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  • I am (like) an emaciated camel, and my back is wounded by my free-will which resembles a pack-saddle.
  • اشتری‌ام لاغری و پشت ریش  ** ز اختیار هم‌چو پالان‌شکل خویش 
  • At one moment this pannier weighs heavily on this side, at another moment that pannier sags to that side. 215
  • این کژاوه گه شود این سو گران  ** آن کژاوه گه شود آن سو کشان 
  • Let the ill-balanced load drop from me, that I may behold the meadow of the pious.
  • بفکن از من حمل ناهموار را  ** تا ببینم روضه‌ی ابرار را 
  • (Then), like the Fellows of the Cave, I shall browse on the orchard of Bounty— not awake, nay, they are asleep.
  • هم‌چو آن اصحاب کهف از باغ جود  ** می‌چرم ایقاظ نی بل هم رقود 
  • I shall recline on the right or on the left, I shall not roll save involuntarily, like a ball,
  • خفته باشم بر یمین یا بر یسار  ** برنگردم جز چو گو بی‌اختیار 
  • Just as Thou, O Lord of the Judgement, turnest me over either to the right or to the left.
  • هم به تقلیب تو تا ذات الیمین  ** یا سوی ذات الشمال ای رب دین 
  • Hundreds of thousands of years I was flying (to and fro) involuntarily, like the motes in the air. 220
  • صد هزاران سال بودم در مطار  ** هم‌چو ذرات هوا بی‌اختیار 
  • If I have forgotten that time and state, (yet) the migration in sleep (to the spiritual world) recalls it to my memory.
  • گر فراموشم شدست آن وقت و حال  ** یادگارم هست در خواب ارتحال 
  • (Every night) I escape from this four-branched cross and spring away from this (confined) halting-place into the (spacious) pasture of the spirit.
  • می‌رهم زین چارمیخ چارشاخ  ** می‌جهم در مسرح جان زین مناخ 
  • From the nurse, Sleep, I suck the milk of those bygone days of mine, O Lord.
  • شیر آن ایام ماضیهای خود  ** می‌چشم از دایه‌ی خواب ای صمد 
  • All the (people in the) world are fleeing from their free-will and (self-)existence to their drunken (unconscious) side.
  • جمله عالم ز اختیار و هست خود  ** می‌گریزد در سر سرمست خود 
  • In order that for awhile they may be delivered from sobriety (consciousness), they lay upon themselves the opprobrium of wine and minstrelsy. 225
  • تا دمی از هوشیاری وا رهند  ** ننگ خمر و زمر بر خود می‌نهند 
  • All know that this existence is a snare, that volitional thought and memory are a hell.
  • جمله دانسته کای این هستی فخ است  ** فکر و ذکر اختیاری دوزخ است 
  • They are fleeing from selfhood into selflessness either by means of intoxication or by means of (some engrossing) occupation, O well-conducted man.
  • می‌گریزند از خودی در بیخودی  ** یا به مستی یا به شغل ای مهتدی 
  • Thou (O God) drawest the soul back from that state of not-being because it entered into unconsciousness without Thy command.
  • نفس را زان نیستی وا می‌کشی  ** زانک بی‌فرمان شد اندر بیهشی 
  • Neither for the Jinn (genies) nor for mankind is it (possible) to pierce through the prison of the regions of the temporal world.
  • لیس للجن و لا للانس ان  ** ینفذوا من حبس اقطار الزمن 
  • There is no piercing through the cavities of the highest heavens save by the power of Guidance. 230
  • لا نفوذ الا بسلطان الهدی  ** من تجاویف السموات العلی 
  • There is no guidance save by a power that preserves the spirit of the devout from the keepers of the shooting stars.
  • لا هدی الا بسلطان یقی  ** من حراس الشهب روح المتقی 
  • There is no way (admittance) for any one, till he become naughted, into the audience-chamber of (Divine) Majesty.
  • هیچ کس را تا نگردد او فنا  ** نیست ره در بارگاه کبریا 
  • What is the means of ascension to Heaven? This not-being. Not-being is the creed and religion of the lovers (of God).
  • چیست معراج فلک این نیستی  ** عاشقان را مذهب و دین نیستی 
  • From self-abasement in the way of Love the fur jacket and rustic shoon became the prayer-niche of Ayáz.
  • پوستین و چارق آمد از نیاز  ** در طریق عشق محراب ایاز 
  • Even though he was beloved by the king (Mahmúd), and was charming and beauteous outwardly and inwardly— 235
  • گرچه او خود شاه را محبوب بود  ** ظاهر و باطن لطیف و خوب بود 
  • (For) he had become devoid of any arrogance or ostentation or malice, and his face was a mirror for the beauty of the king—
  • گشته بی‌کبر و ریا و کینه‌ای  ** حسن سلطان را رخش آیینه‌ای 
  • (Yet ’twas only) because he was far removed from his (self-) existence, (that) the end of his affair was praiseworthy.
  • چونک از هستی خود او دور شد  ** منتهای کار او محمود بد 
  • The steadfastness of Ayáz was all the firmer forasmuch as he was taking (those) precautions in fear of arrogance.
  • زان قوی‌تر بود تمکین ایاز  ** که ز خوف کبر کردی احتراز