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  • Their (the heavens') light is dazzled by this Light and vanishes like the stars in this radiance of morning. 3070
  • Hence the Seal of the prophets has related (the saying) of the everlasting and eternal Lord—
  • “I am not contained in the heavens or in the void or in the exalted intelligences and souls;
  • (But) I am contained, as a guest, in the true believer's heart, without qualification or definition or description,
  • To the end that by the mediation of that heart (all) above and below may win from Me sovereignties and fortune.
  • Without such a mirror neither Earth nor Time could bear the vision of My beauty. 3075
  • I caused the steed of (My) mercy to gallop over the two worlds: I fashioned a very spacious mirror.
  • From this mirror (appear) at every moment fifty (spiritual) wedding-feasts: hearken to the mirror, but do not ask (Me) to describe it.”
  • The gist (of the discourse) is this, that he (Moses) made a veil of his raiment, since he knew the penetrativeness of (the light of) that Moon.
  • Had the veil been (made) of anything except his raiment, it would have been torn to shreds, (even) if it had been (like) a solid mountain.
  • It (the Light) would penetrate through iron walls: what contrivance could the veil employ against the Light of God? 3080
  • That veil had become glowing: it was the mantle of a gnostic in the moment of ecstasy.
  • The fire is deposited (becomes immanent) in the tinder because it (the tinder) is already familiar with the fire.
  • And in sooth Safúrá, from desire and love for that Light of true guidance, sacrificed both her eyes.
  • At first she closed one eye and beheld the light of his (Moses') face (with the other); and that eye was lost.
  • Afterwards she could no longer restrain herself and (therefore) she opened the other (eye) and spent it on that Moon. 3085
  • Even so the (spiritual) warrior (first) gives away his bread; (but) when the light of devotion strikes on him, he gives away his life.
  • Then a woman said to her, “Art thou grieving for the jonquil-like eye that thou hast lost?”
  • “I am grieving,” she replied, “(to think) would that I had a hundred thousand eyes to lavish (on that Moon)!
  • The window, (which is) mine eye, has been ruined by the Moon; but the Moon is seated (there) like the (buried) treasure in the ruin.
  • How should the treasure let this ruin of mine have (any regretful) memory of my porch and house?” 3090
  • The light of Joseph's face, when he was passing by, used to fall on the latticed windows of every villa,
  • And the people within the house would say, “Joseph is taking a walk in this quarter and passing by”;
  • For they would see the radiance on the wall, and then the landlords (inmates) would understand (the cause of it).
  • The house that has its window in that direction is ennobled by that Joseph's walking for recreation.