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  • There will be a great many of them left over: let him expend (this surplus) and include me too in a benediction.
  • فضله ماند زین بسی گو خرج کن  ** در دعایی گو مرا هم درج کن 
  • I wished to give them (to him) with my own hand: (all) these assignments are written in such-and-such a note-book.
  • خواستم تا آن به دست خود دهم  ** در فلان دفتر نوشتست این قسم 
  • Death, however, did not allow me time to hand over to him secretly the pearls of Aden.
  • خود اجل مهلت ندادم تا که من  ** خفیه بسپارم بدو در عدن 
  • Rubies and corundums for (the payment of) his debt are (stored) in a certain vessel on which his name is written. 3540
  • لعل و یاقوتست بهر وام او  ** در خنوری و نبشته نام او 
  • I have buried it in a certain vault: I have shown solicitude for my ancient friend.
  • در فلان طاقیش مدفون کرده‌ام  ** من غم آن یار پیشین خورده‌ام 
  • None but kings can know the value of that (treasure): take care, then, that they (the purchasers) do not cheat you in the sale.
  • قیمت آن را نداند جز ملوک  ** فاجتهد بالبیع ان لا یخدعوک 
  • In sales (commercial transactions), for fear of being swindled, behave in the same manner as the Prophet, who taught (his followers to demand) three days' option.
  • در بیوع آن کن تو از خوف غرار  ** که رسول آموخت سه روز اختیار 
  • Do not be afraid of it (the treasure) depreciating and do not fall (into anxiety), since the demand for it will never decline.
  • از کساد آن مترس و در میفت  ** که رواج آن نخواهد هیچ خفت 
  • Give my heirs a greeting from me and rehearse to them this injunction, point by point, 3545
  • وارثانم را سلام من بگو  ** وین وصیت را بگو هم مو به مو 
  • In order that they may not be deterred by the largeness of the (sum of) gold, but may deliver it to that guest (of mine) without reluctance.
  • تا ز بسیاری آن زر نشکهند  ** بی‌گرانی پیش آن مهمان نهند 
  • And if he say that he does not want so much, bid him take it and bestow it on whom he will.
  • ور بگوید او نخواهم این فره  ** گو بگیر و هر که را خواهی بده 
  • I will not take back a jot of what I have given: the milk never comes back to the teat.
  • زانچ دادم باز نستانم نقیر  ** سوی پستان باز ناید هیچ شیر 
  • According to the Prophet's saying, he who reclaims a gift will have become like a dog devouring his vomit.
  • گشته باشد هم‌چو سگ قی را اکول  ** مسترد نحله بر قول رسول 
  • And if he shut the door and (declare that he) has no need of the gold, let them pour the bounty at his door, 3550
  • ور ببندد در نباید آن زرش  ** تا بریزند آن عطا را بر درش 
  • (So that) every one who passes may carry gold away: the gifts of the sincere are never taken back.
  • هر که آنجا بگذرد زر می‌برد  ** نیست هدیه‌ی مخلصان را مسترد 
  • I laid it in store for him two years ago and vowed to the Almighty (that it should be his).
  • بهر او بنهاده‌ام آن از دو سال  ** کرده‌ام من نذرها با ذوالجلال 
  • And if they (my heirs) deem it permissible to take aught (for themselves), verily twentyfold loss will befall them.
  • ور روا دارند چیزی زان ستد  ** بیست چندان خو زیانشان اوفتد 
  • If they vex my spirit, a hundred doors of tribulation will at once be opened for them.
  • گر روانم را پژولانند زود  ** صد در محنت بریشان بر گشود 
  • I have good hope of God that He will cause the due (payment) to reach the person who has the right to it.” 3555
  • از خدا اومید دارم من لبق  ** که رساند حق را در مستحق 
  • He (the Khwája) unfolded two other matters to him (the bailiff), (but) I will not open my lips in mention of them,
  • دو قضیه‌ی دیگر او را شرح داد  ** لب به ذکر آن نخواهم بر گشاد 
  • In order that (these) two matters may remain secret and mysterious, and also that the Mathnawí may not become so very long.
  • تا بماند دو قضیه سر و راز  ** هم نگردد مثنوی چندین دراز 
  • He (the bailiff) sprang up from sleep, (joyously) snapping his fingers, now singing love-songs and now making lament.
  • برجهید از خواب انگشتک‌زنان  ** گه غزل‌گویان و گه نوحه‌کنان 
  • The guest (the debtor) said, “In what mad fits are you (plunged)? O bailiff, you have risen intoxicated and merry.
  • گفت مهمان در چه سوداهاستی  ** پای‌مردا مست و خوش بر خاستی 
  • I wonder what you dreamed last night, O exalted one, that you cannot be contained in city or desert. 3560
  • تا چه دیدی خواب دوش ای بوالعلا  ** که نمی‌گنجی تو در شهر و فلا 
  • Your elephant has dreamed of Hindustán, for you have fled from the circle of your friends.”
  • خواب دیده پیل تو هندوستان  ** که رمیدستی ز حلقه‌ی دوستان