- Next day to impoverished descendants of ‘Alí together with poor jurists engaged in study (of the canon-law);
- روز دیگر بر علویان مقل ** با فقیهان فقیر مشتغل
- Next day to empty-handed common folk; next day to persons fallen into debt.
- روز دیگر بر تهیدستان عام ** روز دیگر بر گرفتاران وام
- His rule (in giving alms) was that no one should beg for gold with his tongue or open his lips at all;
- شرط او آن بود که کس با زبان ** زر نخواهد هیچ نگشاید لبان
- But the paupers stood in silence, like a wall, on the outskirts of his path,
- لیک خامش بر حوالی رهش ** ایستاده مفلسان دیواروش
- And any one who suddenly begged with his lips was punished for this offence by not getting from him (even) a mite of money. 3810
- هر که کردی ناگهان با لب سال ** زو نبردی زین گنه یک حبه مال
- His maxim was “Those of you who keep silence are saved”: his purses and bowls (of food) were (reserved) for the silent.
- من صمت منکم نجا بد یاسهاش ** خامشان را بود کیسه و کاسهاش
- One day (it happened) extraordinarily (that) an old man said, “Give me alms, for I am hungry.”
- نادرا روزی یکی پیری بگفت ** ده زکاتم که منم با جوع جفت
- He refused (alms) to the old man, but the old man importuned him: the people were astounded by the old man's importunity.
- منع کرد از پیر و پیرش جد گرفت ** مانده خلق از جد پیر اندر شگفت
- He (the Sadr) said, “You are a very shameless old man, O father.” The old man replied, “Thou art more shameless than I,
- گفت بس بیشرم پیری ای پدر ** پیر گفت از من توی بیشرمتر
- For thou hast enjoyed this world, and in thy greed thou wouldst fain take the other world (to enjoy it) together with this world.” 3815
- کین جهان خوردی و خواهی تو ز طمع ** کان جهان با این جهان گیری به جمع
- He (the Sadr) laughed and gave the old man some money: the old man alone obtained the bounty.
- خندهاش آمد مال داد آن پیر را ** پیر تنها برد آن توفیر را
- Except that old man none of those who begged (aloud) saw half a mite or a single farthing of his money.
- غیر آن پیر ایچ خواهنده ازو ** نیم حبه زر ندید و نه تسو
- On the day when it was the turn of the jurists (to receive alms), a certain jurist, (impelled) by cupidity, suddenly began to whine.
- نوبت روز فقیهان ناگهان ** یک فقیه از حرص آمد در فغان
- He made many piteous appeals, but there was no help (for him); he uttered every kind (of entreaty), but it availed him naught.
- کرد زاریها بسی چاره نبود ** گفت هر نوعی نبودش هیچ سود
- Next day he wrapped his leg in rags (and stood) in the row of the sufferers (from illness), hanging his head. 3820
- روز دیگر با رگو پیچید پا ** ناکس اندر صف قوم مبتلا
- He tied splints on his shank, left and right, in order that it might be supposed that his leg was broken.
- تختهها بر ساق بست از چپ و راست ** تا گمان آید که او اشکستهپاست
- He (the Sadr) saw and recognised him and did not give him anything. Next day he covered his face with a rain-cloak,
- دیدش و بشناختش چیزی نداد ** روز دیگر رو بپوشید از لباد
- (But) the noble lord knew him still and gave him nothing because of the sin and crime (which he had committed) by speaking.
- هم بدانستش ندادش آن عزیز ** از گناه و جرم گفتن هیچ چیز
- When he had failed in a hundred sorts of trickery, he drew a chádar over his head, like women,
- چونک عاجز شد ز صد گونه مکید ** چون زنان او چادری بر سر کشید
- And went and sat down amongst the widows, and let his head droop and concealed his hands. 3825
- در میان بیوگان رفت و نشست ** سر فرو افکند و پنهان کرد دست
- Still he (the Sadr) recognised him and did not give him any alms: on account of the disappointment a (feeling of) burning grief came into his heart.
- هم شناسیدش ندادش صدقهای ** در دلش آمد ز حرمان حرقهای
- He went early in the morning to a purveyor of grave-clothes, saying, “Wrap me in a felt (shroud) and lay me out on the road.
- رفت او پیش کفنخواهی پگاه ** که بپیچم در نمد نه پیش راه
- Do not open thy lips at all, (but) sit down and look on till the Sadr-i Jahán passes here.
- هیچ مگشا لب نشین و مینگر ** تا کند صدر جهان اینجا گذر
- Maybe he will see (me) and suppose that I am dead and drop some money to cover the cost of the shroud.
- بوک بیند مرده پندار به ظن ** زر در اندازد پی وجه کفن
- I will pay thee half of whatever he may give.” The poor man, desiring the (expected) present, did just as he was told. 3830
- هر چه بدهد نیم آن بدهم به تو ** همچنان کرد آن فقیر صلهجو