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  • The people gathered at the king's palace, wondering why Dalqak had come in such a hurry. 2520
  • جمع گشته بر سرای شاه خلق  ** تا چرا آمد چنین اشتاب دلق 
  • Because of his (hot) haste and the enormity of his exertions, tumult and commotion arose in Tirmid;
  • از شتاب او و فحش اجتهاد  ** غلغل و تشویش در ترمد فتاد 
  • One man (was) beating both hands against his knee, while another, from presentiment of evil, was uttering woeful cries.
  • آن یکی دو دست بر زانوزنان  ** وآن دگر از وهم واویلی‌کنان 
  • On account of the hubbub and distraction and the dread of punishment every heart went to (wander in) a hundred streets (haunts) of phantasy.
  • از نفیر و فتنه و خوف نکال  ** هر دلی رفته به صد کوی خیال 
  • Every one was taking an omen (predicting) by conjecture (and trying to guess) what had set the rug on fire.
  • هر کسی فالی همی‌زد از قیاس  ** تا چه آتش اوفتاد اندر پلاس 
  • He (Dalqak) sought admission and the king at once granted it to him. When he kissed the earth (in homage), the king said to him, “Hey, what's the matter?” 2525
  • راه جست و راه دادش شاه زود  ** چون زمین بوسید گفتش هی چه بود 
  • Whenever any one asked that sour-faced man for some particulars, he laid his hand on his lips as though to say “Hush!”
  • هرکه می‌پرسید حالی زان ترش  ** دست بر لب می‌نهاد او که خمش 
  • (Their) apprehension was increased by his gravity: all were perplexed and dumbfounded by him.
  • وهم می‌افزود زین فرهنگ او  ** جمله در تشویش گشته دنگ او 
  • Dalqak made a gesture, as though to say, “O gracious king, let me have a moment to take breath,
  • کرد اشارت دلق که ای شاه کرم  ** یک‌دمی بگذار تا من دم زنم 
  • That my wits may once come back to me, for I am fallen into a marvellous state (of exhaustion).”
  • تا که باز آید به من عقلم دمی  ** که فتادم در عجایب عالمی 
  • After a little while, during which both the throat and the mouth of the king were made bitter by (anxious) foreboding and surmise— 2530
  • بعد یک ساعت که شه از وهم و ظن  ** تلخ گشتش هم گلو و هم دهن 
  • Because he had never seen Dalqak like this; for there was no companion more agreeable to him than he;
  • که ندیده بود دلقک را چنین  ** که ازو خوشتر نبودش هم‌نشین 
  • He was always bringing up stories and jests and keeping the king in merriment and laughter.
  • دایما دستان و لاغ افراشتی  ** شاه را او شاد و خندان داشتی 
  • When sitting (with him) he used to make him laugh so (heartily) that the king would grip his belly with both hands;
  • آن چنان خندانش کردی در نشست  ** که گرفتی شه شکم را با دو دست 
  • And (many a time) his body sweated from the violence of his laughter and he would fall on his face with laughing.
  • که ز زور خنده خوی کردی تنش  ** رو در افتادی ز خنده کردنش 
  • (How strange, then, that) to-day, on the contrary, he (Dalqak), pale and grim like this, is laying his hand on his lips as though to say, “Hush, O King!” 2535
  • باز امروز این چنین زرد و ترش  ** دست بر لب می‌زند کای شه خمش 
  • Foreboding on foreboding and fancy on fancy (occurred) to the king (as he wondered) what chastisement would come (upon him),
  • وهم در وهم و خیال اندر خیال  ** شاه را تا خود چه آید از نکال 
  • For the king's heart was anxious and alarmed because the Khwárizmsháh was very bloodthirsty,
  • که دل شه با غم و پرهیز بود  ** زانک خوارمشاه بس خون‌ریز بود 
  • And that perverse (tyrant) had killed many kings in that region either by craft or violence.
  • بس شهان آن طرف را کشته بود  ** یا به حیله یا به سطوت آن عنود 
  • This King of Tirmid was apprehensive of (being attacked by) him, and his apprehension was increased by the artifice of Dalqak.
  • این شه ترمد ازو در وهم بود  ** وز فن دلقک خود آن وهمش فزود 
  • He said, “Be quick! Tell (me) what is the matter. Who is the cause of your being so perturbed and agitated?” 2540
  • گفت زوتر بازگو تا حال چیست  ** این چنین آشوب و شور تو ز کیست 
  • He replied, “I heard in the country that the king had proclaimed on every highway
  • گفت من در ده شنیدم آنک شاه  ** زد منادی بر سر هر شاه‌راه 
  • That he required some one to run to Samarcand in three days and would bestow (his) treasures (on the courier).
  • که کسی خواهم که تازد در سه روز  ** تا سمرقند و دهم او را کنوز 
  • I hurried to you in order to say that I am not able to do it.
  • من شتابیدم بر تو بهر آن  ** تا بگویم که ندارم آن توان 
  • For one like me such agility is impossible: at all events do not expect this of me.”
  • این چنین چستی نیاید از چو من  ** باری این اومید را بر من متن