Now and again he would say, “O my mistress, (I am afraid) lest this may be a deception and trick.”
که گهی میگفت ای خاتون من ** که مبادا باشد این دستان و فن
The Khwája gave a party and a feast, saying (to his guests), “I am making a match for Faraj,”
خواجه جمعیت بکرد و دعوتی ** که همیسازم فرج را وصلتی
So that the company chaffed and quizzed (him) and said, “May your marriage be blessed, O Faraj!”300
تا جماعت عشوه میدادند و گان ** که ای فرج بادت مبارک اتصال
With the result that the promise seemed to Faraj more sure, and his illness vanished entirely and radically.
تا یقینتر شد فرج را آن سخن ** علت از وی رفت کل از بیخ و بن
Afterwards, on the wedding-night, he (the Khwája) artfully dyed (the hands and feet of) a youth with henna, like (those of) a woman.
بعد از آن اندر شب گردک به فن ** امردی را بست حنی همچو زن
He decorated his fore-arms like (those of) a bride: then he displayed to him (Faraj) a hen, but (actually) he gave him a cock;
پر نگارش کرد ساعد چون عروس ** پس نمودش ماکیان دادش خروس
(For) he dressed the sturdy youth in the veil and robes of beautiful brides.
مقنعه و حلهی عروسان نکو ** کنگ امرد را بپوشانید او
Quo tempore mos est sponsam cum conjuge in thalamo relinquere, (paterfamilias) candelam statim exstinxit: manebat Indus coram tali adulescente robusto et aspero. [He (the Khwája) immediately extinguished the candle (at) the time of (conjugal) privacy: the Hindu was left (alone) with such a rough and strong-bodied (young) man.]305
شمع را هنگام خلوت زود کشت ** ماند هندو با چنان کنگ درشت
Indulus clamorem et ululatum tollebat, (sed) tympanistarum causa nemo extra (thalamum) audiebat. [The little Hindú was screaming and crying out, (but) no one heard from without (the bedchamber) because of (the noise of) the tambourine-players.]
هندوک فریاد میکرد و فغان ** از برون نشنید کس از دفزنان
Tympana pulsata, manus complosae, virorum et feminarum clamores clamorem illius (pueri) clamitantis celabant. [The pounding of tambourines, (clapping of) hands, and the loud shouts of men and women masked the screams of that screamer.]
ضرب دف و کف و نعرهی مرد و زن ** کرد پنهان نعرهی آن نعرهزن
(Adulescens) istum Indulum comprimebat usque ad diluculum: coram cane quid fiat sacco farinae?) [He (the youth) squeezed the little Hindú until the (break of) day: how is a bag of flour (to remain untorn) before a (hungry) dog?]
تا به روز آن هندوک را میفشارد ** چون بود در پیش سگ انبان آرد
At morning they brought the wash-basin and a big package (of clothes, etc.), and according to the custom of bridegrooms Faraj went to the bath.
زود آوردند طاس و بوغ زفت ** رسم دامادان فرج حمام رفت
He went to the bath, sorely troubled in soul, laceratus culum tanquam panni fornacatorum (bath-stokers). [He went to the bath, sorely troubled in soul, (his) anus torn like the rags of bath-stokers.]310
رفت در حمام او رنجور جان ** کون دریده همچو دلق تونیان
From the bath he returned to the bridal chamber, a laughing-stock (to all): beside him sat the (Khwája's) daughter (dressed) like a bride.
آمد از حمام در گردک فسوس ** پیش او بنشست دختر چون عروس
Her mother (too) was sitting there to keep watch, lest he should make any attempt in the daytime.
مادرش آنجا نشسته پاسبان ** که نباید کو کند روز امتحان
He eyed her sulkily for awhile: then with both hands (spread) he gave her the ten (fingers).
ساعتی در وی نظر کرد از عناد ** آنگهان با هر دو دستش ده بداد
“May no one,” he exclaimed, “live in wedlock with a nasty evil-doing bride like thee!
گفت کس را خود مبادا اتصال ** با چو تو ناخوش عروس بدفعال
By day thy face is the face of fresh young ladies; noctu penis tuus turpis pejor est quam veretrum asini.” [By day thy face is the face of fresh young ladies; by night, your ugly penis (is) worse than the penis of an ass.”]315
روز رویت روی خاتونان تر ** کیر زشتت شب بتر از کیر خر
Even so all the pleasures of this world are very delightful (when viewed) from a distance before the (actual) test.
همچنان جمله نعیم این جهان ** بس خوشست از دور پیش از امتحان
Seen from a distance they appear (like refreshing) water, (but) when you approach (them) they are a mirage.
مینماید در نظر از دور آب ** چون روی نزدیک باشد آن سراب
She (the World) is a stinking hag, though by reason of her great blandishments she displays herself like a young bride.
گنده پیرست او و از بس چاپلوس ** خویش را جلوه کند چون نو عروس
Hark! Do not be deceived by her rouge, do not taste her sherbet which is mixed with poison!
هین مشو مغرور آن گلگونهاش ** نوش نیشآلودهی او را مچش
Have patience (self-restraint), for patience is the key to joy, lest like Faraj you fall into a hundred (grievous) straits.320
صبر کن کالصبر مفتاح الفرج ** تا نیفتی چون فرج در صد حرج
Her (the World's) bait is visible, (but) her trap is hidden: at first (sight) her favours seem sweet to you.
آشکارا دانه پنهان دام او ** خوش نماید ز اولت انعام او
Explaining that this self-delusion was not (peculiar) to that Hindú alone; on the contrary, every human being is afflicted with a similar self-delusion at every stage (of the journey), except those whom God has preserved.
در بیان آنک این غرور تنها آن هندو را نبود بلک هر آدمیی به چنین غرور مبتلاست در هر مرحلهای الا من عصم الله
Since you are attached to those (worldly goods), oh, beware! How often (afterwards) will you sob piteously in repentance!
چون بپیوستی بدان ای زینهار ** چند نالی در ندامت زار زار