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  • Or, perchance, the Devil laid on you a two-forked barnacle and let loose upon you the temptation to travel.”
  • یا مگر دیوت دو شاخه بر نهاد  ** بر تو وسواس سفر را در گشاد 
  • She uttered unseemly and foul and silly words: I cannot relate all of them.
  • گفت نافرجام و فحش و دمدمه  ** من نتوانم باز گفتن آن همه 
  • The disciple was thrown into a painful state of dejection by her parables and countless mockeries. 2055
  • از مثل وز ریش‌خند بی‌حساب  ** آن مرید افتاد از غم در نشیب 
  • How the new-comer asked the Shaykh's wife, “Where is the Shaykh? Where shall I look for him?” and the rude answer given by the Shaykh's wife.
  • پرسیدن آن وارد از حرم شیخ کی شیخ کجاست کجا جوییم و جواب نافرجام گفتن حرم 
  • Tears burst from his eyes, and he said, “Nevertheless, where is that (spiritual) king of sweet name?”
  • اشکش از دیده بجست و گفت او  ** با همه آن شاه شیرین‌نام کو 
  • She replied, “That vain hypocritical impostor, a trap for fools and a noose for (leading into) error—
  • گفت آن سالوس زراق تهی  ** دام گولان و کمند گمرهی 
  • Hundreds of thousands of callow simpletons like you have fallen, through him, into a hundred rebelliousnesses.
  • صد هزاران خام ریشان هم‌چو تو  ** اوفتاده از وی اندر صد عتو 
  • If you should not see him and return (home) in safety, it will be good (luck) for you: you will not be led astray by him.
  • گر نبینیش و سلامت وا روی  ** خیر تو باشد نگردی زو غوی 
  • A braggart, a lick-platter, a parasite: the noise of his drum has reached the remotest parts of the world. 2060
  • لاف‌کیشی کاسه‌لیسی طبل‌خوار  ** بانگ طبلش رفته اطراف دیار 
  • These folk (who follow him) are (like) Israelites and worshippers of the (golden) calf: why do they fondle such a cow?
  • سبطیند این قوم و گوساله‌پرست  ** در چنین گاوی چه می‌مالند دست 
  • Any one who is duped by this parasite is a carcase by night and a good-for-nothing by day.
  • جیفة اللیلست و بطال النهار  ** هر که او شد غره‌ی این طبل‌خوار 
  • These folk have abandoned a hundred kinds of knowledge and perfection and have embraced a deceit and imposture, saying, ‘This is ecstasy.’
  • هشته‌اند این قوم صد علم و کمال  ** مکر و تزویری گرفته کینست حال 
  • Alas, where are the family of Moses that now they might shed the blood of the calf-worshippers
  • آل موسی کو دریغا تاکنون  ** عابدان عجل را ریزند خون 
  • (Who) have cast religion and piety behind their backs? Where is ‘Umar? Where is a stern command to act righteously? 2065
  • شرع و تقوی را فکنده سوی پشت  ** کو عمر کو امر معروفی درشت 
  • For the licence practised by these people has become notorious: ’tis an indulgence enjoyed by every scoundrelly evil-doer.
  • کین اباحت زین جماعت فاش شد  ** رخصت هر مفسد قلاش شد 
  • Where is the Way of the Prophet and his Companions? Where are his ritual prayer and rosary and (religious) observances?”
  • کو ره پیغامبری و اصحاب او  ** کو نماز و سبحه و آداب او 
  • How the disciple answered that railing woman and bade her refrain from her unbelief and idle talk.
  • جواب گفتن مرید و زجر کردن مرید آن طعانه را از کفر و بیهوده گفتن 
  • The youth cried out at her and said, “Enough! In bright daylight where did the night-patrol come from?
  • بانگ زد بر وی جوان و گفت بس  ** روز روشن از کجا آمد عسس 
  • The splendour of the (holy) men has overspread the East and the West: the heavens have bowed low in amazement.
  • نور مردان مشرق و مغرب گرفت  ** اسمانها سجده کردند از شگفت 
  • The Sun of God has risen from (the sign of) the Ram: the (material) sun has gone, shamefaced, under the veil. 2070
  • آفتاب حق بر آمد از حمل  ** زیر چادر رفت خورشید از خجل 
  • How should the bletherings of a devil like you turn me back from the dust of this abode?
  • ترهات چون تو ابلیسی مرا  ** کی بگرداند ز خاک این سرا 
  • I have not (been impelled to) come by a wind (of vain desire) like a cloud, that I should be turned back from this (holy) presence by a dust (of foolish words).
  • من به بادی نامدم هم‌چون سحاب  ** تا بگردی باز گردم زین جناب 
  • By virtue of that Light the calf becomes a qibla of (Divine) grace; without that Light the qibla becomes (a symbol of) infidelity and an idol.
  • عجل با آن نور شد قبله‌ی کرم  ** قبله بی آن نور شد کفر و صنم 
  • The licence that comes from self-will is error; the licence that comes from God is perfection.
  • هست اباحت کز هوای آمد ضلال  ** هست اباحت کز خدا آمد کمال 
  • In that quarter where the illimitable Light has shone, infidelity has become faith and the Devil has attained unto Islam. 2075
  • کفر ایمان گشت و دیو اسلام یافت  ** آن طرف کان نور بی‌اندازه تافت 
  • He (the saint) is a theatre for the manifestation of the (Divine) Glory, and he is the real beloved (of God): he has carried off the prize from (taken precedence over) all the Cherubim.
  • مظهر عزست و محبوب به حق  ** از همه کروبیان برده سبق 
  • The worship of Adam (by the angels) is clear evidence of his superiority: the husk always bows down (pays homage) to the kernel.
  • سجده آدم را بیان سبق اوست  ** سجده آرد مغز را پیوست پوست