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  • He turned his face to one woman and said, ‘O vile (creature), how numerous you are, little girls, eh!’
  • The woman turned towards him and replied, ‘O man of trust, do not think it dreadful that there are so many of us. 1730
  • Consider that notwithstanding the multitude of us on the earth you (men) find it insufficient for your enjoyment.
  • Propter paucitatem feminarum inciditis in paedicationem: infamissini in mundo sunt agens et patiens.’ [Because of the scarcity of women, you engage in sodomy: (both) active and passive (homosexuals) are the shame of the world.]
  • (O Súfí), do not regard these happenings of Time which (proceed) from heaven (and) come to pass intolerably here.
  • Do not regard the (anxious) husbanding of (one's) daily bread and livelihood and this dearth (of food) and fear and trembling,
  • (But) consider that in spite of all its (the World's) bitternesses ye are mortally enamoured of it and recklessly devoted to it. 1735
  • Deem bitter tribulation to be a (Divine) mercy, deem the kingdom of Merv and Balkh to be a (Divine) vengeance.
  • That Ibráhím fled not from destruction and remained (safe), while this Ibráhím fled from (worldly) honour and rode away.
  • That one is not burnt, and this one is burnt. Oh, wonderful! In the Way of search (for God) everything is upside down.”
  • How the Súfí repeated his questions.
  • The Súfí said, “He (God) whose help is invoked hath the power to make our trading free from loss.
  • He who turns the fire (of Nimrod) into roses and trees is also able to make this (World-fire) harmless. 1740
  • He who brings forth roses from the very midst of thorns is also able to turn this winter into spring.
  • He by whom every cypress is made ‘free’ (evergreen) hath the power if He would turn sorrow into joy.
  • He by whom every non-existence is made existent—what damage would He suffer if He were to preserve it for ever?
  • He who gives the body a soul that it may live—how would He be a loser if He did not cause it to die?
  • What, indeed, would it matter if that Bounteous One should bestow on His servant the desire of his soul without (painful) toil, 1745
  • And keep far off from poor (mortals) the cunning of the flesh and the temptation of the Devil (which lurk) in ambush?”
  • The Cadi's reply to the Súfí.
  • The Cadi said, “Were there no bitter (stern) Commandment (from God) and were there no good and evil and no pebbles and pearls,
  • And were there no flesh and Devil and passions, and were there no blows and battle and war,
  • Then by what name and title would the King call His servants, O abandoned man?
  • How could He say, ‘O steadfast one’ and ‘O forbearing one’? How could He say, ‘O brave one’ and ‘O wise one’? 1750
  • How could there be steadfast and sincere and spending men without a brigand and accursed Devil?
  • Rustam and Hamza and a catamite would be (all) one; knowledge and wisdom would be annulled and utterly demolished.
  • Knowledge and wisdom exist for the purpose of (distinguishing between) the right path and the wrong paths: when all (paths) are the right path, knowledge and wisdom are void (of meaning).