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  • One night he dreamed—but where was sleep? The vision without sleep is familiar to the Súfí—
  • دید در خواب او شبی و خواب کو  ** واقعه‌ی بی‌خواب صوفی‌راست خو 
  • (That) a heavenly voice said to him, “O you who have seen trouble, search among the (loose) leaves of handwriting sold (as models) by stationers for a certain scroll.
  • هاتفی گفتش کای دیده تعب  ** رقعه‌ای در مشق وراقان طلب 
  • Unobserved by the stationer who is your neighbour, bring your hand into touch with his papers. 1910
  • خفیه زان وراق کت همسایه است  ** سوی کاغذپاره‌هاش آور تو دست 
  • It is a scroll of such a shape and such a colour: then (as soon as possible) read it in privacy, O sorrowful one.
  • رقعه‌ای شکلش چنین رنگش چنین  ** بس بخوان آن را به خلوت ای حزین 
  • When you steal it from the stationer, my lad, then go out of the crowd and the noise and turmoil,
  • چون بدزدی آن ز وراق ای پسر  ** پس برون رو ز انبهی و شور و شر 
  • And read it by yourself in some lonely place: beware, do not seek any partnership in reading it.
  • تو بخوان آن را به خود در خلوتی  ** هین مجو در خواندن آن شرکتی 
  • But even if it (the secret) be divulged, do not be anxious, for none but you will get (so much as) half a barley-corn thereof.
  • ور شود آن فاش هم غمگین مشو  ** که نیابد غیر تو زان نیم جو 
  • And if it (the affair) be long drawn out, beware and take heed! Make (the text) do not ye despair your litany at every moment.” 1915
  • ور کشد آن دیر هان زنهار تو  ** ورد خود کن دم به دم لاتقنطوا 
  • The (heavenly) announcer of the good news said this and put his hand on his (the fakir's) heart, saying, “Go, endure the toil.”
  • این بگفت و دست خود آن مژده‌ور  ** بر دل او زد که رو زحمت ببر 
  • When the youth came back to himself after the absence, on account of his joy he could not be contained in the world.
  • چون به خویش آمد ز غیبت آن جوان  ** می‌نگنجید از فرح اندر جهان 
  • Had it not been for the tender care and protection and favour of God, his gallbladder would have burst from agitation.
  • زهره‌ی او بر دریدی از قلق  ** گر نبودی رفق و حفظ و لطف حق 
  • One (cause of) joy was this, that after (having passed through) six hundred veils his ear had heard the answer (to his prayer) from the (Divine) Presence.
  • یک فرح آن کز پس شصد حجاب  ** گوش او بشنید از حضرت جواب 
  • When his auditory sense had pierced through the veils, he raised his head aloft and passed beyond the skies, 1920
  • از حجب چون حس سمعش در گذشت  ** شد سرافراز و ز گردون بر گذشت 
  • (Thinking) that maybe, by taking the lesson to heart, his sense of sight would also find a passage through the veil of the Unseen,
  • که بود کان حس چشمش ز اعتبار  ** زان حجاب غیب هم یابد گذار 
  • And that when (both) his senses had passed through the veil, his vision and allocution (from God) would then be continuous.
  • چون گذاره شد حواسش از حجاب  ** پس پیاپی گرددش دید و خطاب 
  • (So) he came to the stationer's shop and (for some time) was laying his hand here and there on his (the stationer's) models for writing.
  • جانب دکان وراق آمد او  ** دست می‌برد او به مشقش سو به سو 
  • Suddenly that piece of script, with the distinctive marks which the heavenly voice had mentioned, caught his eye.
  • پیش چشمش آمد آن مکتوب زود  ** با علاماتی که هاتف گفته بود 
  • He slipped it under his arm and said, “Good-bye, Khwája: I will come back presently, O master.” 1925
  • در بغل زد گفت خواجه خیر باد  ** این زمان وا می‌رسم ای اوستاد 
  • He went into a solitary nook and read it and remained lost in bewilderment and amazement,
  • رفت کنج خلوتی و آن را بخواند  ** وز تحیر واله و حیران بماند 
  • (Wondering) how a priceless treasure-scroll of this sort had fallen and been left among the (stationer's) papers.
  • که بدین سان گنج‌نامه‌ی بی‌بها  ** چون فتاده ماند اندر مشقها 
  • (Then) again the thought darted into his mind, that God is the guardian for everything,
  • باز اندر خاطرش این فکر جست  ** کز پی هر چیز یزدان حافظست 
  • (And) how should the Guardian, in (His) circumspection, let any one recklessly carry off anything?
  • کی گذارد حافظ اندر اکتناف  ** که کسی چیزی رباید از گزاف 
  • Though the desert be filled with gold and (silver) money, not a single mite can be taken away without God's approval; 1930
  • گر بیابان پر شود زر و نقود  ** بی رضای حق جوی نتوان ربود 
  • And though you read a hundred volumes without a pause, you will not remember a single point (of argument) without the Divine decree;
  • ور بخوانی صد صحف بی سکته‌ای  ** بی قدر یادت نماند نکته‌ای 
  • But if you serve God and do not read a single book, you will learn rare sciences from your (own) bosom.
  • ور کنی خدمت نخوانی یک کتاب  ** علمهای نادره یابی ز جیب