- (Just) after midnight his friend, the charmer of his heart, arrived (punctually) like those who are true to their promise. 600
- بعد نصف اللیل آمد یار او ** صادق الوعدانه آن دلدار او
- He found his lover lying asleep; (thereupon) he tore off a little piece of his (the lover's) sleeve
- عاشق خود را فتاده خفته دید ** اندکی از آستین او درید
- And put some walnuts in his lap, saying, “Thou art a child: take these and play a game of dice.”
- گردگانی چندش اندر جیب کرد ** که تو طفلی گیر این میباز نرد
- When at dawn the lover sprang up from sleep, he saw the (torn) sleeve and the walnuts.
- چون سحر از خواب عاشق بر جهید ** آستین و گردگانها را بدید
- He said, “Our king is entirely truth and loyalty: that (disgrace) which is coming upon us is from ourselves alone.”
- گفت شاه ما همه صدق و وفاست ** آنچ بر ما میرسد آن هم ز ماست
- O sleepless heart, we (true lovers) are secure from this: we, like guardsmen, are plying our rattles on the roof. 605
- ای دل بیخواب ما زین ایمنیم ** چون حرس بر بام چوبک میزنیم
- Our walnuts are crushed in this mill: whatever we may tell of our anguish, ’tis (but) little.
- گردگان ما درین مطحن شکست ** هر چه گوییم از غم خود اندکست
- O railer, how long (will you continue to give) this invitation to (join in) the business (of the world)? Henceforth do not give advice to a madman.
- عاذلا چند این صلای ماجرا ** پند کم ده بعد ازین دیوانه را
- I will not listen to deceitful talk of separation (from the Beloved): I have experienced it: how long shall I experience it?
- من نخواهم عشوهی هجران شنود ** آزمودم چند خواهم آزمود
- In this Way everything except derangement and madness is (a cause of) farness and alienation (from Him).
- هرچه غیر شورش و دیوانگیست ** اندرین ره دوری و بیگانگیست
- Hark, put that fetter on my leg, for I have torn the chain of (rational) consideration to pieces. 610
- هین بنه بر پایم آن زنجیر را ** که دریدم سلسلهی تدبیر را
- Though you bring two hundred fetters, I will snap (them all) except the curls of my auspicious Beauty.
- غیر آن جعد نگار مقبلم ** گر دو صد زنجیر آری بگسلم
- Love and reputation, O brother, are not in accord: do not stand at the door of reputation, O lover.
- عشق و ناموس ای برادر راست نیست ** بر رد ناموس ای عاشق مهایست
- The time is come for me to strip, to quit the (bodily) form and become wholly spirit.
- وقت آن آمد که من عریان شوم ** نقش بگذارم سراسر جان شوم
- Come, O Enemy of shame and anxious thought, for I have rent the veil of shame and bashfulness.
- ای عدو شرم و اندیشه بیا ** که دریدم پردهی شرم و حیا
- O Thou who by Thy magic hast spell-bound the spirit's sleep, O hardhearted Beloved that Thou art in the world, 615
- ای ببسته خواب جان از جادوی ** سختدل یارا که در عالم توی
- Hark, grip the throat of self-restraint and strangle it, in order that Love's heart may be made happy, O Cavalier!
- هین گلوی صبر گیر و میفشار ** تا خنک گردد دل عشق ای سوار
- How should His heart be made happy till I burn? Oh, my heart is His home and dwelling-place.
- تا نسوزم کی خنگ گردد دلش ** ای دل ما خاندان و منزلش
- (If) Thou wilt burn Thy house, burn it! Who is he that will say, “’Tis not allowed”?
- خانهی خود را همیسوزی بسوز ** کیست آن کس کو بگوید لایجوز
- Burn this house well (and thoroughly), O furious Lion! The lover's house is better so.
- خوش بسوز این خانه را ای شر مست ** خانهی عاشق چنین اولیترست
- Henceforth I will make this burning my qibla (aim), for I am (like) the candle: I am (made) bright by burning. 620
- بعد ازین این سوز را قبله کنم ** زانک شمعم من بسوزش روشنم
- Abandon sleep to-night, O father: for one night traverse the district of the sleepless.
- خواب را بگذار امشب ای پدر ** یک شبی بر کوی بیخوابان گذر
- Look on these (lovers) who have become frenzied and been killed, like moths, by (their) union (with the Beloved).
- بنگر اینها را که مجنون گشتهاند ** همچو پروانه بوصلت کشتهاند
- Look on this ship of (God's) creatures (and see how it is) sunk in Love: you would say that Love's throat has become a dragon (to swallow it)—
- بنگر این کشتی خلقان غرق عشق ** اژدهایی گشت گویی حلق عشق
- An invisible heart-ravishing dragon: it is a magnet to draw (towards itself) the reason that is (firm) like a mountain.
- اژدهایی ناپدید دلربا ** عقل همچون کوه را او کهربا