- Afterwards the vizier said to him (the king), “O Pillar of the Truth, hear a word from thy humble slave.
- پس وزیرش گفت ای حق را ستن ** بشنو از بندهی کمینه یک سخن
- Dalqak came from the country on some (wicked) enterprise; (but now) his mind is changed and he has repented. 2560
- دلقک از ده بهر کاری آمدست ** رای او گشت و پشیمانش شدست
- He is making the old (corruption) new with water and oil (varnish), he is evading (punishment) by means of buffoonery.
- ز آب و روغن کهنه را نو میکند ** او به مسخرگی برونشو میکند
- He has displayed the scabbard and concealed the sword: he must be tortured without mercy.
- غمد را بنمود و پنهان کرد تیغ ** باید افشردن مرورا بیدریغ
- Unless you break the pistachio or walnut, it will neither reveal its heart (kernel) nor give any oil.
- پسته را یا جوز را تا نشکنی ** نی نماید دل نی بدهد روغنی
- Do not listen to this skilful defence of his; look at his trembling and his (pallid) colour.
- مشنو این دفع وی و فرهنگ او ** در نگر در ارتعاش و رنگ او
- God hath said, ‘Their mark is on their faces,’ for the mark is an informer and tell-tale. 2565
- گفت حق سیماهم فی وجههم ** زانک غمازست سیما و منم
- This ocular evidence is opposed to that story (told by Dalqak), for this (whole race of) mankind are moulded of evil.”
- این معاین هست ضد آن خبر ** که بشر به سرشته آمد این بشر
- “O Sáhib,” cried Dalqak, wailing and sobbing, “do not endeavour to shed the blood of this miserable wretch.
- گفت دلقک با فغان و با خروش ** صاحبا در خون این مسکین مکوش
- Many a thought and fancy that is not real and true comes into the mind, O Prince.
- بس گمان و وهم آید در ضمیر ** کان نباشد حق و صادق ای امیر
- Verily, some suspicion is a sin, O Vizier: injustice is not right, especially (when it is done) to a poor man.
- ان بعض الظن اثم است ای وزیر ** نیست استم راست خاصه بر فقیر
- The king does not chastise one who vexes him: wherefore should he chastise one who makes him laugh?” 2570
- شه نگیرد آنک میرنجاندش ** از چه گیرد آنک میخنداندش
- The words of the Sáhib (vizier) impressed the king, and he resolved to clear up this deceit and imposture.
- گفت صاحب پیش شه جاگیر شد ** کاشف این مکر و این تزویر شد
- “Take Dalqak to prison,” he said, “and pay no attention to his wheedling and hypocrisy.
- گفت دلقک را سوی زندان برید ** چاپلوس و زرق او را کم خرید
- Beat him, empty-bellied like a drum (as he is), that like a drum he may give us information.
- میزنیدش چون دهل اشکمتهی ** تا دهلوار او دهدمان آگهی
- (Whether) the drum is wet or dry or full or empty, its sound informs us of everything.
- تر و خشک و پر و تی باشد دهل ** بانگ او آگه کند ما را ز کل
- (Beat him) in order that he may be compelled to declare the secret, so that these (apprehensive) hearts will be reassured. 2575
- تا بگوید سر خود از اضطرار ** آنچنان که گیرد این دلها قرار
- Since the shining truth is (a cause of) tranquillity, the heart will not be calmed by lying words.
- چون طمانینست صدق و با فروغ ** دل نیارامد به گفتار دروغ
- Falsehood is like a (piece of stick or) straw, and the heart like a mouth: a straw never becomes (quietly) hidden in the mouth.
- کذب چون خس باشد و دل چون دهان ** خس نگردد در دهان هرگز نهان
- So long as it is there, he (who is annoyed by it) keeps moving his tongue, in order that thereby he may eject it from his mouth.
- تا درو باشد زبانی میزند ** تا به دانش از دهان بیرون کند
- Especially, when a straw (blown) by the wind falls into the eye, the eye begins to water and shut and open.
- خاصه که در چشم افتد خس ز باد ** چشم افتد در نم و بند و گشاد
- We, therefore, now kick (out) this (man of) straw, in order that our mouth and eye may be delivered from (the disquiet caused by) this straw.” 2580
- ما پس این خس را زنیم اکنون لگد ** تا دهان و چشم ازین خس وا رهد
- Dalqak said, “O King, be calm: do not scratch the face of clemency and forgiveness.
- گفت دلقک ای ملک آهسته باش ** روی حلم و مغفرت را کمخراش
- Why such an excessive haste to take revenge? I cannot fly away, I am in thy hand (power).
- تا بدین حد چیست تعجیل نقم ** من نمیپرم به دست تو درم
- ’Tis not right to be hasty in (the case of) correction that is (inflicted) for God's sake;
- آن ادب که باشد از بهر خدا ** اندر آن مستعجلی نبود روا