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  • (It is this), that I know what a dog is saying when it barks.” The (rest of the) party replied, “Two dángs of a dínár.”
  • که بدانم سگ چه می‌گوید به بانگ  ** قوم گفتندش ز دیناری دو دانگ 
  • Another (thief) said, “O company of gold-worshippers, my specialty lies wholly in my eyes.
  • آن دگر گفت ای گروه زرپرست  ** جمله خاصیت مرا چشم اندرست 
  • If I see any one in the world by night, I know him by day without (having any) doubt (as to his identity).”
  • هر که را شب بینم اندر قیروان  ** روز بشناسم من او را بی‌گمان 
  • Another said, “My specialty lies in my arm: I make tunnels (through walls) by strength of hand.”
  • گفت یک خاصیتم در بازو است  ** که زنم من نقبها با زور دست 
  • Another said, “My specialty lies in my nose: my business is to detect the (characteristic) smell in (different) earths (soils). 2825
  • گفت یک خاصیتم در بینی است  ** کار من در خاکها بوبینی است 
  • The secret of ‘men are mines’ has yielded itself (to me), so that (I know the reason) why the Prophet has said it.
  • سرالناس معادن داد دست  ** که رسول آن را پی چه گفته است 
  • From (smelling) the earth of the body I know how much good ore is (hidden) therein and what (sort of) mine it holds.
  • من ز خاک تن بدانم کاندر آن  ** چند نقدست و چه دارد او ز کان 
  • In one mine is contained gold immeasurable, while (in the case of) another the revenue (derived) from it is less than the expenditure (cost of working it).
  • در یکی کان زر بی‌اندازه درج  ** وان دگر دخلش بود کمتر ز خرج 
  • Like Majnún, I smell the soil and detect the soil (abode) of Laylá without mistake.
  • هم‌چو مجنون بو کنم من خاک را  ** خاک لیلی را بیابم بی‌خطا 
  • I smell and know from (the scent of) every shirt whether ’tis (belongs to) a Joseph or an Ahriman (devil). 2830
  • بو کنم دانم ز هر پیراهنی  ** گر بود یوسف و گر آهرمنی 
  • Like Ahmad (Mohammed), who catches scent from Yemen, this nose of mine has gained (been endowed with) some portion of that (spiritual faculty),
  • هم‌چو احمد که برد بو از یمن  ** زان نصیبی یافت این بینی من 
  • (So that I can smell) which soil is a neighbour of gold, or which soil is empty and poor.”
  • که کدامین خاک همسایه‌ی زرست  ** یا کدامین خاک صفر و ابترست 
  • Another said, “Look here, my specialty lies in my fist: I can throw a lasso to the height of a mountain,
  • گفت یک نک خاصیت در پنجه‌ام  ** که کمندی افکنم طول علم 
  • Like Ahmad (Mohammed), whose spirit threw a lasso so (high) that his lasso bore him to Heaven,
  • هم‌چو احمد که کمند انداخت جانش  ** تا کمندش برد سوی آسمانش 
  • And God said to him, ‘O thrower of the lasso (of thy aspiration) at the (celestial) House, deem that (act of throwing) to be from Me: thou didst not throw when thou threwest.’” 2835
  • گفت حقش ای کمندانداز بیت  ** آن ز من دان ما رمیت اذ رمیت 
  • Then they (the thieves) asked the King, saying, “O man of authority, in what may thy special talent consist?”
  • پس بپرسیدند زان شه کای سند  ** مر ترا خاصیت اندر چه بود 
  • He replied, “My specialty lies in my beard: I can save criminals from punishment.
  • گفت در ریشم بود خاصیتم  ** که رهانم مجرمان را از نقم 
  • When criminals are handed over to the executioners, as soon as my beard moves they are saved.
  • مجرمان را چون به جلادان دهند  ** چون بجنبد ریش من زیشان رهند 
  • When I move my beard in mercy, they (the executioners) put an end to the killing and (all) the trouble.”
  • چون بجنبانم به رحمت ریش را  ** طی کنند آن قتل و آن تشویش را 
  • The company said to him, “Thou art our qutb (supreme chief), for thou wilt be the (means of our) deliverance on the day of tribulation.” 2840
  • قوم گفتندش که قطب ما توی  ** که خلاص روز محنتمان شوی 
  • Afterwards they all set out together and went towards the palace of the fortunate king.
  • بعد از آن جمله به هم بیرون شدند ** سوی قصرآن شه میمون شدند
  • When a dog barked on the right, (one of them) said, “It says ‘The Sultan is with you.’”
  • چون سگی بانگی بزد از سوی راست  ** گفت می‌گوید که سلطان با شماست 
  • Another smelt the ground from (the top of) a hill and said, “This belongs to the house of a widow.”
  • خاک بو کرد آن دگر از ربوه‌ای  ** گفت این هست از وثاق بیوه‌ای 
  • Then the skilful master of the lasso threw his lasso, so that (by means of it) they got over the lofty wall.
  • پس کمند انداخت استاد کمند  ** تا شدند آن سوی دیوار بلند 
  • When he (the thief who had previously smelt from the hill) smelt the earth in this other place, he said, “’Tis the earth (site) of the treasury of a peerless king.” 2845
  • جای دیگر خاک را چون بوی کرد  ** گفت خاک مخزن شاهیست فرد