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  • Let my Joseph sit in Thy prison, O King: come, deliver me from the wiles of the women. 2795
  • My mother's lust caused me to fall from the highest heaven which was my tethering-place (stable), for (God said), Fall ye down!
  • So by the artfulness of a crone I fell from (a state of) complete perfection into the prison of the womb.
  • She brings the spirit from the highest heaven to the (corporeal) Hatím (enclosure): great must be the craft of women.
  • (Both) my first and my last fall were caused by woman, since I was spirit—and how have I become body?
  • Hearken to this lament of Joseph in his lapse (from grace), or take pity on that distraught Jacob. 2800
  • Shall I complain of my brethren or of the women who have cast me, like Adam, from the gardens (of Eden)?
  • I am withered like leaves in December because I have eaten the wheat from the Paradise of union.
  • When I saw Thy graciousness and kindness and Thy greeting of peace and Thy message,
  • I produced rue (to burn as a charm) against the evil eye; (but) the evil eye reached even my rue.
  • (’Tis) only Thy languishing eyes (that) are able to avert every evil eye (whether) in front or behind. 2805
  • Thy good eye, O King, defeats and extirpates the evil eye: how excellent it is as a remedy!
  • Nay, from Thine eye come (wondrous) alchemies (transmutations): they turn the evil eye into the good eye.
  • The King's eye hath smitten the eye of the falcon-heart, and its falcon-eye hath become mightily aspiring,
  • So that, because of the great aspiration which it has gained from the (King's) look, the royal falcon will (now) catch (hunt) nothing but the fierce lion.
  • What (of the) lion? The spiritual royal falcon is Thy quarry and at the same time Thou art its prey. 2810
  • The call uttered by the falcon-soul in the meadow of devotion is cries of “I love not them that set.”
  • From Thy infinite bounty there came an (inward) eye to the falcon-soul that was flying for Thy sake.
  • From Thee its nose gained (the inward sense of) smell, and its ear the (inward) hearing: to each sense was allotted a portion (of the spiritual sense that was) distributed (amongst them all).
  • Since Thou givest to each sense the means of access to the Unseen, that (spiritual) sense is not subject to the frailty of death and hoary eld.
  • Thou art the Lord of the kingdom: Thou givest to the (spiritual) sense something (peculiar to itself), so that that sense exercises sovereignty over (all) the senses. 2815
  • Story of the night-thieves with whom Sultan Mahmúd fell in during the night (and joined them), saying, “I am one of you”; and how he became acquainted with their affairs, etc.
  • While King Mahmúd was roaming about alone at night he encountered a band of thieves.
  • Thereupon they said to him, “Who art thou, O honest man?” “I am one of you,” replied the King.
  • One (of the thieves) said, “O company practised in cunning, let each of us declare his (special) talent;
  • Let him tell his comrades in the night-talk what (eminent) skill he possesses in his nature.”