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  • Indulus clamorem et ululatum tollebat, (sed) tympanistarum causa nemo extra (thalamum) audiebat. [The little Hindú was screaming and crying out, (but) no one heard from without (the bedchamber) because of (the noise of) the tambourine-players.]
  • هندوک فریاد می‌کرد و فغان  ** از برون نشنید کس از دف‌زنان 
  • Tympana pulsata, manus complosae, virorum et feminarum clamores clamorem illius (pueri) clamitantis celabant. [The pounding of tambourines, (clapping of) hands, and the loud shouts of men and women masked the screams of that screamer.]
  • ضرب دف و کف و نعره‌ی مرد و زن  ** کرد پنهان نعره‌ی آن نعره‌زن 
  • (Adulescens) istum Indulum comprimebat usque ad diluculum: coram cane quid fiat sacco farinae?) [He (the youth) squeezed the little Hindú until the (break of) day: how is a bag of flour (to remain untorn) before a (hungry) dog?]
  • تا به روز آن هندوک را می‌فشارد  ** چون بود در پیش سگ انبان آرد 
  • At morning they brought the wash-basin and a big package (of clothes, etc.), and according to the custom of bridegrooms Faraj went to the bath.
  • زود آوردند طاس و بوغ زفت  ** رسم دامادان فرج حمام رفت 
  • He went to the bath, sorely troubled in soul, laceratus culum tanquam panni fornacatorum (bath-stokers). [He went to the bath, sorely troubled in soul, (his) anus torn like the rags of bath-stokers.] 310
  • رفت در حمام او رنجور جان  ** کون دریده هم‌چو دلق تونیان 
  • From the bath he returned to the bridal chamber, a laughing-stock (to all): beside him sat the (Khwája's) daughter (dressed) like a bride.
  • آمد از حمام در گردک فسوس  ** پیش او بنشست دختر چون عروس 
  • Her mother (too) was sitting there to keep watch, lest he should make any attempt in the daytime.
  • مادرش آنجا نشسته پاسبان  ** که نباید کو کند روز امتحان 
  • He eyed her sulkily for awhile: then with both hands (spread) he gave her the ten (fingers).
  • ساعتی در وی نظر کرد از عناد  ** آنگهان با هر دو دستش ده بداد 
  • “May no one,” he exclaimed, “live in wedlock with a nasty evil-doing bride like thee!
  • گفت کس را خود مبادا اتصال  ** با چو تو ناخوش عروس بدفعال 
  • By day thy face is the face of fresh young ladies; noctu penis tuus turpis pejor est quam veretrum asini.” [By day thy face is the face of fresh young ladies; by night, your ugly penis (is) worse than the penis of an ass.”] 315
  • روز رویت روی خاتونان تر  ** کیر زشتت شب بتر از کیر خر 
  • Even so all the pleasures of this world are very delightful (when viewed) from a distance before the (actual) test.
  • هم‌چنان جمله نعیم این جهان  ** بس خوشست از دور پیش از امتحان 
  • Seen from a distance they appear (like refreshing) water, (but) when you approach (them) they are a mirage.
  • می‌نماید در نظر از دور آب  ** چون روی نزدیک باشد آن سراب 
  • She (the World) is a stinking hag, though by reason of her great blandishments she displays herself like a young bride.
  • گنده پیرست او و از بس چاپلوس  ** خویش را جلوه کند چون نو عروس 
  • Hark! Do not be deceived by her rouge, do not taste her sherbet which is mixed with poison!
  • هین مشو مغرور آن گلگونه‌اش  ** نوش نیش‌آلوده‌ی او را مچش 
  • Have patience (self-restraint), for patience is the key to joy, lest like Faraj you fall into a hundred (grievous) straits. 320
  • صبر کن کالصبر مفتاح الفرج  ** تا نیفتی چون فرج در صد حرج 
  • Her (the World's) bait is visible, (but) her trap is hidden: at first (sight) her favours seem sweet to you.
  • آشکارا دانه پنهان دام او  ** خوش نماید ز اولت انعام او 
  • Explaining that this self-delusion was not (peculiar) to that Hindú alone; on the contrary, every human being is afflicted with a similar self-delusion at every stage (of the journey), except those whom God has preserved.
  • در بیان آنک این غرور تنها آن هندو را نبود بلک هر آدمیی به چنین غرور مبتلاست در هر مرحله‌ای الا من عصم الله 
  • Since you are attached to those (worldly goods), oh, beware! How often (afterwards) will you sob piteously in repentance!
  • چون بپیوستی بدان ای زینهار  ** چند نالی در ندامت زار زار 
  • The names “princehood,” “vizierate,” and “kingship” (are enticing, but) hidden beneath them is death and pain and giving up the ghost.
  • نام میری و وزیری و شهی  ** در نهانش مرگ و درد و جان‌دهی 
  • Be a slave (of God) and walk on the earth like a horse (under the rider), not like a bier which is carried on the necks (of the bearers).
  • بنده باش و بر زمین رو چون سمند  ** چون جنازه نه که بر گردن برند 
  • The ungrateful (worldly) man wishes all people to carry him: they bring him, like a dead rider, to the grave. 325
  • جمله را حمال خود خواهد کفور  ** چون سوار مرده آرندش به گور 
  • If you dream of any one (being carried) on a bier, he will become a high-stirruped rider of (will rise to high eminence in) office.
  • بر جنازه هر که را بینی به خواب  ** فارس منصب شود عالی رکاب 
  • Inasmuch as the coffin is a burden on the people (who carry it), these grandees have laid the burden (of their rank and riches) on (the necks of) the people (whom they oppress).
  • زانک آن تابوت بر خلقست بار  ** بار بر خلقان فکندند این کبار 
  • Do not lay your burden on any one, lay it on yourself: do not seek eminence, ’tis best to be poor.
  • بار خود بر کس منه بر خویش نه  ** سروری را کم طلب درویش به 
  • Do not be perpetually riding on the necks of people, lest gout attack your feet.
  • مرکب اعناق مردم را مپا  ** تا نیاید نقرست اندر دو پا 
  • The vehicle which you will curse in the end, saying, “Thou resemblest a (flourishing) city, but thou art (really) a ruined village”— 330
  • مرکبی را که آخرش تو ده دهی  ** که به شهری مانی و ویران‌دهی