعل هر دو بی‌گمان پیدا شود 
  • Penem oculis feminarum subtrahit ut sese earum sororem faciat. [He hides (his) penis from women in order to make himself (seem like) their sister.]
  • او ذکر را از زنان پنهان کند  ** تا که خود را خواهر ایشان کند 
  • Vulvam ne viri videant manu obtegit, ut sese de genere virorum faciat. [He hides (his) vulva from men with (his) hand in order to make himself (seem like) the (same) gender as the men.]
  • شله از مردان به کف پنهان کند  ** تا که خود را جنس آن مردان کند 
  • Dixit Deus, “Ex ejus cunno occulto scissuram in naso ejus faciemus, [God said, “Because of that hidden vulva of his, We will make a slit on his nose,]
  • گفت یزدان زان کس مکتوم او  ** شله‌ای سازیم بر خرطوم او 
  • In order that Our seers may not be entrapped by the artfulness of that ogler.”
  • تا که بینایان ما زان ذو دلال  ** در نیایند از فن او در جوال 
  • The gist (of the matter) is that masculinity does not come from every male: beware of the ignorant man if you are wise. 1430
  • حاصل آنک از هر ذکر ناید نری  ** هین ز جاهل ترس اگر دانش‌وری 
  • Do not listen to the friendliness of the fair-spoken ignorant man, for it is like old (virulent) poison.
  • دوستی جاهل شیرین‌سخن  ** کم شنو کان هست چون سم کهن 
  • He says to you, “O soul of thy mother! O light of my eye!” (but) from those (endearments) only grief and sorrow are added to you.
  • جان مادر چشم روشن گویدت  ** جز غم و حسرت از آن نفزویدت 
  • That (foolish) mother says plainly to your father, “My child has grown very thin because of (going to) school.
  • مر پدر را گوید آن مادر جهار  ** که ز مکتب بچه‌ام شد بس نزار 
  • If thou hadst gotten him by another wife, thou wouldst not have treated him with such cruelty and unkindness.”
  • از زن دیگر گرش آوردیی  ** بر وی این جور و جفا کم کردیی 
  • (Your father replies), “Had this child of mine been (born) of another (wife), not of thee, that wife too would have talked this (same) nonsense.” 1435
  • از جز تو گر بدی این بچه‌ام  ** این فشار آن زن بگفتی نیز هم 
  • Beware, recoil from this mother and from her blandishments: your father's slaps are better than her sweetmeat.
  • هین بجه زن مادر و تیبای او  ** سیلی بابا به از حلوای او 
  • The mother is the carnal soul, and the father is noble reason: its beginning is constraint, but its end is a hundred expansions (of the spirit).
  • هست مادر نفس و بابا عقل راد  ** اولش تنگی و آخر صد گشاد 
  • O Giver of (all) understandings, come to my help: none wills (aught) unless Thou will (it).
  • ای دهنده‌ی عقلها فریاد رس  ** تا نخواهی تو نخواهد هیچ کس 
  • Both the desire (for good) and the good action (itself) proceed from Thee: who are we? Thou art the First, Thou art the Last.
  • هم طلب از تست و هم آن نیکوی  ** ما کییم اول توی آخر توی 
  • Do Thou speak and do Thou hear and do Thou be! We are wholly naught notwithstanding all this hewing. 1440
  • هم بگو تو هم تو بشنو هم تو باش  ** ما همه لاشیم با چندین تراش 
  • Because of this resignation (to Thy will) do Thou increase our desire for worship (of Thee): do not send (upon us) the sloth and stagnation of necessitarianism.
  • زین حواله رغبت افزا در سجود  ** کاهلی جبر مفرست و خمود 
  • Necessitarianism is the wing and pinion of the perfect; necessitarianism is also the prison and chains of the slothful.
  • جبر باشد پر و بال کاملان  ** جبر هم زندان و بند کاهلان 
  • Know that this necessitarianism is like the water of the Nile— water to the true believer and blood to the infidel.
  • هم‌چو آب نیل دان این جبر را  ** آب مومن را و خون مر گبر را 
  • Wings carry falcons to the king; wings carry crows to the graveyard.
  • بال بازان را سوی سلطان برد  ** بال زاغان را به گورستان برد 
  • Now return to the description of non-existence, for it (non-existence) is like bezoar, though you think it is poison. 1445
  • باز گرد اکنون تو در شرح عدم  ** که چو پازهرست و پنداریش سم 
  • Hark, O fellow-servant, go and, like the Hindú boy, be not afraid of the Mahmúd of non-existence.
  • هم‌چو هندوبچه هین ای خواجه‌تاش  ** رو ز محمود عدم ترسان مباش 
  • Be afraid of the existence in which you are now: that phantasy of yours is nothing and you (yourself) are nothing.
  • از وجودی ترس که اکنون در ویی  ** آن خیالت لاشی و تو لا شیی 
  • One nothing has fallen in love with another nothing: has any naught ever waylaid (and attacked) any other naught?
  • لاشیی بر لاشیی عاشق شدست  ** هیچ نی مر هیچ نی را ره زدست