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  • The motion of this wind is from its reality, like the wheel that is captive to the water of the stream.
  • The ebb and flow and incoming and outgoing of this breath —from whom does it proceed but from the spirit that is filled with desire?
  • Now it (the spirit) makes it (the breath) jím, now há and dál; now it makes it peace, now strife. 3335
  • Even so our God had made this (Sarsar) wind like a (raging) dragon against ‘Ád.
  • Again, He had also made that wind (to be) peace and regardfulness and safety for the true believers.
  • “The Reality is Allah,” said the Shaykh of the (Mohammedan) Religion, (who is) the sea of the spiritual realities of the Lord of created beings.
  • All the tiers of earth and heaven are (but) as straws in that flowing sea.
  • The rushing and tossing of the straws in the water is produced by the water when it is agitated. 3340
  • When it (the sea of Reality) wishes to make them (the straws) cease from struggling, it casts the straws toward the shore.
  • When it draws them from the shore into the surge it does with them that which fire does with grass.
  • This topic is endless. Speed back, O youth, to (the story of) Hárút and Márút.
  • The rest of the story of Hárút and Márút, and how an exemplary punishment was inflicted on them, even in this world, in the pit of Babylon.
  • Inasmuch as the sin and wickedness of the people of the world was becoming clearly visible to them both at that time,
  • They began to gnaw their hands in wrath, but had no eyes for their own fault. 3345
  • The ugly man saw himself in the mirror: he turned his face away from that (spectacle) and was enraged.
  • When the self-conceited person has seen any one commit a sin, there appears in him a fire (derived) from Hell.
  • He calls that (hellish) pride defence of the Religion: he regards not the infidel soul in himself.
  • Defence of the Religion has a different character, for from that (religious) fire a (whole) world is green (verdant and flourishing).
  • God said to them, "If ye are enlightened, (nevertheless) look not carelessly (contemptuously) upon the doers of black deeds. 3350
  • Render thanks, O Host (of Heaven) and Servants (of God)! Ye are freed from lust and sexual intercourse.
  • If I impose that kind of nature on you, Heaven will accept you no more.
  • The preservation (from sin) which ye have in your bodies is from the reflexion of My preservation and care (of you).
  • Oh, beware! Regard that as (coming) from Me, not from yourselves, lest the accursed Devil prevail against you.”
  • As (for example) the writer of the Revelation given to the Prophet deemed the Wisdom and the Original Light (to be residing) in himself. 3355
  • He was reckoning himself a fellow-songster of the Birds of God, (whereas) that (which proceeded from him) was (only) a whistle resembling an echo.
  • If you become an exponent (imitator) of the song of birds, how will you become acquainted with the (real) meaning of the bird?
  • If you learn the note of a nightingale, how will you know what (feelings) it has towards a rose?
  • Or if you do know, ’twill only be from surmise, like the conjectures formed by deaf people from those who move their lips.
  • How the deaf man went to visit his sick neighbour.
  • One possessed of much wealth said to a deaf man, “A neighbour of thine is fallen ill.” 3360
  • The deaf man said to himself, “Being hard of hearing, what shall I understand of the words spoken by that youth?—
  • Especially (as) he is ill and his voice is weak; but I must go thither, there's no escape.
  • When I see his lips moving, I will form a conjecture as to that (movement) from myself.
  • When I say, ‘How are you, O my suffering (friend)?’ he will reply, ‘I am fine’ or ‘I am pretty well.’
  • I will say, ‘Thanks (to God)! What posset have you had to drink?’ He will reply, ‘Some sherbet’ or ‘a decoction of kidney-beans.’ 3365
  • (Then) I will say, ‘May you enjoy health! Who is the doctor attending you?’ He will answer, ‘So-and-so.’
  • ‘He is one who brings great luck with him,’ I will remark; ‘since he has come, things will go well for you.
  • I have experienced (the luck of) his foot: wherever he goes, the desired object is attained.’”
  • The good man made ready these conjectural answers, and went to see the invalid.
  • “How are you?” he asked. “I am at the point of death,” said he. “Thanks (to God)!” cried the deaf man. At this, the patient became resentful and indignant, 3370
  • Saying (to himself), “What (cause for) thanksgiving is this? Surely he has always been ill-disposed towards me.”—The deaf man made a conjecture, and (as now appears) it has turned out to be wrong.
  • After that, he asked him what he had drunk. “Poison,” said he. “May it do you good!” said the deaf man. His (the invalid's) wrath increased.
  • Then he inquired, “Which of the doctors is it that is coming to attend you?”
  • He replied, “Azrael (the Angel of Death) is coming. Get you gone!” “His foot (arrival),” said the deaf man, “is very blessed: be glad!”
  • The deaf man went forth. He said gaily, “Thanks (to God) that I paid my respects to him just now.” 3375
  • The invalid said, “This is my mortal foe: I did not know he was (such) a mine of iniquity.”
  • The mind of the invalid began seeking abusive terms, that he might send him a message (filled with abuse) of every description,
  • As, when any one has eaten bad (indigestible) food, it is turning his heart (stomach) until he vomits.
  • Suppression of anger is (like) this: do not vomit it, so that you may gain sweet words in recompense.
  • Since he had no patience, he was tormented. “Where,” he cried, “is this cur, this infamous cuckold, 3380
  • That I may pour upon him what he said (make a retort in his own style)?—for at that time the lion of my thought was asleep (I was too weak to contend with him).
  • Inasmuch as visiting the sick is for the purpose of (giving them) tranquillity, this is not a visit to the sick: it is the satisfaction of an enemy's wish.