(Its) natural movement and rest have gone from it—by what (means)? By means of Verily unto Him we are returning.
رفت از وی جنبش طبع و سکون ** از چه از انا الیه راجعون
We have returned from ourselves to Thy sea and have sucked from the source that suckled us.
ما به بحر تو ز خود راجع شدیم ** وز رضاع اصل مسترضع شدیم
O thou who, on account of the ghoul, hast remained in the derivatives (unessentials) of the Way, do not boast of (possessing) the fundamental principles (thereof), O unprincipled man.
در فروغ راه ای مانده ز غول ** لاف کم زن از اصول ای بیاصول
Our war and our peace is in the light of the Essence: ’tis not from us, ’tis between the two fingers (of God).45
جنگ ما و صلح ما در نور عین ** نیست از ما هست بین اصبعین
War of nature, war of action, war of speech—there is a terrible conflict amongst the parts (of the universe).
جنگ طبعی جنگ فعلی جنگ قول ** در میان جزوها حربیست هول
This world is maintained by means of this war: consider the elements, in order that it (the difficulty) may be solved.
این جهان زن جنگ قایم میبود ** در عناصر در نگر تا حل شود
The four elements are four strong pillars by which the roof of the present world is (kept) upright.
چار عنصر چار استون قویست ** که بدیشان سقف دنیا مستویست
Each pillar is a destroyer of the other: the pillar (known as) water is a destroyer of the flames (of fire).
هر ستونی اشکنندهی آن دگر ** استن آب اشکنندهی آن شرر
Hence the edifice of creation is (based) upon contraries; consequently we are at war for weal and woe.50
پس بنای خلق بر اضداد بود ** لاجرم ما جنگییم از ضر و سود
My states (of mind and body) are mutually opposed: each one is mutually opposite in its effect.
هست احوالم خلاف همدگر ** هر یکی با هم مخالف در اثر
Since I am incessantly waylaying (struggling with) myself, how should I act in harmony with another?
چونک هر دم راه خود را میزنم ** با دگر کس سازگاری چون کنم
Behold the surging armies of my “states,” each at war and strife with another.
موج لشکرهای احوالم ببین ** هر یکی با دیگری در جنگ و کین
Contemplate the same grievous war in thyself: why, then, art thou engaged in warring with others?
مینگر در خود چنین جنگ گران ** پس چه مشغولی به جنگ دیگران
Or (is it because thou hast no means of escape) unless God shall redeem thee from this war and bring thee into the unicoloured world of peace?55
یا مگر زین جنگ حقت وا خرد ** در جهان صلح یک رنگت برد
That world is naught but everlasting and flourishing, because it is not composed of contraries.
آن جهان جز باقی و آباد نیست ** زانک آن ترکیب از اضداد نیست
This reciprocal destruction is inflicted by (every) contrary on its contrary: when there is no contrary, there is naught but everlastingness.
این تفانی از ضد آید ضد را ** چون نباشد ضد نبود جز بقا
He (God) who hath no like banished contraries from Paradise, saying, “Neither sun nor its contrary, intense cold, shall be there.”
نفی ضد کرد از بهشت آن بینظیر ** که نباشد شمس و ضدش زمهریر
Colourlessness is the origin of colours, peaces are the origins of wars.
هست بیرنگی اصول رنگها ** صلحها باشد اصول جنگها
That world is the origin of this dolorous abode, union is the origin of every parting and separation.60
آن جهانست اصل این پرغم وثاق ** وصل باشد اصل هر هجر و فراق
Wherefore, sire, are we thus in opposition, and wherefore does unity give birth to these numbers?
این مخالف از چهایم ای خواجه ما ** واز چه زاید وحدت این اعداد را
Because we are the branch and the four elements are the stock: in the branch the stock has brought its own nature into existence.
زانک ما فرعیم و چار اضداد اصل ** خوی خود در فرع کرد ایجاد اصل
(But) since the substance, (which is) the spirit, is beyond ramifications, its nature is not this (plurality); it is the nature of (the Divine) Majesty.
گوهر جان چون ورای فصلهاست ** خوی او این نیست خوی کبریاست
Perceive that wars which are the origins of peaces are like (the war of) the Prophet whose war is for God's sake.
جنگها بین کان اصول صلحهاست ** چون نبی که جنگ او بهر خداست
He is victorious and mighty in both worlds: the description of this victor is not contained in the mouth.65
غالبست و چیر در هر دو جهان ** شرح این غالب نگنجد در دهان
Still, if it is impossible to drain (drink) the Oxus, one cannot deny one's self as much (water) as will slake thirst.
آب جیحون را اگر نتوان کشید ** هم ز قدر تشنگی نتوان برید