- If there were any collectedness in the heart of the mouse, a number of mice would be collected (united) by a feeling of indignation,
- در دل موش ار بدی جمعیتی ** جمع گشتی چند موش از حمیتی
- And, rushing up like assassins, they would throw themselves on a cat without (giving her) any respite.
- بر زدندی چون فدایی حملهای ** خویش را بر گربهی بیمهلهای
- One would tear out her eyes in conflict (with her), while another would rip her ears with its teeth,
- آن یکی چشمش بکندی از ضراب ** وان دگر گوشش دریدی هم به ناب
- And another make a hole in her side: there would be no way of escape for her from the united party.
- وان دگر سوراخ کردی پهلوش ** از جماعت گم شدی بیرون شوش
- But the soul of the mouse has no collectedness: at the miaul of a cat (all) its wits fly out of its soul. 3050
- لیک جمعیت ندارد جان موش ** بجهد از جانش به بانگ گربه هوش
- The mouse is paralysed by the wily cat, (even) if the numbers of the mice amount to a hundred thousand.
- خشک گردد موش زان گربهی عیار ** گر بود اعداد موشان صد هزار
- What cares the butcher for the numerous flock (of sheep)? How can abundance of consciousness prevent (the approach of) slumber?
- از رمهی انبه چه غم قصاب را ** انبهی هش چه بندد خواب را
- He (God) is the Lord of the kingdom: He gives collectedness to the lion, so that he springs on the herd of onagers.
- مالک الملک است جمعیت دهد ** شیر را تا بر گلهی گوران جهد
- A hundred thousand savage and courageous onagers are as naught before the onset of the lion.
- صد هزاران گور دهشاخ و دلیر ** چون عدم باشند پیش صول شیر
- He is the Lord of the kingdom: He gives to a Joseph the kingdom of Beauty, so that he is (lovely) as the water of white clouds. 3055
- مالک الملک است بدهد ملک حسن ** یوسفی را تا بود چون ماء مزن
- He bestows upon one face the radiance of a star, so that a king becomes the slave of a girl.
- در رخی بنهد شعاع اختری ** که شود شاهی غلام دختری
- He bestows upon another face His own Light, so that at midnight it sees everything good and evil.
- بنهد اندر روی دیگر نور خود ** که ببیند نیمشب هر نیک و بد
- Joseph and Moses fetched light from God into their cheeks and countenances and into their inmost bosoms.
- یوسف و موسی ز حق بردند نور ** در رخ و رخسار و در ذات الصدور
- The face of Moses shot forth a flashing beam: he hung a veil in front of his face.
- روی موسی بارقی انگیخته ** پیش رو او توبره آویخته
- The splendour of his face would have dazzled (men's) eyes as the emerald (blinds) the eyes of the deaf adder. 3060
- نور رویش آنچنان بردی بصر ** که زمرد از دو دیدهی مار کر
- He besought God that the veil might become a covering for that powerful Light.
- او ز حق در خواسته تا توبره ** گردد آن نور قوی را ساتره
- He (God) said, “Hark, make a veil of thy felt raiment, for the garment of gnosis can be trusted (to keep it safe),
- توبره گفت از گلیمت ساز هین ** کان لباس عارفی آمد امین
- Because that robe has become inured to the Light: the Light of the Spirit shines through its warp and woof.
- کان کسا از نور صبری یافتست ** نور جان در تار و پودش تافتست
- Nothing will be a (safe) repository (for it) except a mantle like this: nothing else can endure Our Light.
- جز چنین خرقه نخواهد شد صوان ** نور ما را بر نتابد غیر آن
- If Mt Qáf should come forward as a barrier (to it), the Light would rend it asunder like Mt Sinai.” 3065
- کوه قاف ار پیش آید بهرسد ** همچو کوه طور نورش بر درد
- Through the (Divine) omnipotence the bodies of (holy) men have gained ability to support the unconditioned Light.
- از کمال قدرت ابدان رجال ** یافت اندر نور بیچون احتمال
- His (God's) power makes a glass vessel the dwelling-place of that (Light) of which Sinai cannot bear (even) a mote.
- آنچ طورش بر نتابد ذرهای ** قدرتش جا سازد از قارورهای
- A lamp-niche and a lamp-glass have become the dwelling-place of the Light by which Mt Qáf and Mt Sinai are torn to pieces.
- گشت مشکات و زجاجی جای نور ** که همیدرد ز نور آن قاف و طور
- Know that their (the holy men's) bodies are the lamp-niche and their hearts the glass: this lamp illumines the empyrean and the heavens.
- جسمشان مشکات دان دلشان زجاج ** تافته بر عرش و افلاک این سراج
- Their (the heavens') light is dazzled by this Light and vanishes like the stars in this radiance of morning. 3070
- نورشان حیران این نور آمده ** چون ستاره زین ضحی فانی شده