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  • You have seen that safety is concealed in a (state of) fear (danger): O excellent man, observe also that fear (danger) is (lurking) in a (state of) hope.
  • A certain Amír cunningly shadows Jesus: Jesus hides himself in the house.
  • He (the Amír) enters in order that he may (seize him and) wear the crown (of sovereignty): because of his likeness to Jesus he himself becomes the crown of the gibbet.
  • (He cries out), “Oh, do not hang me: I am not Jesus, I am the Amír, I am well-disposed to the Jews.”
  • “Hang him on the gibbet,” (cry the Jews), “with all speed, for he is Jesus: (he is) seeking to escape from our hands by personating another.” 4370
  • How often does an army march (hoping) to enjoy the fruits (of victory): its equipment becomes spoil (for the enemy), and it is overthrown.
  • How often does a merchant go (from home) in hope of gain: he thinks it will be a feast ('íd), but he is consumed like aloeswood ('úd).
  • How often in the world does it happen contrariwise to this: (for example) one fancies (something to be bitter as) poison when it is (really sweet as) honey.
  • Often, (when) soldiers have made up their minds to die, the splendours (of triumph) and victory appear.
  • Abraha came with the elephant to dishonour the House (of Allah), that he might throw down the living (and leave them lying) as though dead, 4375
  • And destroy the holy Ka‘ba and cause all (the inhabitants) to wander forth from that place,
  • In order that all the pilgrims might gather round him and might all turn in worship to his Ka‘ba,
  • And that he might take vengeance on the Arabs for the injury (inflicted by them), for “why,” said he, “should they set my Ka‘ba on fire?”
  • His efforts only turned to glory for the Ka‘ba: they caused the (holy) House to be glorified.
  • (Formerly) the glory of the Meccans had been one: (now) it became a hundred: their glory was now extending to the Resurrection. 4380
  • He (Abraha) and his Ka‘ba were eclipsed more (and more). Whence is this? From the favours of the (Divine) Decree.
  • Those poor Arabs were enriched by the equipment and baggage of (the host of) Abraha, (who was) like a wild beast.
  • He thought that he was bringing an army (against the Ka‘ba): (in fact) he was bringing gold for the defenders of the House.
  • He (the treasure-seeker) was (occupied), every step of the way, in contemplating this (wondrous) annulment of fixed purposes and ambitions.
  • (When) he came home, he discovered the treasure: by Divine grace his fortune was restored. 4385
  • How the (two) brothers repeated their advice to the eldest, and how he was unable to endure it and ran away from them and went off, frenzied and beside himself, and rushed into the King's audience-chamber without asking permission; but (this was) from excess of passionate love, not from disrespect and recklessness, etc.
  • The two (brothers) said to him, “In our souls are answers (to thy arguments), like stars in the sky.
  • Unless we (answer and) speak, the game will not come out right; and if we speak, thy heart will be grieved.
  • We are like frogs in the water: ’tis painful to speak, while the result of silence is suffocation and illness.
  • If we speak not, (our) friendship (with thee) has no light (of truth); and if we speak, ’tis without leave (from thee).”
  • Straightway he sprang up, crying, “Farewell, O kinsmen: verily this world and all therein is but a passing enjoyment,” 4390